2019-12-19 18:27:16 +02:00

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trains-server FAQ

Launching trains-server




Launching trains-server

How do I launch trains-server on stand alone Linux Ubuntu systems?

To launch trains-server on a stand alone Linux Ubuntu:

  1. Install docker for Ubuntu.

  2. Install docker-compose using the following commands (for more detailed information, see the Install Docker Compose in the Docker documentation):

     sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
     sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  3. Remove the previous installation of trains-server.

    WARNING: This clears all existing TRAINS databases.

     sudo rm -R /opt/trains/
  4. Create local directories for the databases and storage.

     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/elastic
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/mongo/db
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/mongo/configdb
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/logs
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/config
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/fileserver
     sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/trains
  5. Clone the trains-server repository and change directories to the new trains-server directory.

     git clone
     cd trains-server
  6. Run docker-compose

     /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

    Your server is now running on http://localhost:8080

How do I launch trains-server on Mac OS X?

To launch trains-server on Mac OS X:

  1. Install docker for OS X.

  2. Configure Docker.

     screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
     sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
  3. Create local directories for the databases and storage.

     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/elastic
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/mongo/db
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/mongo/configdb
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/redis
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/logs
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/config
     sudo mkdir -p /opt/trains/data/fileserver
     sudo chown -R $(whoami):staff /opt/trains
  4. Open the Docker app, select Preferences, and then on the File Sharing tab, add /opt/trains.

  5. Clone the trains-server repository and change directories to the new trains-server directory.

     git clone
     cd trains-server
  6. Run docker-compose with the unified docker image.

     docker-compose -f docker-compose-unified.yml up

    Your server is now running on http://localhost:8080

How do I launch trains-server on Windows 10?

You can run trains-server on Windows 10 using Docker Desktop for Windows (see the Docker System Requirements).

To launch trains-server on Windows 10:

  1. Install the Docker Desktop for Windows application by either:

  2. Increase the memory allocation in Docker Desktop to 4GB.

    1. In your Windows notification area (system tray), right click the Docker icon.

    2. Click Settings, Advanced, and then set the memory to at least 4096.

    3. Click Apply.

  3. Create local directories for data and logs. Open PowerShell and execute the following commands:

     cd c:
     mkdir c:\opt\trains\data
     mkdir c:\opt\trains\logs
  4. Download the trains-server docker-compose YAML file docker-compose-win10.yml as c:\opt\trains\docker-compose.yml.

  5. Run docker-compose. In PowerShell, execute the following commands:

     docker-compose -f up docker-compose-win10.yml

    Your server is now running on http://localhost:8080

How do I restart trains-server?

Restart trains-server by first stopping the Docker containers and then restarting them.

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -f docker-compose-unified.yml

Note: If you are using a different docker-compose YAML file, specify that file.


Can I deploy trains-server on Kubernetes clusters?

trains-server supports Kubernetes. See trains-server-k8s which contains the YAML files describing the required services and detailed instructions for deploying trains-server to a Kubernetes clusters.

Can I create a Helm Chart for trains-server Kubernetes deployment?

trains-server supports creating a Helm chart for Kubernetes deployment. See trains-server-helm which you can use to create a Helm chart for trains-server and contains detailed instructions for deploying trains-server to a Kubernetes clusters using Helm.


How do I configure trains-server for sub-domains and load balancers?

You can configure trains-server for sub-domains and a load balancer.

For example, if your domain is and your sub-domains are app and api, then do the following:

  1. If you are not using the current trains-server version, upgrade trains-server.

  2. Add the following to /opt/trains/config/apiserver.conf:

     auth {
       cookies {
         httponly: true
         secure: true
         domain: ""
         max_age: 99999999999
  3. Use the following load balancer configuration:

    • Listeners:
      • Optional: HTTP listener, that redirects all traffic to HTTPS.
      • HTTPS listener for app. forwarded to AppTargetGroup
      • HTTPS listener for api. forwarded to ApiTargetGroup
      • HTTPS listener for files. forwarded to FilesTargetGroup
    • Target groups:
      • AppTargetGroup: HTTP based target group, port 8080
      • ApiTargetGroup: HTTP based target group, port 8008
      • FilesTargetGroup: HTTP based target group, port 8081
    • Security and routing:
      • Load balancer: make sure the load balancers are able to receive traffic from the relevant IP addresses (Security groups and Subnets definitions).
      • Instances: make sure the load balancers are able to access the instances, using the relevant ports (Security groups definitions).
  4. Run the Docker containers with our updated docker run commands (see Launching Docker Containers).

Can I add web login authentication to trains-server?

By default, anyone can login to the trains-server Web-App. You can configure the trains-server to allow only a specific set of users to access the system.

To add web login authentication to trains-server:

  1. If you are not using the current trains-server version, then upgrade.

  2. In /opt/trains/config/apiserver.conf, add the auth section and in it specify the users, for example:

    Note: A sample apiserver.conf configuration file is also available here.

     auth {
         # Fixed users login credentials
         # No other user will be able to login
         fixed_users {
             enabled: true
             users: [
                     username: "jane"
                     password: "12345678"
                     name: "Jane Doe"
                     username: "john"
                     password: "12345678"
                     name: "John Doe"
  3. Restart trains-server (see the Restarting trains-server FAQ).

Can I modify the experiment watchdog settings?

The non-responsive experiment watchdog monitors experiments that were not updated for a specified period of time and marks them as aborted. The watchdog is always active.

You can modify the following settings for the watchdog:

  • the time threshold (in seconds) of experiment inactivity (default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours))
  • the time interval (in seconds) between watchdog cycles

To change the watchdog's settings:

  1. In /opt/trains/config, add the services.conf file and in it specify the watchdog settings, for example:

    Note: A sample watchdog services.conf configuration file is also available here.

     tasks {
         non_responsive_tasks_watchdog {
             # In-progress tasks that haven't been updated for at least 'value' seconds will be stopped by the watchdog
             threshold_sec: 7200
             # Watchdog will sleep for this number of seconds after each cycle
             watch_interval_sec: 900
  2. Restart trains-server (see the Restarting trains-server FAQ).


How do I fix Docker upgrade errors?

To resolve the Docker error "... The container name "/trains-???" is already in use by ...", try removing deprecated images:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

Why is web login authentication not working?

A port conflict between the trains-server MongoDB and / or Elastic instances, and other instances running on your system may prevent web login authentication from working correctly.

trains-server uses the following default ports which may be in conflict with other instances:

  • MongoDB port 27017
  • Elastic port 9200

You can check for port conflicts in the logs in /opt/trains/log.

If a port conflict occurs, change the MongoDB and / or Elastic ports in the docker-compose-unified.yml, and then run the Docker compose commands to restart the trains-server instance.

To change the MongoDB and / or Elastic ports for trains-server:

  1. Edit the docker-compose-unified.yml file.

  2. In the services/trainsserver/environment section, add the following environment variable(s):

    • For MongoDB:

        MONGODB_SERVICE_PORT: <new-mongodb-port>
    • For Elastic:

        ELASTIC_SERVICE_PORT: <new-elasticsearch-port> 

    For example:

  3. For MongoDB, in the services/mongo/ports section, expose the new MongoDB port:


    For example:

  4. For Elastic, in the services/elasticsearch/ports section, expose the new Elastic port:


    For example:

  5. Restart trains-server (see the Restarting trains-server FAQ).