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:::important Enterprise Feature Slurm Glue is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan. :::

Agents can be deployed bare-metal or inside Singularity containers in Linux clusters managed with Slurm.

ClearML Agent Slurm Glue maps jobs to Slurm batch scripts: associate a ClearML queue to a batch script template, then when a Task is pushed into the queue, it will be converted and executed as an sbatch job according to the sbatch template specification attached to the queue.

  1. Install the Slurm Glue on a machine where you can run sbatch / squeue etc.

    pip3 install -U --extra-index-url https://*****@***** clearml-agent-slurm
  2. Create a batch template. Make sure to set the SBATCH variables to the resources you want to attach to the queue. The script below sets up an agent to run bare-metal, creating a virtual environment per job. For example:

    # available template variables (default value separator ":")
    # complex template variables  (default value separator ":")
    # ${}
    # ${}
    # ${}
    # ${}
    # example
    #SBATCH --job-name=clearml_task_${}       # Job name DO NOT CHANGE
    #SBATCH --ntasks=1                    # Run on a single CPU
    # #SBATCH --mem=1mb                   # Job memory request
    # #SBATCH --time=00:05:00             # Time limit hrs:min:sec
    #SBATCH --output=task-${}-%j.log
    #SBATCH --partition debug
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    #SBATCH --priority=5
    #SBATCH --nodes=${}
    echo whoami $(whoami)

    Notice: If you are using Slurm with Singularity container support replace ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE} in the batch template with singularity exec ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE}. For additional required settings, see Slurm with Singularity.

    :::tip You can override the default values of a Slurm job template via the ClearML Web UI. The following command in the template sets the nodes value to be the ClearML Tasks num_nodes user property:

    #SBATCH --nodes=${}

    This user property can be modified in the UI, in the task's CONFIGURATION > User Properties section, and when the task is executed the new modified value will be used. :::

  3. Launch the ClearML Agent Slurm Glue and assign the Slurm configuration to a ClearML queue. For example, the following associates the default queue to the slurm.example.template script, so any jobs pushed to this queue will use the resources set by that script.

    clearml-agent-slurm --template-files slurm.example.template --queue default

    You can also pass multiple templates and queues. For example:

    clearml-agent-slurm --template-files slurm.template1 slurm.template2 --queue queue1 queue2

Slurm with Singularity

If you are running Slurm with Singularity containers support, set the following:

  1. Make sure your sbatch template contains:

    singularity exec ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE}

    Additional singularity arguments can be added, for example:

    singularity exec --uts ${CLEARML_AGENT_EXECUTE}`
  2. Set the default Singularity container to use in your clearml.conf file:



  3. Add --singularity-mode to the command line, for example:

    clearml-agent-slurm --singularity-mode --template-files slurm.example_singularity.template --queue default