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Pipelines are a way to streamline and connect multiple processes, plugging the output of one process as the input of another.

Pipelines are controlled by a Controller Task that holds the logic of the pipeline execution steps (i.e. the python-code control logic, configuring and launching the pipeline steps / components). Like any other Task in ClearML, the Controller Task can be cloned, modified and relaunched.

The pipeline logic can be executed on any machine, while the pipeline steps themselves are launched on remote machines using the clearml-agent. The pipeline logic itself can also be executed on a remote machine, by default it will be executed on the services queue machine. See queues, remote-executions, and services queues.

ClearML supports two types of Pipelines, both logic driven, fully customizable, and not limited to a simple DAG:

Pipelines from Tasks

This type of pipeline is a DAG-like pipeline where each node / step on the DAG is a pre-existing Task in ClearML. The DAG specification tells the pipeline which node to launch based on parent nodes completing their execution. DAG specification can also modify the inputs of each Task, thus enabling you to point the output of one Task as the input of another Task.

How Do Pipelines Work?

Users can automate Tasks to run consecutively or according to some logic by putting the tasks into a pipeline. Tasks in a pipeline can leverage other tasks' work products such as artifacts and parameters.

Before running a pipeline, we need to configure a Controller Task, in which the pipeline is defined. Pipelines are made up of steps. Each step consists of a task that already exists in the ClearML Server and is used as a template. The user decides the controlling logic of the step interactions, whether it be simple (DAG) or more complex.

Once the pipeline is running, it starts sequentially launching the steps configured in the Controller. In each step, the template task is cloned, and the cloned task is sent for execution. Depending on the specifications laid out in the Controller Task, a step's parameters can be overridden, and / or a step can use a previous step's work products.

Callbacks can be utilized to control pipeline execution flow. A callback can be defined to be called before and / or after the execution of every task in a pipeline. Additionally, there is an option to create customized, step-specific callbacks.

Pipeline chart

Simple DAG Pipelines

For a simple, DAG based logic, use the off-the-shelf PipelineController class to define the DAG (see an example here). Once the PipelineController object is populated and configured, we can start the pipeline, which will begin executing the steps in succession, then it waits until the pipeline is completed. The pipeline control logic is processed in a background thread.

:::note We recommend enqueuing Pipeline Controller Tasks into a services queue. :::

Callback functions can be specified to be called in the steps of a PipelineController object. There is an option to define a callback to be called before and / or after every step in the pipeline, using the step_task_created_callback or the step_task_completed_callback parameters of the start method. Alternatively, step-specific callback functions can be specified with the pre_execute_callback and / or post_execute_callback parameters of the add_step method.

Advanced Pipelines

Since a pipeline Controller Task is itself a ClearML Task, it can be used as a pipeline step and can be used to create more complicated workflows, such as pipelines running other pipelines, or a pipeline running multiple tasks concurrently.

For example, it could be useful to have one pipeline for data preparation, which triggers a second pipeline that trains networks.

It could also be useful to run a pipeline that runs tasks concurrently, training multiple networks with different hyperparameter values simultaneously. See the Tabular training pipeline example of a pipeline with concurrent steps.

Custom Pipelines

In cases where a DAG is insufficient (for example, when needing to launch one pipeline, then, if performance is inadequate, rerun pipeline again), users can apply custom logic, using generic methods to enqueue tasks, implemented in python code. The custom logic of the pipeline sits in the Controller Task's script.

Custom pipelines usually involve cloning template tasks, modifying their parameters, and manually enqueuing them to queues (for execution by agents). It's possible to create custom logic that controls inputs (e.g. overriding hyperparameters and artifacts) and acts upon task outputs.

See Manual Random Parameter Search example of a custom pipeline.

Pipeline from Function Decorator

This pipeline type is a pipeline fully created from code. This means each step in the pipeline is a function that will be launched as an independent job on a remote machine. The function input arguments are converted into Task hyperparameters with the section name kwargs. The function return value is stored as an artifact (or artifacts when multiple objects are returned), on the component Task. Both inputs / outputs are handled automatically and are transparent to the user, see details below.

We will demonstrate how to build a pipeline using the function decorator method. The pipeline will include the following four steps:

  1. Get data into the system (e.g. download data from DB, internet address etc)
  2. Pre-process Data (e.g. fix missing values, or conform time zone etc.)
  3. Train Model based on Data
  4. Verify model against blind static dataset

The example pipeline is a 4-step pipeline, or in other words, four functions that will be called one after the other. We start with a simple python code, four functions, and one main control function actually making the calls moving inputs / outputs between the steps:

from clearml.automation.controller import PipelineDecorator
from clearml import TaskTypes

def step_one(pickle_data_url: str, extra: int = 43):
    import sklearn  # noqa
    import pickle
    import pandas as pd
    from clearml import StorageManager
    local_iris_pkl = StorageManager.get_local_copy(remote_url=pickle_data_url)
    with open(local_iris_pkl, 'rb') as f:
        iris = pickle.load(f)
    data_frame = pd.DataFrame(iris['data'], columns=iris['feature_names'])
    data_frame.columns += ['target']
    data_frame['target'] = iris['target']
    return data_frame

def step_two(data_frame, test_size=0.21, random_state=421):
    import pandas as pd  # noqa
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    y = data_frame['target']
    X = data_frame[(c for c in data_frame.columns if c != 'target')]
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
        X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state)
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

def step_three(data, X_train, y_train):
    # make sure we have pandas for this step, we need it to use the data_frame
    import pandas as pd  # noqa
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    model = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear', multi_class='auto'), y_train)
    return model

def step_four(model, X_data, Y_data):
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression  # noqa
    from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
    Y_pred = model.predict(X_data)
    return accuracy_score(Y_data, Y_pred, normalize=False)

def main(pickle_url, mock_parameter='mock'):
    data_frame = step_one(pickle_url)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = step_two(data_frame)
    model = step_three(X_train, y_train)
 accuracy = 100 * step_four(model, X_data=X_test, Y_data=y_test)

Notice that the driver is the main function, calling ("launching") the different steps. Next we add the decorators over all the steps, and the main pipeline decorator over the main function. From this point onwards, any call for one of the decorated steps will actually create a ClearML Task from the code, and launch the Task (see queue argument of the decorator function).

Notice, the returned object is a "proxy object" that returns immediately, even if the associated pipeline step Task is still running. Only when the code tries to use the returned "proxy object" in the logic, we stop and wait for the Task to complete the execution. This is the equivalent of using python coroutines where a function call is async , await is called before using the return value.

Now we can add the "@ decorators" and create the pipeline from the functions:

from clearml.automation.controller import PipelineDecorator
from clearml import TaskTypes

@PipelineDecorator.component(return_values=['data_frame'], cache=True, task_type=TaskTypes.data_processing)
def step_one(pickle_data_url: str, extra: int = 43):
    import sklearn  # noqa
    import pickle
    import pandas as pd
    from clearml import StorageManager
    local_iris_pkl = StorageManager.get_local_copy(remote_url=pickle_data_url)
    with open(local_iris_pkl, 'rb') as f:
        iris = pickle.load(f)
    data_frame = pd.DataFrame(iris['data'], columns=iris['feature_names'])
    data_frame.columns += ['target']
    data_frame['target'] = iris['target']
    return data_frame

  return_values=['X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test'], cache=True, task_type=TaskTypes.data_processing)
def step_two(data_frame, test_size=0.21, random_state=421):
    import pandas as pd  # noqa
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    y = data_frame['target']
    X = data_frame[(c for c in data_frame.columns if c != 'target')]
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
        X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state)
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

@PipelineDecorator.component(return_values=['model'], cache=True,
def step_three(data, X_train, y_train):
    # make sure we have pandas for this step, we need it to use the data_frame
    import pandas as pd  # noqa
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    model = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear', multi_class='auto'), y_train)
    return model

@PipelineDecorator.component(return_values=['accuracy'], cache=True, task_type=TaskTypes.qc)
def step_four(model, X_data, Y_data):
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression  # noqa
    from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
    Y_pred = model.predict(X_data)
    return accuracy_score(Y_data, Y_pred, normalize=False)

@PipelineDecorator.pipeline(name='pipeline', project='examples', version='0.1')
def main(pickle_url, mock_parameter='mock'):
    data_frame = step_one(pickle_url)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = step_two(data_frame)
    model = step_three(X_train, y_train)
 accuracy = 100 * step_four(model, X_data=X_test, Y_data=y_test)

We wrap each pipeline component with @PipelineDecorator.component, and the main pipeline logic with @PipelineDecorator.pipeline


Wrapping a function with the PipelineDecorator.component decorator will make the function a pipeline component that can be called from the main pipeline logic function.

Important arguments:

  • return_values - Name the return values of the function. This argument is used to hint to the system how many objects are returned, as well as give them meaningful names.

    • Examples:
      • ["data"] => means single object returned (it will be stored as an artifact named data)
      • ["x", "y"] => means two objects returned (stored as artifacts named x, y respectfully)
  • name (Optional) - set the name of the pipeline component task. If not provided, the wrapped function name is used as the pipeline component name

  • cache - If True, before launching the new step, after updating with the latest configuration, check if an exact Task (step) with the same parameter / code was already executed. If found, use it instead of launching a new Task.

  • packages - Manually specify a list of required packages or a local requirements.txt file. Example: ["tqdm>=2.1", "scikit-learn"] or "./requirements.txt". If not provided, packages are automatically added based on the imports used inside the function.

  • execution_queue (Optional) - the queue to use for executing this specific step. If not provided, the task will be sent to the pipelines default execution queue

  • continue_on_fail - If True, a failed step will not cause the pipeline to stop (or marked as failed). Notice, that steps that are connected (or indirectly connected) to the failed step will be skipped (default False)

  • docker - Specify the Docker image to be used when executing the pipeline step remotely

  • docker_args - Add Docker execution arguments for the remote execution (use single string for all docker arguments).

  • docker_bash_setup_script - Add a bash script to be executed inside the docker before setting up the Task's environment

  • task_type (Optional) - The task type to be created

  • repo (Optional) - Specify a repository to attach to the function, when remotely executing. Allow users to execute the function inside the specified repository, enabling them to load modules / script from the repository. Notice the execution work directory will be the repository root folder. Supports both git repo url link, and local repository path (automatically converted into the remote git / commit as is currently checkout).

    • Examples:
      • remote url: ""
      • local repo copy: "./repo" -> will automatically store the remote repo url and commit ID based on the locally cloned copy
  • repo_branch (Optional) - Specify the remote repository branch (Ignored, if local repo path is used)

  • repo_commit (Optional) - Specify the repository commit ID (Ignored, if local repo path is used)

  • helper_functions (Optional) - A list of helper functions to make available for the standalone pipeline step function Task. By default, the pipeline step function has no access to any of the other functions, by specifying additional functions here, the remote pipeline step could call the additional functions.
    Example, assuming we have two functions, parse_data() and load_data(): [parse_data, load_data]

  • monitor_metrics (Optional) - Automatically log the step's reported metrics also on the pipeline Task. The expected format is one of the following:

    • List of pairs metric (title, series) to log: [(step_metric_title, step_metric_series), ].
      Example: [('test', 'accuracy'), ]
    • List of tuple pairs, to specify a different target metric to use on the pipeline Task: [((step_metric_title, step_metric_series), (target_metric_title, target_metric_series)), ].
      Example: [[('test', 'accuracy'), ('model', 'accuracy')], ]
  • monitor_artifacts (Optional) - Automatically log the step's artifacts on the pipeline Task.

    • Provided a list of artifact names created by the step function, these artifacts will be logged automatically also on the Pipeline Task itself.
      Example: ['processed_data', ] (target artifact name on the Pipeline Task will have the same name as the original artifact).
    • Alternatively, provide a list of pairs (source_artifact_name, target_artifact_name), where the first string is the artifact name as it appears on the component Task, and the second is the target artifact name to put on the Pipeline Task.
      Example: [('processed_data', 'final_processed_data'), ]
  • monitor_models (Optional) - Automatically log the step's output models on the pipeline Task.

    • Provided a list of model names created by the step's Task, they will also appear on the Pipeline itself. Example: ['model_weights', ]
    • To select the latest (lexicographic) model use model_*, or the last created model with just *. Example: ['model_weights_*', ]
    • Alternatively, provide a list of pairs (source_model_name, target_model_name), where the first string is the model name as it appears on the component Task, and the second is the target model name to put on the Pipeline Task. Example: [('model_weights', 'final_model_weights'), ]

:::tip Importing Packages Notice that each component is treated as a standalone script, this also means that global imports (i.e. outside the function) are not transferred into the standalone Task. This means that any packages used inside the component function should be imported inside the function itself.

All imports are automatically logged, and will appear as required packages for the remote Task. This means the clearml-agent will install the requested environment automatically :::


Wrapping a function with the PipelineDecorator.pipeline decorator will make the function the main pipeline logic function (pipeline Task), The pipeline components are called from the main function, like any python function, with arguments and return values, these in turn are converted into Tasks running on remote-machines (or background sub-processes).

Notice that the pipeline logic functions argument (i.e. the arguments of the function being decorated), will be automatically logged as the pipeline arguments, and will appear in the pipeline Task CONFIGURATION tab, Args section. These parameters can later be overridden when cloning the pipeline and relaunching it (see Pipeline Cloning and Reusing)

Important arguments for the pipeline decorator:

  • name - Provide pipeline name (if main Task exists it overrides its name).
  • project - Provide project storing the pipeline (if main Task exists it overrides its project).
  • version - Must provide pipeline version. This version allows us to uniquely identify the pipeline template execution. Examples for semantic versions: version='1.0.1' , version='23', version='1.2'.
  • default_queue - default queue to launch pipeline components on (unless otherwise specified on the pipeline component itself).
  • pool_frequency - The pooling frequency (in minutes) for monitoring experiments / states.
  • add_pipeline_tags - If True, add pipe: <pipeline_task_id> tag to all steps (Tasks) created by this pipeline. (this is useful to create better visibility into projects with multiple pipelines, and for easy selection) (default: False).
  • target_project - If provided, all pipeline steps are cloned into the target project. If not provided pipeline steps are stored on the same project as the pipeline itself. Target sub-folder allows for easier organization of pipeline execution logic (Pipeline Task) and component execution Tasks. Example: "pipeline/component_execution".
  • abort_on_failure - If False (default), failed pipeline steps will not cause the pipeline to stop immediately, instead any step that is not connected (or indirectly connected) to the failed step, will still be executed. Nonetheless, the pipeline itself will be marked failed (unless the failed step was specifically defined with continue_on_fail=True). If True, any failed step will cause the pipeline to immediately abort, stopping all running steps, and marking the pipeline as failed.
  • pipeline_execution_queue - remote pipeline execution queue (default services queue). By default, the pipeline logic function (i.e. the function we are wrapping), is designed to be executed on a remote machine, by default the services queue is running control logic Tasks. To execute the pipeline logic locally, pass None, Notice the pipeline steps are still executed remotely.

Pipeline Controller Execution Options

Now that we understand how the pipeline control logic works, we need to review the execution options of the Pipeline Controller.

Remote Mode

The remote mode is the pipeline controller's default mode. In this mode, the pipeline controller logic is executed on the services queue, and all the pipeline components are launched remotely on their respective queues.


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('pipeline completed')

:::tip Run Pipeline Controller Locally It is possible to run the pipeline logic itself locally, while keeping the pipeline components execution remotely (enqueued and executed by the clearml-agent). Pass pipeline_execution_queue=None to the decorator @PipelineDecorator.pipeline.

    name='custom pipeline logic', project='examples', version='0.0.5', pipeline_execution_queue=None


Debugging Mode

In debugging mode, the pipeline controller and all components are treated as regular python functions, with components called synchronously. This mode is great to debug the components and design the pipeline as the entire pipeline is executed on the developer machine with full ability to debug each function call. Call PipelineDecorator.debug_pipeline() before the main pipeline logic function call.


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('pipeline completed')

Local Mode

In local mode, the pipeline controller creates Tasks for each component, and component functions calls are translated into sub-processes running on the same machine. Notice that the data is passed between the components and the logic with the exact same mechanism as in the remote mode (i.e. hyperparameters / artifacts), with the exception that the execution itself is local. Notice that each subprocess is using the exact same python environment as the main pipeline logic. Call PipelineDecorator.run_locally() before the main pipeline logic function.


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('pipeline completed')

Artifacts and Metrics

Each pipeline component can log additional artifacts and metrics on the component task with the usual flows (TB, Matplotlib, or with ClearML Logger). To get the instance of the components Task in runtime, use the class method Task.current_task().

Additionally, a pipeline components can directly report metrics or upload artifacts / models to the pipeline using the Pipeline class methods: PipelineController.get_logger, PipelineController.upload_model, PipelineController.upload_artifact.

The pipeline controller also offers automation for logging the component metrics / artifacts / models on the pipeline task itself. Each pipeline component can specify metrics / artifacts / models to also be automatically logged on the pipeline Task. The idea is the pipeline components are reporting metrics internally while the pipeline automatically collects them into a unified view on the pipeline Task. To enable the automatic logging, use the monitor_metrics, monitor_artifacts, monitor_models arguments of the PipelineDecorator.component decorator function.

Pipeline Component Caching

The Pipeline controller also offers component caching, meaning, reusing previously executed outputs of pipeline components, assuming the exact same component code, and the same component input values. By default, pipeline components are not cached. To enable caching, pass cache=True to the PipelineDecorator.component decorator function.

When a component is cached, the component function code is hashed, alongside the component arguments (as passed in runtime), into a single representing hash string. The pipeline logic first checks if a cached component Task exists in the system (archived Tasks are ignored, i.e. archived Task will not be used as cached instance). If the pipeline logic find an existing fully executed instance of the component, it will plug its output directly, allowing the pipeline logic to reuse the component outputs.

Pipeline DAG Representation

The pipeline execution graph is built directly when executing the logic, during runtime, based on the inferred connections between the pipeline components. The execution graph and details are visible under the pipeline Tasks RESULTS > PLOTS

Pipeline Cloning and Reusing

Pipelines, like any Task in the system, can be cloned, modified, enqueued and scheduled.

The main pipeline logic function's arguments are stored in the Pipeline Task CONFIGURATIONS > Args section. Using the UI or programmatically, users can clone the pipeline Task, modify the pipeline arguments, and send the pipeline for execution by enqueuing the pipeline on the services queue.