In Hexabot, we define a subscriber as then end-user who will ultimately interact with the chatbot. The Subscriber Management features allow you to effectively track, organize, and interact with the users who engage with your chatbot. This guide will walk you through the process of managing your subscriber base, segmenting them using labels, and leveraging subscriber data for improved communication and targeted interactions.
* **Label Management:** Hexabot's label management system allows you to categorize and segment your subscribers based on their interests, behaviors, or other characteristics.
* **Create Labels:**
* Click on the "Add" button in the "Labels" section to create a new label. You'll be presented with a dialog where you can:
* **Title (Required):** Enter a descriptive title for the label (e.g., "Interested in Products," "Needs Customer Support," "Active Users").
* **Name:** a unique name for the label generated based on the provided title (e.g., "product\_interest", "need\_support", "active\_users").
* **Description (Optional):** Provide a more detailed description of the label (e.g., "Users who have expressed interest in specific products," "Users who have requested customer support," "Users who have interacted with the chatbot in the last 30 days").
* **Submit:** Click on the "SUBMIT" button to save the new label.
**Using Labels for Targeted Communication:**
* **Conversation Flows:** Create different conversation flows for subscribers who belong to specific labels.
* **Promotional Messages:** Send targeted promotional messages based on subscriber labels.
* **Personalized Responses:** Use labels to provide more personalized responses to users based on their interests or behaviors.