2025-02-13 10:48:26 +02:00

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Spinning Up an Agent

You can spin up an agent on any machine: on-prem and/or cloud instance. When spinning up an agent, you assign it to service a queue(s). Utilize the machine by enqueuing tasks to the queue that the agent is servicing, and the agent will pull and execute the tasks.

:::tip cross-platform execution ClearML Agent is platform-agnostic. When using the ClearML Agent to execute tasks cross-platform, set platform specific environment variables before launching the agent.

For example, to run an agent on an ARM device, set the core type environment variable before spinning up the agent:

clearml-agent daemon --queue <queue_name>


Executing an Agent

To execute an agent, listening to a queue, run:

clearml-agent daemon --queue <queue_name>

Executing in Background

To execute an agent in the background, run:

clearml-agent daemon --queue <execution_queue_to_pull_from> --detached

Stopping Agents

To stop an agent running in the background, run:

clearml-agent daemon <arguments> --stop

Allocating Resources

To specify GPUs associated with the agent, add the --gpus flag.

:::info Docker Mode Make sure to include the --docker flag, as GPU management through the agent is only supported in Docker Mode. :::

To execute multiple agents on the same machine (usually assigning GPU for the different agents), run:

clearml-agent daemon --gpus 0 --queue default --docker
clearml-agent daemon --gpus 1 --queue default --docker

To allocate more than one GPU, provide a list of allocated GPUs

clearml-agent daemon --gpus 0,1 --queue dual_gpu --docker

Queue Prioritization

A single agent can listen to multiple queues. The priority is set by their order.

clearml-agent daemon --queue high_q low_q

This ensures the agent first tries to pull a Task from the high_q queue, and only if it is empty, the agent will try to pull from the low_q queue.

To make sure an agent pulls from all queues equally, add the --order-fairness flag.

clearml-agent daemon --queue group_a group_b --order-fairness

It will make sure the agent will pull from the group_a queue, then from group_b, then back to group_a, etc. This ensures that group_a or group_b will not be able to starve one another of resources.

SSH Access

By default, ClearML Agent maps the host's ~/.ssh into the container's /root/.ssh directory (configurable, see clearml.conf).

If you want to use existing auth sockets with ssh-agent, you can verify your host ssh-agent is working correctly with:


You should see a path to a temporary file, something like this:


Then run your clearml-agent in Docker mode, which will automatically detect the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable, and mount the socket into any container it spins.

You can also explicitly set the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable when executing an agent. The command below will execute an agent in Docker mode and assign it to service a queue. The agent will have access to the SSH socket provided in the environment variable.

SSH_AUTH_SOCK=<file_socket> clearml-agent daemon --gpus <your config> --queue <your queue name>  --docker


Agents can be deployed bare-metal or as Docker containers in a Kubernetes cluster. ClearML Agent adds missing scheduling capabilities to Kubernetes, enabling more flexible automation from code while leveraging all of ClearML Agent's features.

ClearML Agent is deployed onto a Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes-Glue, which maps ClearML jobs directly to Kubernetes jobs. This allows seamless task execution and resource allocation across your cluster.

Deployment Options

You can deploy ClearML Agent onto Kubernetes using one of the following methods:

  1. ClearML Agent Helm Chart (Recommended): Use the ClearML Agent Helm Chart to spin up an agent pod acting as a controller. This is the recommended and scalable approach.

  2. K8s Glue Script: Run a K8s Glue script on a Kubernetes CPU node. This approach is less scalable and typically suited for simpler use cases.

How It Works

The ClearML Kubernetes-Glue performs the following:

  • Pulls jobs from the ClearML execution queue.
  • Prepares a Kubernetes job based on a provided YAML template.
  • Inside each job pod, the clearml-agent:
    • Installs the required environment for the task.
    • Executes and monitors the task process.

:::important Enterprise Features ClearML Enterprise adds advanced Kubernetes features:

  • Multi-Queue Support: Service multiple ClearML queues within the same Kubernetes cluster.
  • Pod-Specific Templates: Define resource configurations per queue using pod templates.

For example, you can configure resources for different queues as shown below:




:::important Enterprise Feature Slurm Glue is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan. :::

Agents can be deployed bare-metal or inside Singularity containers in Linux clusters managed with Slurm.

ClearML Agent Slurm Glue maps jobs to Slurm batch scripts: associate a ClearML queue to a batch script template, then when a Task is pushed into the queue, it will be converted and executed as an sbatch job according to the sbatch template specification attached to the queue.

  1. Install the Slurm Glue on a machine where you can run sbatch / squeue etc.

    pip3 install -U --extra-index-url https://*****@***** clearml-agent-slurm
  2. Create a batch template. Make sure to set the SBATCH variables to the resources you want to attach to the queue. The script below sets up an agent to run bare-metal, creating a virtual environment per job. For example:

    # available template variables (default value separator ":")
    # complex template variables  (default value separator ":")
    # ${}
    # ${}
    # ${}
    # ${}
    # example
    #SBATCH --job-name=clearml_task_${}       # Job name DO NOT CHANGE
    #SBATCH --ntasks=1                    # Run on a single CPU
    # #SBATCH --mem=1mb                   # Job memory request
    # #SBATCH --time=00:05:00             # Time limit hrs:min:sec
    #SBATCH --output=task-${}-%j.log
    #SBATCH --partition debug
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    #SBATCH --priority=5
    #SBATCH --nodes=${}
    echo whoami $(whoami)

    Notice: If you are using Slurm with Singularity container support replace ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE} in the batch template with singularity exec ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE}. For additional required settings, see Slurm with Singularity.

    :::tip You can override the default values of a Slurm job template via the ClearML Web UI. The following command in the template sets the nodes value to be the ClearML Tasks num_nodes user property:

    #SBATCH --nodes=${}

    This user property can be modified in the UI, in the task's CONFIGURATION > User Properties section, and when the task is executed the new modified value will be used. :::

  3. Launch the ClearML Agent Slurm Glue and assign the Slurm configuration to a ClearML queue. For example, the following associates the default queue to the slurm.example.template script, so any jobs pushed to this queue will use the resources set by that script.

    clearml-agent-slurm --template-files slurm.example.template --queue default

    You can also pass multiple templates and queues. For example:

    clearml-agent-slurm --template-files slurm.template1 slurm.template2 --queue queue1 queue2

Slurm with Singularity

If you are running Slurm with Singularity containers support, set the following:

  1. Make sure your sbatch template contains:

    singularity exec ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE}

    Additional singularity arguments can be added, for example:

    singularity exec --uts ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE}`
  2. Set the default Singularity container to use in your clearml.conf file:



  3. Add --singularity-mode to the command line, for example:

    clearml-agent-slurm --singularity-mode --template-files slurm.example_singularity.template --queue default

Google Colab

ClearML Agent can run on a Google Colab instance. This helps users to leverage compute resources provided by Google Colab and send tasks for execution on it.

Check out this tutorial on how to run a ClearML Agent on Google Colab!

Explicit Task Execution

ClearML Agent can also execute specific tasks directly, without listening to a queue.

Execute a Task without Queue

Execute a Task with a clearml-agent worker without a queue.

clearml-agent execute --id <task-id>

Clone a Task and Execute the Cloned Task

Clone the specified Task and execute the cloned Task with a clearml-agent worker without a queue.

clearml-agent execute --id <task-id> --clone

Execute Task inside a Docker

Execute a Task with a clearml-agent worker using a Docker container without a queue.

clearml-agent execute --id <task-id> --docker


Run a clearml-agent daemon in foreground mode, sending all output to the console.

clearml-agent daemon --queue default --foreground