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Version 0.10 |
:::important Trains is now ClearML. :::
Trains 0.10.7
Features and Bug Fixes
- Artifacts support.
- Removed apache-libcloud from requirements.
now verifies credentials against the trains-server installation.
Trains 0.10.6
Features and Bug Fixes
- Fix broken (v0.10.5) Keras Binding support.
Trains 0.10.5
Features and Bug Fixes
Add GPU monitoring support (add gpustat package to extras_require).
Install with GPU monitoring support:
pip install trains[gpu]
Move all cloud storage package requirements to extras_require. Install with specific cloud provider support:
- Microsoft Azure support:
pip install trains[azure]
- Google Storage support:
pip install trains[gs]
- Amazon S3 support:
pip install trains[s3]
- Combine Cloud support with GPU monitoring. For example, install S3 and GPU using the following command:
pip install trains[s3,gpu]
- Microsoft Azure support:
Improve stability with intermittent network connection.
Support upgrading trains-server while running training jobs without losing log data.
Trains 0.10.4
Features and Bug Fixes
- Replace opencv-python with the more standard Pillow package.
- Improve matplotlib support (custom axis ticks).
- Improve Python package detection.
Trains 0.10.3
Features and Bug Fixes
- Add scikit-learn support (load/store using joblib) (GitHub Issue #20).
- Add xgboost support (GitHub Issue #10).
- Add loguru support (GitHub Issue #29).
- Add sub-domain support trains.conf (GitHub Issue #27).
- Fix sub-process support.
- Fix multiple TensorBoard writers (GitHub Issue #26).
Trains 0.10.2
Features and Bug Fixes
- Add Matplotlib SVG support.
- Add Seaborn support.
- Add TRAINS_LOG_ENVIRONMENT environment logging (GitHub trains Issue 17).
- Add Microsoft Azure notebook support.
- Add Google Colab support.
- Fix TensorBoard RGB channel order.
Trains 0.10.1
Features and Bug Fixes
- Fix Jenkins CI/CD support.
Trains 0.10.0
Experiment code execution detection
Automatically create package requirements section (including used versions).
Automatically detect and store source code uncommitted changes.
Improve Jupyter Notebook support
- Automatically convert notebook to Python script (stored under uncommitted changes).
- Automatically update used packages in Jupyter Notebook (including used versions).
Add resource monitoring to experiment metrics
Sample every 500ms, averaged over 30 seconds.
CPU, network, I/O, memory, and other resources.
For GPU support please install gpustat. (currently not part of the requirements due to gpustat compatibility issues with Windows).
pip install gpustat
Automatically stop inactive experiments (default: 2 hours)
Improve visibility
Finer status definitions: Identify successful completion vs. user aborted.
Experiment plot comparison: Ensure different colors for different experiments.
Parse newline character in experiment description.
Show experiment start time in table display.
Add vertical guide in scalar plots.
Move hyperparameters to the designated tab.
"Admin" section now named "Profile".