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Gluster Web Interface

Gluster client web interface for managing and using glusterfs more efficiently.


  1. glusterfs server and client(to be installed)

  2. ruby (2.2.3 or more)

  3. rails

  4. sshpass


  1. Clone this repo : git clone

  2. cd gluster-web-interface

  3. script/

  4. fix configure.conf

  5. rails s

That's it!

Navigate to http://localhost:3000

If you want access via public network, use additional module like localtunnel


In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can pitch in:

  • Report bugs or issues
  • Fix bugs and submit pull requests.
  • Write, clarify or fix documentation.
  • Refactor code.