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title: Version 1.7
### ClearML Agent 1.7.0
**New Features**
* Add `agent.docker_args_extra_precedes_task` and `agent.protected_docker_extra_args` configuration settings to prevent
the same switch to be used by both `agent.extra_docker_args` and a Task's docker args
* Add `agent.resource_monitoring.disk_use_path` configuration option to allow monitoring a different volume than the one
containing the home folder
* Change default `agent.enable_git_ask_pass` to `true`
* Add example and support for pre-built containers including services-mode support with overrides `CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_CODE_DIR`
* Add `CLEARML_AGENT_SERVICE_TASK=1` environment variable in case of running a service task
* Add `CLEARML_AGENT_TEMP_STDOUT_FILE_DIR` to allow specifying temp dir used for storing agent log files and temporary
log files (daemon and execution)
* Update GPU stats and pynvml support
* Add git clone verbosity using `CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_CLONE_VERBOSE` environment variable
* k8s glue
* Add status reason when aborting before moving to `k8s_scheduler` queue
* When cleaning up pending pods, verify task is still aborted and pod is still pending before deleting the pod
* Set worker ID in k8s pod execution
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix `agent.package_manager.poetry_install_extra_args` are used in all Poetry commands and not just in `install` [ClearML Agent GitHub issue #173](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/issues/173)
* Fix if process return code is SIGKILL (-9 or 137) and abort callback was called, do not mark as failed but as aborted
* Fix `agent.git_host` setting will cause git@domain URLs to not be replaced by SSH URLs since furl cannot parse them to
obtain host
* Fix an environment variable that should be set with a numerical value of 0 (i.e. end up as `"0"` or `"0.0"`) is set to
an empty string
* Fix `agent.package_manager.extra_index_url` URLs are not sanitized in configuration printout
* Fix recursion issue when deep-copying a session
* k8s glue
* Fix k8s glue configuration might be contaminated when changed during apply
* Fix `KeyError` if container does not contain the arguments field
### ClearML SDK 1.7.2
**New Features and Improvements**
* Support running Jupyter Notebook inside a git repository (repository will be referenced without uncommitted changes
and Jupyter Notebook will be stored on plain code as uncommitted changes)
* Add Jupyter Notebook fail warning
* Allow pipeline steps to return string paths without them being treated as a folder artifact and zipped [ClearML GitHub issue #780](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/780)
* Remove `future` from Python 3 requirements
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix exception raised when using `ThreadPool` [ClearML GitHub issue #790](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/790)
* Fix Pyplot/Matplotlib binding reports incorrect line labels and colors [ClearML GitHub issue #791](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/791)
* Pipelines
* Fix crash when running cloned pipeline that invokes a step twice [ClearML GitHub issue #769](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/769)
* Fix pipeline argument becomes `None` if default value is not set
* Fix `retry_on_failure` callback does nothing when specified on `PipelineController.add_step()`
* Fix pipeline clone logic
* Jupyter Notebook
* Fix support for multiple Jupyter servers running on the same machine
* Fix issue with old/new notebook packages installed
* Fix local cache with access rules disabling partial local access
* Fix `Task.upload_artifact()` fails uploading pandas `DataFrame`
* Fix relative paths in examples [ClearML GitHub PR #787](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/787)
### ClearML Server 1.7.0
**New Features and Improvements**
* Add “Sync comparison” to UI experiment debug samples comparison: Control metric/iteration for all compared experiments [ClearML GitHub issue #691](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/691)
* Support serving UI from a non-root path of the ClearML Server [ClearML Helm Charts issue #101](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/issues/101) and [ClearML Server issue #135](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/135).
* Add UI option for hiding “secret” experiment container arguments [ClearML Server GitHub issue #146](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/146)
* Add UI tables switch to detail mode through double-click [ClearML Server GitHub issue #134](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/134)
* Add customizable user activity timeout for UI logout
* Add UI navigation from experiment comparison back to originating experiment table
* Improve UI scalar comparison graph configuration - Persist user’s choice for viewing graph data.
* Add model IDs display in UI experiment artifact tab
* Add dataset description to UI dataset information display
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix UI experiment Hyperparameter tab’s inefficient use of screen real estate [ClearML GitHub issue #705](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/705)
* Fix navigating to an archived experiment's configuration causes UI to return to non-archived view [ClearML Server GitHub issue #148](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/148)
* Fix metric storage failure when large amount of metrics logged
* Fix UI plots downloaded as PNGs don't contain legends
* Fix UI plot colors can’t be changed when colors are specified in code
* Fix experiment table hyperparameter column sorting fails when hyperparameter includes "."
* Fix artifacts aren't deleted when experiment is reset
* Fix UI project cards displaying incorrect task counts when "Show Hidden Projects" is enabled
* Fix changing UI filter to "My Work" within a project page causes main project to become undefined
* Fix clicking project with only hidden sub-projects doesn't navigate to the project's UI page
* Fix multiple UI projects can have same name
* Fix UI experiment plot legends disappear when plots take up whole row
* Fix cloning an experiment into a different project does not navigate to the new project
* Fix queue menu automatically opens when UI enqueue modal is opened
* Fix can't dequeue experiments from deleted queue.
* Fix UI Dataset content previews displays "No preview" message while previews are loading
### ClearML SDK 1.7.1
**New Features and Improvements**
* Add callback option for pipeline step retry
**Bug Fixes**
* Fix Python Fire binding
* Fix Dataset failing to load helper packages should not crash
* Fix `Dataset.get_local_copy()` is allowed for a non-finalized dataset
* Fix `Task.upload_artifact()` does not upload empty lists/tuples
* Fix pipeline retry mechanism interface
* Fix Python <3.5 compatibility
* Fix local cache warning (should be a debug message)
### ClearML SDK 1.7.0
**New Features and Improvements**
* ClearML Data: Support providing list of links
* Upload artifacts with a custom serializer [ClearML GitHub issue #689](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/689)
* Allow user to specify extension when using custom serializer functions (for artifacts)
* Skip server URL verification in `clearml-init` wizard process
* When calling `Dataset.get()` without "alias" field, tell user that he can use alias to log it in the UI
* Add support for mmcv for logging models
* Add support for Azure and GCP storage in `task.setup_upload()`
* Support pipeline retrying tasks which are failing on suspected non-stable failures
* Better storage (AWS, GCP) internal load balancing and configurations
* Add `Task.register_abort_callback`
**Bug Fixes**
* Allow getting datasets with non-semantic versioning [ClearML GitHub issue #776](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/776)
* Fix interactive plots (instead of a generated png)
* Fix Python 2.7 support
* Fix clearml datasets `list` functionality
* Fix `Dataset.init` to not modify task (to `Dataset.create`)
* Fix failure with large files upload on HTTPS
* Fix 3d plots with plt shows 2d plot on task results page
* Fix uploading files with project's `default_upload_destination` [ClearML GitHub issue #734](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/734)
* Fix broken Matplotlib reporting - using logarithmic scale breaks reporting
* Fix wildcard support in `clearml-data` CLI
* Fix `report_histogram` - does not show "horizontal" orientation [ClearML GitHub issue 699](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/699)
* Fix table reporting - when using `logger.report_table(title, series, iteration, etc)`, the `series` arg does not appear in UI [ClearML GitHub issue 684](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/684)
* Fix artifacts (and models) use task's original name and not new name
* Fix very long filenames from s3 can't be downloaded (with `get_local_copy()`)
* Fix overwrite of existing output models on pipeline task with `monitor_models` [ClearML GitHub issue #757](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/757) |