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title: Version 1.12
### ClearML SDK 1.12.2
**New Features and Improvements**
* Add `always_create_from_code` argument to `PipelineController` (default `True`) to allow remote execution to create
the Pipeline DAG at runtime (as opposed to adhering to the existing structure stored on the task when running locally)
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix using `OutputModel` reporting and other methods fail if `OutputModel.update_weights()` is not called before that [ClearML GitHub issue #1078](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1078)
* Fix hash for Pandas objects artifacts
* Fix Hydra/OmegaConf `--overrides` support
* Fix Pipeline metrics not forwarded to pipeline controller at the end of a pipeline step
### ClearML Server 1.12.1
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix UI experiment scalars and plots not updated on auto-refresh [ClearML GitHub issue #1086](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1086)
* Fix pipeline parameters not displayed in UI pipeline "New Run" modal
* Fix UI pipeline project cards display incorrect pipeline run counts
### ClearML SDK 1.12.1
**New Features and Improvements**
* Raise error if dataset name is empty [ClearML GitHub PR #1083](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/pull/1083)
* Add support for `spawn` start method for Python `multiprocess`. This should help circumvent issues like [this](https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/84559).
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix S3 uploads fail with `LazyEvalWrapper` type error [ClearML GitHub issue #1081](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1081)
### ClearML Server 1.12.0
**New Features and Improvements**
* Additional UI cloud storage access options:
* Support for AWS S3 temporary access tokens [ClearML GitHub issue #200](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/200) and [ClearML Web GitHub issue #52](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-web/issues/52)
* Support credentials for private GCS buckets
* Add multiple smoothing algorithms to UI scalar plots [ClearML GitHub issue #996](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/996)
* Running average
* Exponential running average
* Gaussian
* Add exporting UI object table data in CSV format [ClearML GitHub issue #882](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/882)
* Increase console log page size [ClearML Web GitHub PR #58](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-web/pull/58)
* Add Python executable to UI experiment execution tab
* Improve naming scheme for UI plots download as PNG: files are saved with same name as plot object
* Add keyboard arrow-key controls for UI "Add tag" menu
* Add full screen mode to UI model details
* Add zoom functionality to UI experiment overview metric snapshot display
* Improve UI task type icons for easier distinction
* Add iteration specification to plots in task comparison plots page
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix handling of the subpaths with nginx templating [ClearML Server GitHub PR #204](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/pull/204)
* Fix fullscreen single-iteration plot displays history slider [ClearML GitHub issue #909](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/909)
* Fix UI new project modal does not accept Azure URLs for default output destination field [ClearML GitHub issue #1047](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1047)
* Fix missing "Description" column in UI dataset version table
* Fix UI scalar plots notation for small and large scale values
* Fix UI experiment comparison does not display experiments' last reported iterations
* Fix double click in UI object table does not open object details page
* Fix UI Redacted Arguments allows adding whitespace-only strings
* Fix "Clear all filters" button not working
* Fix new tags not displayed in UI table tag filters
* Fix long named tag can't be removed from UI experiment
* Fix UI table searches return incorrect results when new table filters are applied
* Fix UI experiment table "All matching filter" selection does not work with custom HyperParameter filter
* Improve UI comparison pages item selection modal:
* Fix non-persistent filters
* Fix user filter does not display all users
* Fix project filter doesn't display selected projects on top
* Fix empty "User" filter in experiment
* Fix plots merged inappropriately instead of being displayed side-by-side
* Fix missing legend in scatter plots
* Fix missing plots when the compared experiments have more than 500 plots cumulatively
* Fix UI experiment line plot comparison:
* Fix changing single line color changes color of multiple lines in plot
* Fix hiding single line hides multiple lines in plots
* Fix compared plots incorrectly display same name
* Fix UI objects can be renamed with blank spaces
* Fix hidden UI graph reappears in plot when smoothing values are changed
* Fix missing search bar in UI pipelines "New Run" modal's "Execution Queue" field
* Fix "Restore from archive" button not displayed in context menu of UI Model archive table
* Fix "All" tag filter not working in UI object tables
* Fix UI allows adding empty tags
* Fix resetting pairs of experiments in UI freezes screen
* Fix missing tag list in "Add Tag" action in UI table action bar
* Fix UI report shareable link copied from report page opens to page with error
* Fix UI pages not loading after updating project overview
* Fix missing download button in UI experiment video debug samples
* Fix UI embedded resources for experiment comparison table plots display incomplete information
* Fix UI table action bar displayed when no objects are selected
* Fix UI project search bar results do not include sub-projects
* Fix error when removing deleted task from UI queue
* Fix UI report remains in root project after it is moved to another project
* Fix missing filter button in UI models table "Updated" column
* Fix UI experiment comparison hyperparameter parallel coordinate plot metric and parameter selections do not persist on refresh
* Fix UI generated resource embed codes do not maintain plot's x-axis units
* Fix long model names obscure model page menu
* Fix some model details missing in UI experiment artifacts
### ClearML SDK 1.12.0
As a result of fixing [issue #1051](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1051) and similar issues with retrieving
task data/models/artifacts/samples stored in GCS, we introduced some breaking changes. To access resources registered to
GCS from ClearML SDK versions 1.11.0 to 1.11.1, see
the instructions [here](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/tree/master/docs/errata_breaking_change_gcs_sdk_1_11_x.md).
**New Features and Improvements**
* Add `include_archive` parameter to `Dataset.list_datasets()`: include archived datasets in list [ClearML GitHub issue #1067](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1067)
* Add support to specify the multipart chunk size and threshold using the `aws.boto3.multipart_chunksize` and
`aws.boto3.multipart_threshold` configuration options in the clearml.conf [ClearML GitHub issue #1058](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1058)
* Add `PipelineController.get_pipeline()` for retrieving previously run pipelines.
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix AWS driver issues: [ClearML GitHub PR #1000](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/pull/1000)
* Fix credential authentication failure when attempting to use token
* Fix instantiation within VPC without AvailabilityZones
* Fix `continue_last_task=0` is ignored in pipelines run with `retry_on_failure` [ClearML GitHub issue #1054](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1054)
* Fix `Task.connect_configuration()` doesn't handle dictionaries with special characters
* Fix pipeline steps created with `PipelineDecorator` aren't cached
* Fix `Task.get_by_name()` doesn't return the most recent task when multiple tasks have same name
* Fix Boto3 certificate verification ignores custom self-signed certificates