2025-03-02 11:54:05 +02:00

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Tracking Tasks and Visualizing Results

While a task is running, and any time after it finishes, track it and visualize the results in the ClearML Web UI, including:

  • Execution details - Code, the container image used for ClearML Agent, output destination for artifacts, and the logging level.
  • Configuration - Hyperparameters, user properties, and configuration objects.
  • Artifacts - Input model, output model, model snapshot locations, other artifacts.
  • Info - Extended task information, such as the start, create, and last update times and dates, user creating the task, and its description.
  • Console - stdout, stderr, output to the console from libraries, and ClearML explicit reporting.
  • Scalars - Metric plots.
  • Plots - Other plots and data, for example: Matplotlib, Plotly, and ClearML explicit reporting.
  • Debug samples - Images, audio, video, and HTML.

Viewing Modes

The ClearML Web UI provides two viewing modes for task details:

Both modes contain all task details. When either view is open, switch to the other mode by clicking Table/Full screen view (View in task table / full screen), or clicking Bars menu (menu) > View in tasks table / full screen.

Info Panel

The info panel keeps the task table in view so that task actions can be performed from the table (as well as the menu in the info panel).

Info panel Info panel

Click Compressed view to hide details in the task table, so only the task names and statuses are displayed

Compressed info panel Compressed info panel

Full Screen Details View

The full screen details view allows for easier viewing and working with task tracking and results. The task table is not visible when the full screen details view is open. Perform task actions from the menu.

Full screen view Full screen view


A task's EXECUTION tab of lists the following:

  • Source code
  • Uncommitted changes
  • Installed Python packages
  • Container details
  • Output details

In full-screen mode, the source code and output details are grouped in the DETAILS section.

Source Code

The Source Code section of a task's EXECUTION tab includes:

  • The task's repository
  • Commit ID
  • Script path
  • Working directory
  • Binary (Python executable)

Source code section Source code section

Uncommitted Changes

ClearML displays the git diff of the task in the Uncommitted Changes section.

Uncommitted changes section Uncommitted changes section

Python Packages

The Python Packages section lists the task's installed Python packages and their versions.

Python packages section Python packages section

When a ClearML agent executing a task ends up using a different set of Python packages than was originally specified, both the original specification (original pip or original conda), and the packages the agent ended up using to set up an environment (pip or conda) are available. Select which requirements to view in the dropdown menu.

Packages used by agent Packages used by agent


The Container section list the following information:

  • Image - a pre-configured container that ClearML Agent will use to remotely execute this task (see Building Task Execution Environments in a Container)
  • Arguments - add container arguments
  • Setup shell script - a bash script to be executed inside the container before setting up the task's environment

:::important To rerun a task through the UI in the listed container, the ClearML Agent executing the task must be running in Docker mode:

clearml-agent daemon --queue <execution_queue_to_pull_from> --docker [optional default docker image to use]

For more information, see Docker Mode. :::

Container section Container section


The Output details include:

  • The output destination used for storing model checkpoints (snapshots) and artifacts (see also, default_output_uri in the configuration file, and output_uri in Task.init parameters).

Execution details section Execution details section


All parameters and configuration objects appear in the CONFIGURATION tab.


Hyperparameters are grouped by their type and appear in CONFIGURATION > HYPERPARAMETERS. Once a task is run and stored in ClearML Server, any of these hyperparameters can be modified.

Command Line Arguments

The Args group shows automatically logged argument parser parameters (e.g. argparse, click, hydra). Hover over Description (menu) on a parameter's line, and the type, description, and default value appear, if they were provided.

Command line arguments configuration group Command line arguments configuration group

Environment Variables

If environment variables were listed in the CLEARML_LOG_ENVIRONMENT environment variable or the sdk.development.log_os_environments field of the clearml.conf file, the Environment group displays the listed environment variables (see this FAQ).

:::note The CLEARML_LOG_ENVIRONMENT variable always overrides the clearml.conf file. :::

Environment variables configuration group Environment variables configuration group

Custom Parameter Groups

Custom parameter groups show parameter dictionaries if the parameters were connected to the Task, using Task.connect() with a name argument provided. General is the default section if a name is not provided.

Custom parameters group Custom parameters group

TensorFlow Definitions

The TF_DEFINE parameter group shows automatic TensorFlow logging.

TF_DEFINE parameter group TF_DEFINE parameter group

User Properties

User properties allow to store any descriptive information in a key-value pair format. They are editable in any task, except Published ones (read-only).

User properties section User properties section

Configuration Objects

ClearML tracks a task's model configuration objects, which appear in Configuration Objects > General. These objects include those that are automatically tracked, and those connected to a Task in code (see Task.connect_configuration).

Configuration objects Configuration objects

ClearML supports providing a name for a Task model configuration object (see the name parameter in Task.connect_configuration).

Custom configuration objects Custom configuration objects


Task artifacts, including models, appear in the ARTIFACTS tab.

Each non-model artifact entry displays:

  • File path
  • File size
  • Hash
  • Metadata (if set)

Artifact location is displayed in the FILE PATH field. To access model and other artifact files:

  • Local Files: Use the 'copy to clipboard' action (Clipboard) to obtain the file path to facilitate local storage access since web applications are prohibited from accessing the local disk for security reasons.
  • Remote Files (e.g. network-hosted artifacts with https://, s3://, etc. URIs): Use the download action (Download) to retrieve the file.

Other artifacts section Other artifacts section


The task's input and output models appear in the ARTIFACTS tab. Each model entry shows:

  • Model name
  • ID
  • Configuration.

Input models also display their creating task, which on-click navigates you to the task's page.

Models in Artifacts tab Models in Artifacts tab

To view more model details, including design, label enumeration, and general information, click the model name to navigate to its page in the MODELS tab (see Model Details).


The INFO tab shows extended task information:

Latest Events Log

:::info Hosted Service and Enterprise Feature The latest events log is available only on the ClearML Hosted Service and under the ClearML Enterprise plan. :::

The INFO tab includes a detailed history of task activity:

  • Task action (e.g. status changes, project move, etc.)
  • Action time
  • Acting user
  • Action source (i.e. ClearML Agent, SDK, or UI)
  • Action source version

To download the task history as a CSV file, hover over the log and click Download.

Task audit log Task audit log

:::note Limited persistency ClearML maintains a system-wide, large but strict limit for task history items. Once the limit is reached, the oldest entries are purged to make room for fresh entries. :::


Add descriptive text to the task in the Description section. To modify the description, hover over the description box and click Edit.

Task Details

The Task Details section lists information describing the task:

  • The parent task
  • Project name
  • Creation, start, and last update dates and times
  • User who created the task
  • Task state (status)
  • Whether the task is archived
  • Runtime properties - Information about the machine running the task:
    • Operating system
    • CUDA driver version
    • Number of CPU cores
    • Number of GPUs
    • CPU / GPU type
    • Memory size
    • Host name
    • Processor
    • Python version
  • Task Progress

Info tab Info tab

Task Results

:::tip Embedding ClearML Visualization You can embed task plots and debug samples into ClearML Reports. These visualizations are updated live as the task(s) updates. The Enterprise Plan and Hosted Service support embedding resources in external tools (e.g. Notion). See Plot Controls.


The complete task log containing everything printed to stdout and stderr appears in the CONSOLE tab. The full log is downloadable. To view the end of the log, click Jump to end.

Console tab Console tab


All scalars that ClearML automatically logs, as well as those explicitly reported in code, appear in SCALARS.

Scalar series can be displayed in graph view (default) or in metric values view:

Graph View

Scalar graph view (Graph view) shows scalar series plotted as a time series line chart. By default, a single plot is shown for each scalar metric, with all variants overlaid within.

The series are sub-sampled for display efficiency. For high resolution, view a series in full screen mode by hovering over the graph and clicking Maximize plot icon.

:::info Full Screen Refresh Scalar graphs in full screen mode do not auto-refresh. Click Refresh to update the graph. :::

Single value scalars (see Logger.report_single_value) are shown in a Summary table.

Single value scalar plot Single value scalar plot

Scalar Plot Tools

Use the scalar tools to improve analysis of scalar metrics. In the info panel, click Settings gear to use the tools. In the full screen details view, the tools are on the left side of the window. The tools include:

To embed scalar plots in your Reports, hover over a plot and click Embed Embed code, which will copy to clipboard the embed code to put in your Reports. To quickly get the embed codes for all plots of a specific metric, click Embed Embed code on the group section header (available when plots are grouped by None).

Embed metric group Embed metric group

In contrast to static screenshots, embedded resources are retrieved when the report is displayed allowing your reports to show the latest up-to-date data.

See additional plot controls below.

Metric Values View

The metric values view (Table view) shows a table summary of your metrics with a row per metric/variant:

  • First - The metric/variant series' initial value
  • Last - The metric/variant series' last value
  • Min - The metric/variant series' minimum value
  • Max - The metric/variant series' maximum value
  • Mean - The metric/variant series' mean value

If all the values of a specific metric/variant are the same, the row will display a Same values sign.

Plots tab Plots tab

Choose which metrics to view using one of the following out the options:

  • Use the quick filter bar (Magnifying glass) to only show metrics/variants whose name fit a partial-string match
  • Use the filter menu (Filter) to select which metrics to view by clicking their show/hide button (Eye Show). Click Hide/Show all, to quickly hide/show all metrics.


Non-time-series plots appear in PLOTS. These include data generated by libraries, visualization tools, and explicitly reported using the ClearML Logger. These may include 2D and 3D plots, tables (Pandas and CSV files), and Plotly plots. Individual plots can be shown / hidden or filtered by title.

Plots tab Plots tab

Plots are grouped into sections by metric. To quickly get the embed codes for all plots of a specific metric, click Embed Embed code on the group section header.

For each metric/variant combination, the latest reported plot is displayed.

When viewing a plot in full screen (Maximize plot icon), older iterations are available through the iteration slider (or using the up/down arrow keyboard shortcut). Go to the previous/next plot in the current iteration using the Previous / Next buttons (or using the left/right arrow keyboard shortcut).

Plots maximize tab Plots maximize tab

Plot Controls

The table below lists the plot controls which may be available for any plot (in the SCALARS and PLOTS tabs). These controls allow you to better analyze the results. Hover over a plot, and the controls appear.

Icon Description
Download PNG icon Download plots as PNG files.
Pan icon Pan around plot. Click Pan icon, click the plot, and then drag.
Dotted box icon To examine an area, draw a dotted box around it. Click Dotted box icon and then drag.
Dotted lasso icon To examine an area, draw a dotted lasso around it. Click Dotted lasso icon and then drag.
Zoom icon Zoom into a section of a plot. Zoom in - Click Zoom icon and drag over a section of the plot. Reset to original scale - Click Reset autoscale icon.
Zoom-in icon Zoom in.
Zoom-out icon Zoom out.
Reset autoscale icon Reset to autoscale after zooming (Zoom icon, Zoom-in icon, or Zoom-out icon).
Reset axes icon Reset axes after a zoom.
Spike lines icon Show / hide spike lines.
Show closest icon
Compare data icon
X-united mode
Set data hover mode:
  • Show closest icon Closest - Show the (X, Y) data point closest to the cursor, including horizontal and vertical axes values
  • Compare data icon X - Show labels for points with the same x value as the cursor
  • X-united mode X unified - Show a single label for the points with the same x value as the cursor
Logarithmic view icon Switch to logarithmic view.
Graph legend icon Hide / show the legend.
Plot layout setting Switch between original and auto-fitted plot dimensions. The original layout is the plot's user-defined dimensions.
Download JSON icon Download plot data as a JSON file.
Download CSV icon Download table plot data as a CSV file.
Maximize plot icon Expand plot to entire window. When used with scalar graphs, full screen mode displays plots with all data points, as opposed to an averaged plot
Refresh Refresh scalar graphs in full screen mode to update it.
Embed code Copy to clipboard the resource embed code. This opens the following options:
  • Embed in External tool (available in the ClearML Enterprise plan and Hosted Service) - Copy code to add to external tools (e.g. Notion).
  • Embed in ClearML report - Copy code to add to a report
In contrast to static screenshots, embedded resources are retrieved when the tool/report is displayed allowing your tools/reports to show the latest up-to-date data.

3D Plot Controls

Icon Description
Orbital rotation mode icon Switch to orbital rotation mode - rotate the plot around its middle point.
Turntable rotation mode icon Switch to turntable rotation mode - rotate the plot around its middle point while constraining one axis
reset axes icon Reset axes to default position.

Debug Samples

Task outputs such as images, audio, and videos appear in DEBUG SAMPLES. These include data generated by libraries and visualization tools, and explicitly reported using the ClearML Logger.

You can view debug samples by metric in the reported iterations. Filter the samples by metric by selecting a metric from the dropdown menu above the samples. The most recent iteration appears first.

Debug Samples tab Debug Samples tab

For each metric, the latest reported debug sample is displayed.

Click a sample to view it in full screen. If the sample is video or audio, the full screen mode includes a player.

When viewing a sample in full screen, older iterations are available through the iteration slider (or using the up/down arrow keyboard shortcut). Go to the previous/next sample in the current iteration using the Previous / Next buttons (or using the left/right arrow keyboard shortcut).

Debug Samples image viewer Debug Samples image viewer

Tagging Tasks

Tags are user-defined, color-coded labels that can be added to tasks (and pipelines, datasets, and models), allowing to easily identify and group tasks. Tags can help in organizing, querying, and automating tasks. For example, tag tasks by the machine type used to execute them, label versions, team names, or any other category.

You can use tags to filter the tasks in your task table (see Filtering Columns) or when querying tasks in your code (see Tag Filters). You can trigger task execution according to their tags (see TriggerScheduler) or automatically deploy models according to their tags (see ClearML Serving).

To add tags:

  1. Click the task > Hover over the tag area > +ADD TAG or Bars menu (menu)
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Add a new tag - Type the new tag name > (Create New).
    • Add an existing tag - Click a tag.
    • Customize a tag's colors - Click Tag Colors > Click the tag icon > Background or Foreground > Pick a color > OK > CLOSE.

To remove a tag - Hover over the tag and click X.

Locating the Task ID

The task ID appears in the task page's header.