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TRAINS Usage Examples
TRAINS includes usage examples for the Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow deep learning frameworks, as well as custom examples. You can run these examples and view their results on the TRAINS Web-App.
The examples are described below, including a link for the source code and expected results for each run.
Viewing experiment results
In order to view an experiment's results (or other details) you can either:
- Open the TRAINS Web-App in your browser and login.
- On the Home page, in the recent project section, click the card for the project containing the experiment (example experiments can be found under the examples project card).
- In the Experiments tab, click your experiment. The details panel slides open.
- Choose the experiment details by clicking one of the information tabs.
- While running the experiment, a direct link for a dedicated results page is printed.
Keras Examples
Keras with TensorBoard - MNIST Training
keras_tensorboard.py is an example of training a simple deep NN on the MNIST DataSet.
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- Input model weights, if executed for the second time (loaded from the previous checkpoint)
- Input model’s creator experiment (a link to the experiment details in the EXPERIMENTS page)
- Output model + Configuration
- SCALARS: Accuracy/loss scalar metric graphs
- PLOTS: Convolution weights histograms
- LOG: Console standard output/error
Pytorch Examples
PyTorch - MNIST Training
pytorch_mnist.py is an example of PyTorch MNIST training integration.
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- Input model weights, if executed for the second time (loaded from the previous checkpoint)
- Input model’s creator experiment (a link to the experiment details in the EXPERIMENTS page)
- Output model (a link to the output model details in the MODELS page)
- LOG: Console standard output/error
PyTorch and Matplotlib - Testing Style Transfer
pytorch_matplotlib.py is an example of connecting the neural style transfer from the official PyTorch tutorial to TRAINS. Neural-Style, or Neural-Transfer, allows you to take an image and reproduce it with a new artistic style. The algorithm takes three images (an input image, a content-image, and a style-image) and change the input to resemble the content of the content-image and the artistic style of the style-image.
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- Input model (a link to the input model details in the MODELS page)
- Output model (a link to the output model details in the MODELS page)
- DEBUG IMAGES: Input image, input style images, an output transferred style image
- LOG: Console standard output/error
PyTorch with Tensorboard - MNIST Train
pytorch_tensorboard.py is an example of PyTorch MNIST training running with Tensorboard
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- Input model, if executed for the second time (a link to the input model details in the MODELS page)
- Input model’s creator experiment (a link to the experiment details in the EXPERIMENTS page)
- Output model (a link to the output model details in the MODELS page)
- SCALARS: Train and test loss scalars
- LOG: Console standard output/error
PyTorch with tensorboardX
pytorch_tensorboardX.py is an example of PyTorch MNIST training running with tensorboardX
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- Input model, if executed for the second time (a link to the input model details in the MODELS page)
- Input model’s creator experiment (a link to the experiment details in the EXPERIMENTS page)
- Output model (a link to the output model details in the MODELS page)
- SCALARS: Train and test loss scalars
- LOG: Console standard output/error
TensorFlow Examples
TensorBoard with TensorFlow (without Training)
tensorboard_toy.py is a toy example of TensorBoard.
View Example Output
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- SCALARS: Random variable samples scalars
- PLOTS: Random variable samples histograms
- DEBUG IMAGES: Test images
- LOG: Console standard output/error
TensorFlow in Eager Mode
tensorflow_eager.py is an example of running Tensorflow in eager mode
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- SCALARS: Generator and discriminator loss
- DEBUG IMAGES: Generated images
- LOG: Console standard output/error
TensorBoard Plugin - Precision Recall Curves
tensorboard_pr_curve.py is an example of TensorBoard precision recall curves
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Command line arguments
- PLOTS: Precision recall curves
- DEBUG IMAGES: Generated images
- LOG: Console standard output/error
Tensorflow Flags / absl
Toy Tensorflow FLAGS logging with absl
absl_example.py is an example of toy Tensorflow FLAGS logging with absl package (absl-py)
Relevant outputs
- HYPER PARAMETERS: Tensorflow flags (with 'TF_DEFINE/' prefix)
- LOG: Console standard output/error