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# Install Firecrawl on a Kubernetes Cluster (Simple Version)
# Before installing
1. Set [secret.yaml](secret.yaml) and [configmap.yaml](configmap.yaml) and do not check in secrets
- **Note**: If `REDIS_PASSWORD` is configured in the secret, please modify the ConfigMap to reflect the following format for `REDIS_URL` and `REDIS_RATE_LIMIT_URL`:
REDIS_URL: "redis://:password@host:port"
REDIS_RATE_LIMIT_URL: "redis://:password@host:port"
Replace `password`, `host`, and `port` with the appropriate values.
2. Build Docker images, and host it in your Docker Registry (replace the target registry with your own)
1. API (which is also used as a worker image)
1. ```bash
docker build --no-cache -t ../../../apps/api
docker push
2. Playwright
1. ```bash
docker build --no-cache -t ../../../apps/playwright-service
docker push
3. Replace the image in [worker.yaml](worker.yaml), [api.yaml](api.yaml) and [playwright-service.yaml](playwright-service.yaml)
## Install
kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f playwright-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f api.yaml
kubectl apply -f worker.yaml
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
# Port Forwarding for Testing
kubectl port-forward svc/api 3002:3002 -n dev
# Delete Firecrawl
kubectl delete -f configmap.yaml
kubectl delete -f secret.yaml
kubectl delete -f playwright-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f api.yaml
kubectl delete -f worker.yaml
kubectl delete -f redis.yaml