2025-02-26 15:57:35 +02:00

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Changing ClearML Artifacts Links

This guide describes how to update artifact references in the ClearML Enterprise server.

By default, artifacts are stored on the file server; however, an external storage such as AWS S3, Minio, Google Cloud Storage, etc. may be used to store artifacts. References to these artifacts may exist in ClearML databases: MongoDB and ElasticSearch.
This procedure should be used if external storage is being migrated to a different location or URL.

:::important This procedure does not deal with the actual migration of the data--only with changing the references in ClearML that point to the data. :::


Version Confirmation

To change the links, use the script, located inside the allegro-apiserver Docker container. This script will be executed from within the apiserver container. Make sure the apiserver version is 3.20 or higher.


It is highly recommended to back up the ClearML MongoDB and ElasticSearch databases before running the script, as the script changes the values in the databases, and can't be undone.

  1. Access the apiserver Docker container:
  • In docker-compose:

    sudo docker exec -it allegro-apiserver /bin/bash
  • In Kubernetes:

    kubectl exec -it -n clearml <clearml-apiserver-pod-name> -- bash
  1. Navigate to the script location in the upgrade folder:

    cd /opt/seematics/apiserver/server/upgrade
  2. Run the following command:

    :::important Before running the script, verify that this is indeed the correct version (apiserver v3.20 or higher, or that the script provided by ClearML was copied into the container). ::::

    python3 \
    --mongo-host mongodb://mongo:27017 \
    --elastic-host elasticsearch:9200 \
    --host-source "<old fileserver host and/or port, as in artifact links>" \
    --host-target "<new fileserver host and/or port>" --datasets

:::note Notes

  • If MongoDB or ElasticSearch services are accessed from the apiserver container using custom addresses, then --mongo-host and --elastic-host arguments should be updated accordingly.
  • If ElasticSearch is set up to require authentication then the following arguments should be used to pass the user and password: --elastic-user <es_user> --elastic-password <es_pass> :::

The script fixes the links in MongoDB, and outputs cURL commands for updating the links in ElasticSearch.

Copy the cURL commands printed by the script run in the previous stage, and run them one after the other. Make sure to inspect that a "success" result was returned from each command. Depending on the amount of the data in the ElasticSearch, running these commands may take some time.