mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 05:58:47 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -2060,12 +2060,12 @@ def sqlSelect(statement: str, paramters: tuple = ()) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
# sqldb.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
# cursor = sqldb.cursor()
result = []
with sqldb:
cursor = sqldb.cursor()
result = cursor.execute(statement, paramters)
except Exception as error:
print("[WGDashboard] SQLite Error:" + str(error) + " | Statement: " + statement)
# with sqldb:
cursor = sqldb.cursor()
result = cursor.execute(statement, paramters)
except Exception as error:
print("[WGDashboard] SQLite Error:" + str(error) + " | Statement: " + statement)
return result
def sqlUpdate(statement: str, paramters: tuple = ()) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
@ -54,12 +54,21 @@ const fetchRealtimeTraffic = async () => {
}, (res) => {
let timestamp = dayjs().format("hh:mm:ss A")
if (res.data.sent !== 0 && res.data.recv !== 0){
if (historySentData.value.data.length > 0 && historyReceivedData.value.data.length > 0){
const toggleFetchRealtimeTraffic = () => {
@ -89,16 +98,17 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
fetchRealtimeTrafficInterval.value = undefined;
const peersDataUsageChartData = computed(() => {
let data = props.configurationPeers.filter(x => (x.cumu_data + x.total_data) > 0)
return {
labels: props.configurationPeers.map(x => {
labels: data.map(x => {
if (x.name) return x.name
return `Untitled Peer - ${x.id}`
datasets: [{
label: 'Total Data Usage',
data: props.configurationPeers.map(x => x.cumu_data + x.total_data),
backgroundColor: props.configurationPeers.map(x => `#ffc107`),
barThickness: 50,
data: data.map(x => x.cumu_data + x.total_data),
backgroundColor: data.map(x => `#ffc107`),
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
label: (tooltipItem) => {
@ -133,6 +143,7 @@ const peersRealtimeReceivedData = computed(() => {
data: [...historyReceivedData.value.data],
fill: false,
borderColor: '#0d6efd',
backgroundColor: '#0d6efd',
tension: 0
@ -160,7 +171,7 @@ const peersDataUsageChartOption = computed(() => {
ticks: {
callback: (val, index) => {
return `${val} GB`
return `${Math.round((val + Number.EPSILON) * 1000) / 1000} GB`
grid: {
@ -191,18 +202,17 @@ const realtimePeersChartOption = computed(() => {
display: false,
grid: {
display: false
display: true
ticks: {
callback: (val, index) => {
return `${Math.round((val + Number.EPSILON) * 1000) / 1000
} MB/s`
return `${Math.round((val + Number.EPSILON) * 1000) / 1000} MB/s`
grid: {
display: false
display: true
@ -228,9 +238,14 @@ const realtimePeersChartOption = computed(() => {
<div class="col-sm col-lg-6">
<div class="card rounded-3 bg-transparent " style="height: 270px">
<div class="card-header bg-transparent border-0"><small class="text-muted">
<LocaleText t="Real Time Received Data Usage"></LocaleText>
<div class="card-header bg-transparent border-0 d-flex align-items-center">
<small class="text-muted">
<LocaleText t="Real Time Received Data Usage"></LocaleText>
<small class="text-primary fw-bold ms-auto" v-if="historyReceivedData.data.length > 0">
{{historyReceivedData.data[historyReceivedData.data.length - 1]}} MB/s
<div class="card-body pt-1">
@ -242,14 +257,18 @@ const realtimePeersChartOption = computed(() => {
<div class="col-sm col-lg-6">
<div class="card rounded-3 bg-transparent " style="height: 270px">
<div class="card-header bg-transparent border-0"><small class="text-muted">
<LocaleText t="Real Time Sent Data Usage"></LocaleText>
<div class="card-header bg-transparent border-0 d-flex align-items-center">
<small class="text-muted">
<LocaleText t="Real Time Sent Data Usage"></LocaleText>
<small class="text-success fw-bold ms-auto" v-if="historySentData.data.length > 0">
{{historySentData.data[historySentData.data.length - 1]}} MB/s
<div class="card-body pt-1">
style="width: 100%; height: 200px; max-height: 200px"
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
<script setup>
import {defineAsyncComponent} from "vue";
import LocaleText from "@/components/text/localeText.vue";
const props = defineProps({
configurationModals: Object,
configurationModalSelectedPeer: Object
const emits = defineEmits(["refresh"])
const DeleteConfigurationModal = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@/components/configurationComponents/deleteConfiguration.vue"))
const ConfigurationBackupRestoreModal = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@/components/configurationComponents/configurationBackupRestore.vue"))
const SelectPeersModal = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@/components/configurationComponents/selectPeers.vue"))
@ -15,7 +21,14 @@ const PeerSettingsModal = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@/components/config
<Transition name="zoom">
<PeerSettingsModal v-if="configurationModals.peerSetting.modalOpen"
@close="configurationModals.peerSetting.modalOpen = false">
<style scoped>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script setup async>
import {computed, onBeforeUnmount, ref, watch} from "vue";
import {computed, defineAsyncComponent, onBeforeUnmount, ref, watch} from "vue";
import {useRoute} from "vue-router";
import {fetchGet} from "@/utilities/fetch.js";
import ProtocolBadge from "@/components/protocolBadge.vue";
@ -7,12 +7,20 @@ import LocaleText from "@/components/text/localeText.vue";
import {DashboardConfigurationStore} from "@/stores/DashboardConfigurationStore.js";
import {WireguardConfigurationsStore} from "@/stores/WireguardConfigurationsStore.js";
import PeerDataUsageCharts from "@/components/configurationComponents/peerListComponents/peerDataUsageCharts.vue";
import PeerSearch from "@/components/configurationComponents/peerSearch.vue";
import Peer from "@/components/configurationComponents/peer.vue";
import PeerListModals from "@/components/configurationComponents/peerListComponents/peerListModals.vue";
// Async Components
const PeerSearchBar = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@/components/configurationComponents/peerSearchBar.vue"))
const dashboardStore = DashboardConfigurationStore()
const wireguardConfigurationStore = WireguardConfigurationsStore()
const route = useRoute()
const configurationInfo = ref({})
const configurationPeers = ref([])
const configurationToggling = ref(false)
const configurationModalSelectedPeer = ref("")
const configurationModals = ref({
peerSetting: {
modalOpen: false,
@ -54,6 +62,7 @@ const configurationModals = ref({
modalOpen: false
const peerSearchBar = ref(false)
// Fetch Peer =====================================
const fetchPeerList = async () => {
@ -130,10 +139,46 @@ const configurationSummary = computed(() => {
.map(x => x.total_sent + x.cumu_sent).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0).toFixed(4) : 0
const showPeersCount = ref(10)
const searchPeers = computed(() => {
const result = wireguardConfigurationStore.searchString ?
configurationPeers.value.filter(x => {
return x.name.includes(wireguardConfigurationStore.searchString) ||
x.id.includes(wireguardConfigurationStore.searchString) ||
}) : configurationPeers.value;
if (dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort === "restricted"){
return result.sort((a, b) => {
if ( a[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort]
< b[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort] ){
return 1;
if ( a[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort]
> b[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort]){
return -1;
return 0;
}).slice(0, showPeersCount.value);
return result.sort((a, b) => {
if ( a[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort]
< b[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort] ){
return -1;
if ( a[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort]
> b[dashboardStore.Configuration.Server.dashboard_sort]){
return 1;
return 0;
}).slice(0, showPeersCount.value)
<div class="container-md" >
<div class="container-fluid" >
<div class="d-flex align-items-sm-center flex-column flex-sm-row gap-3">
<div class="text-muted d-flex align-items-center gap-2">
@ -279,6 +324,40 @@ const configurationSummary = computed(() => {
<div style="margin-bottom: 80px">
@search="peerSearchBar = true"
@jobsAll="configurationModals.peerScheduleJobsAll.modalOpen = true"
@jobLogs="configurationModals.peerScheduleJobsLogs.modalOpen = true"
@editConfiguration="configurationModals.editConfiguration.modalOpen = true"
@selectPeers="configurationModals.selectPeers.modalOpen = true"
@backupRestore="configurationModals.backupRestore.modalOpen = true"
@deleteConfiguration="configurationModals.deleteConfiguration.modalOpen = true"
<TransitionGroup name="peerList" tag="div" class="row gx-2 gy-2 z-0 position-relative">
<div class="col-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-4"
v-for="peer in searchPeers">
<Peer :Peer="peer"
@share="configurationModals.peerShare.selectedPeer = peer.id; this.peerShare.modalOpen = true;"
@jobs="configurationModals.peerScheduleJobs.modalOpen = true; configurationModals.peerScheduleJobs.selectedPeer = this.configurationPeers.find(x => x.id === peer.id)"
@setting="configurationModals.peerSetting.modalOpen = true; configurationModalSelectedPeer = peer"
@qrcode="(file) => {configurationModals.peerQRCode.peerConfigData = file; configurationModals.peerQRCode.modalOpen = true;}"
@configurationFile="(file) => {configurationModals.peerConfigurationFile.peerConfigData = file; configurationModals.peerConfigurationFile.modalOpen = true;}"
<Transition name="slideUp">
<PeerSearchBar @close="peerSearchBar = false" v-if="peerSearchBar"></PeerSearchBar>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user