* [Execution details](#execution) - Code, the container image used for [ClearML Agent](../clearml_agent.md), output destination for artifacts, and the logging level.
Both modes contain all task details. When either view is open, switch to the other mode by clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-info-min.svg"alt="Table/Full screen view"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
(**View in task table / full screen**), or clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg"alt="Bars menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> (**menu**) > **View in tasks
* Image - a pre-configured container that ClearML Agent will use to remotely execute this task (see [Building Docker containers](../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_docker.md))
* Arguments - add container arguments
* Setup shell script - a bash script to be executed inside the container before setting up the task's environment
* The output destination used for storing model checkpoints (snapshots) and artifacts (see also, [default_output_uri](../configs/clearml_conf.md#config_default_output_uri)
in the configuration file, and `output_uri` in [`Task.init`](../references/sdk/task.md#taskinit) parameters).
If environment variables were listed in the `CLEARML_LOG_ENVIRONMENT` environment variable or the [`sdk.development.log_os_environments`](../configs/clearml_conf.md#log_env_var)
These objects include those that are automatically tracked, and those connected to a Task in code (see [`Task.connect_configuration`](../references/sdk/task.md#connect_configuration)).
Artifact location is displayed in the `FILE PATH` field. To access model and other artifact files:
* **Local Files**: Use the 'copy to clipboard' action (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-copy-to-clipboard.svg"alt="Clipboard"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>)
to obtain the file path to facilitate local storage access since web applications are prohibited from accessing the local disk for security reasons.
* **Remote Files** (e.g. network-hosted artifacts with `https://`, `s3://`, etc. URIs): Use the download action (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download-json.svg"alt="Download"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>)
* Task action (e.g. status changes, project move, etc.)
* Action time
* Acting user
* Action source (i.e. ClearML Agent, SDK, or UI)
* Action source version
To download the task history as a CSV file, hover over the log and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg"alt="Download"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>.
ClearML maintains a system-wide, large but strict limit for task history items. Once the limit is reached, the oldest entries are purged to make room for fresh entries.
display efficiency. For high resolution, view a series in full screen mode by hovering over the graph and clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-maximize.svg"alt="Maximize plot icon"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>.
Scalar graphs in full screen mode do not auto-refresh. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-reset.svg"alt="Refresh"className="icon size-md space-sm medium-zoom-image"/>
Use the scalar tools to improve analysis of scalar metrics. In the info panel, click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-settings.svg"alt="Settings gear"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> to use the tools. In the full screen details view, the tools
* Show / hide plots - Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show.svg"alt="Eye Show"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> to control which
plots to display. For example, to display specific plots, click **HIDE ALL**, and then click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show.svg"alt="Eye Show"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
To embed scalar plots in your [Reports](webapp_reports.md), hover over a plot and click Embed <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg"alt="Embed code"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>,
which will copy to clipboard the embed code to put in your Reports. To quickly get the embed codes for all plots of a
specific metric, click Embed <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg"alt="Embed code"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
on the group section header (available when plots are [grouped by](#group_by) `None`).
The metric values view (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-table-view.svg"alt="Table view"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>)
shows a table summary of your metrics with a row per metric/variant:
* First - The metric/variant series' initial value
* Last - The metric/variant series' last value
* Min - The metric/variant series' minimum value
* Max - The metric/variant series' maximum value
* Mean - The metric/variant series' mean value
If all the values of a specific metric/variant are the same, the row will display a <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-equal-outline.svg"alt="Same values"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> sign.

Choose which metrics to view using one of the following out the options:
* Use the quick filter bar (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-search.svg"alt="Magnifying glass"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>)
to only show metrics/variants whose name fit a partial-string match
* Use the filter menu (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-off.svg"alt="Filter"className="icon size-md"/>) to
select which metrics to view by clicking their show/hide button (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show.svg"alt="Eye Show"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>).
Click **Hide/Show all**, to quickly hide/show all metrics.
Plots are grouped into sections by metric. To quickly get the embed codes for all plots of a specific metric, click Embed <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg"alt="Embed code"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
on the group section header.
For each metric/variant combination, the latest reported plot is displayed.
previous/next plot in the current iteration using the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous.svg"alt="Previous"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> / <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next.svg"alt="Next"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-pan.svg"alt="Pan icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | Pan around plot. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-pan.svg"alt="Pan icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/>, click the plot, and then drag. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dotted-box.svg"alt="Dotted box icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | To examine an area, draw a dotted box around it. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dotted-box.svg"alt="Dotted box icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> and then drag. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dotted-lasso.svg"alt="Dotted lasso icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | To examine an area, draw a dotted lasso around it. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dotted-lasso.svg"alt="Dotted lasso icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> and then drag. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-zoom.svg"alt="Zoom icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | Zoom into a section of a plot. Zoom in - Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-zoom.svg"alt="Zoom icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> and drag over a section of the plot. Reset to original scale - Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-reset-autoscale.svg"alt="Reset autoscale icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/>. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show-closest.svg"alt="Show closest icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/><br/><imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-compare-data.svg"alt="Compare data icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/><br/><imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-x-unified.svg"alt="X-united mode"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/>| Set data hover mode:<ul><li><imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show-closest.svg"alt="Show closest icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> Closest - Show the (X, Y) data point closest to the cursor, including horizontal and vertical axes values</li><li><imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-compare-data.svg"alt="Compare data icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> X - Show labels for points with the same x value as the cursor </li><li><imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-x-unified.svg"alt="X-united mode"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> X unified - Show a single label for the points with the same x value as the cursor</li></ul> |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-reset_1.svg"alt="Plot layout setting"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/>| Switch between original and auto-fitted plot dimensions. The original layout is the plot's user-defined dimensions. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download-json-plot.svg"alt="Download JSON icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | Download plot data as a JSON file. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-maximize.svg"alt="Maximize plot icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | Expand plot to entire window. When used with scalar graphs, full screen mode displays plots with all data points, as opposed to an averaged plot |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-reset.svg"alt="Refresh"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | Refresh scalar graphs in full screen mode to update it. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg"alt="Embed code"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/> | Copy to clipboard the resource embed code. This opens the following options: <ul><li>**Embed in External tool** (available in the ClearML Enterprise plan and Hosted Service) - Copy code to add to external tools (e.g. Notion). </li><li>**Embed in ClearML report** - Copy code to add to a [report](webapp_reports.md)</li></ul> In contrast to static screenshots, embedded resources are retrieved when the tool/report is displayed allowing your tools/reports to show the latest up-to-date data. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-orbital-rotation.svg"alt="Orbital rotation mode icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/>| Switch to orbital rotation mode - rotate the plot around its middle point. |
| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-turntable-rotation.svg"alt="Turntable rotation mode icon"className="icon size-sm space-sm"/>| Switch to turntable rotation mode - rotate the plot around its middle point while constraining one axis |
arrow keyboard shortcut). Go to the previous/next sample in the current iteration using the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous.svg"alt="Previous"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> / <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next.svg"alt="Next"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
1. Click the task **>** Hover over the tag area **>** **+ADD TAG** or <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg"alt="Bars menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> (menu)
* Add a new tag - Type the new tag name **>** **(Create New)**.
* Add an existing tag - Click a tag.
* Customize a tag's colors - Click **Tag Colors****>** Click the tag icon **>** **Background** or **Foreground****>** Pick a color **>** **OK****>** **CLOSE**.
**To remove a tag** - Hover over the tag and click **X**.