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Streamlit Launcher

:::info Enterprise Feature The Streamlit Launcher App is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan. :::

Streamlit is a framework for creating visual web interfaces for your models. The ClearML Streamlit launcher application spins up a Streamlit execution environment and serves your Streamlit app on a machine of your choice. Once you start a Streamlit launcher instance, you will be provided with an externally accessible link to your Streamlit app, where you can make use of your models.

The Streamlit launcher monitors the Streamlit app activity and shuts down if it is inactive for a specified maximum idle time.

:::important AI Application Gateway The Streamlit Launcher relies on the ClearML Traffic Router which implements user authentication, and redirects requests to the IP/port served by the Streamlit app.

If the ClearML AI application Gateway is not available, the Streamlit app might not be accessible. For more information, see AI Application Gateway. :::

Once you start a Streamlit launcher instance, you can view the following information in its dashboard:

  • Streamlit App status indicator
    • Active server - App is running and is actively in use
    • Loading server - App is setting up
    • Idle server - App is idle
    • Stopped server - App is stopped
  • Idle time
  • Streamlit App - Externally accessible link to your Streamlit app. You can send this link to your colleagues, so they can access the app. Click Copy to copy link
  • Streamlit Git repo - Repository that holds the Streamlit app script
  • Live preview of the Streamlit app
  • Console Log - The console log shows the launcher instance's activity, including server setup progress, server status changes

Streamlit Launcher Instance Configuration

When configuring a new Streamlit launcher instance, you can fill in the required parameters or reuse the configuration of a previously launched instance.

Launch an app instance with the configuration of a previously launched instance using one of the following options:

  • Cloning a previously launched app instance will open the instance launch form with the original instance's configuration prefilled.
  • Importing an app configuration file. You can export the configuration of a previously launched instance as a JSON file when viewing its configuration.

The prefilled instance launch form can be edited before starting the new app instance.

To configure a new app instance, click Launch New Add new to open the app's instance launch form.

Configuration Options

  • Import Configuration - Import an app instance configuration file. This will fill the instance launch form with the values from the file, which can be modified before launching the app instance
  • Streamlit Instance Name - Name for the Streamlit launcher instance. This will appear in the instance list
  • Project name - Project where your Streamlit launcher app instance task will be stored
  • Task name - Name of task for your Streamlit launcher app instance
  • Git Repository - Git repository containing the Streamlit script
  • Git Branch - Git branch containing the Streamlit script
  • Streamlit Script Name - Name of Streamlit script to be executed
  • Queue - The ClearML Queue to which the Streamlit launcher app instance task will be enqueued (make sure an agent is assigned to that queue)
  • Docker Image - Docker image the ClearML Agent will use for running the Streamlit app
  • Arguments - Arguments to be passed to the script
  • Idle Time Limit (Hours) - Maximum idle time (Period in which no requests are received by the Streamlit app) after which the Streamlit app and the launcher instance will shut down.
  • Export Configuration - Export the app instance configuration as a JSON file, which you can later import to create a new instance with the same configuration