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title: Monitoring Service Posting Slack Alerts
The [Slack alerts example](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/examples/services/monitoring/slack_alerts.py)
demonstrates how to use the `clearml.automation.monitor` class to implement a service that monitors the completion and
failure of tasks, and posts alert messages on a Slack channel.

## Creating a Slack Bot
Before configuring and running the Slack alert service, create a Slack Bot (**ClearML Bot**).
The Slack API token and channel you create are required to configure the Slack alert service.
1. Login to your Slack account.
1. Go to [https://api.slack.com/apps/new](https://api.slack.com/apps/new).
1. In **App Name**, enter an app name. For example, "ClearML Bot".
1. In **Development Slack Workspace**, select a workspace.
1. Click **Create App**.
1. In **Basic Information**, under **Display Information**, complete the following:
- In **Short description**, enter "ClearML Train Bot".
- In **Background color**, enter "#202432".
1. Click **Save Changes**.
1. In **OAuth & Permissions**, under **Scopes**, click **Add an OAuth Scope**, and then select the following permissions
on the list:
* **channels:join**
* **channels:read**
* **chat:write**
1. In **OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs**:
1. Click **Install App to Workspace**.
1. In the confirmation dialog, click **Allow**.
1. Click **Copy** to copy the **Bot User OAuth Access Token**.
## Running the Script
:::info Self deployed ClearML server
A template `Slack Alerts` task is available in the `DevOps Services` project. You can clone it, adapt its [configuration](#configuration)
to your needs and enqueue for execution directly from the ClearML UI.
Run the monitoring service in one of these ways:
* Run locally
* Run in ClearML Agent [services mode](../../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_services_mode.md)
To run the monitoring service:
python slack_alerts.py --channel <Slack-channel-name> --slack-api <Slack-API-token> --local True [...]
* `channel` - The Slack channel where alerts will be posted.
* `slack_api` - Slack API key.
* `local` - If `True`, run monitoring services locally. If `False`, enqueue the task in the queue passed as the
`service_queue` (by default `services` queue) for remote execution.
The script supports the following additional command line options:
* `service_queue` - The queue to use when running remotely as a service. The default value is `services` (make sure
your workspace has such a queue and to assign a ClearML Agent to this queue).
* `message_prefix` - A message prefix for Slack alerts. For example, to alert all channel members use: `"Hey <!here>"`.
* `min_num_iterations` - Minimal iteration threshold below which tasks are ignored. Use this option to eliminate
debug sessions that fail quickly. The default value is 0.
* `project` - The name of the project to monitor. By default, all projects are monitored.
* `include_manual_experiments` - Whether to include tasks that are running locally:
* `True` - Monitor all tasks (both local and remote, executed by ClearML Agent).
* `False` (default) - Monitor only remote tasks.
* `include_completed_experiments` - If `False` (default), send alerts only for failed tasks. If `True`, send an alert
for completed and failed tasks.
* `include_archived` - If `False` (default), only tasks that are not archived will be reported. This option can be
useful if a task is archived between polling.
* `refresh_rate` - How often to monitor the tasks in seconds. The default value is 10.0.
* `include_users` - Only report tasks that were initiated by these users (usernames and user IDs are accepted).
Mutually exclusive to `exclude_users`.
* `exclude_users` - Only report tasks that were NOT initiated by these users (usernames and user IDs are accepted).
Mutually exclusive to `include_users`.
* `verbose` - If `True`, will increase verbosity of messages (such as when tasks are polled but filtered away).
## Configuration
ClearML automatically logs command line options defined with argparse. They appear in the task's **CONFIGURATION**
page under **HYPERPARAMETERS > Args**.

The task can be reused to launch another monitor instance: clone the task, edit its parameters, and enqueue the task for
execution (you'll typically want to use a ClearML Agent running in [services mode](../../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_services_mode.md)
for such service tasks).
## Console
All console output appears in the task's **CONSOLE** page.
## Additional Information about slack_alerts.py
In `slack_alerts.py`, the class `SlackMonitor` inherits from the `Monitor` class in `clearml.automation.monitor`.
`SlackMonitor` overrides the following `Monitor` class methods:
* `get_query_parameters` - Get the query parameters for Task monitoring.
* `process_task` - Get the information for a Task, post a Slack message, and output to console.
* Allows skipping failed Tasks, if a Task ran for few iterations. Calls [`Task.get_last_iteration`](../../references/sdk/task.md#get_last_iteration)
to get the number of iterations.
* Builds the Slack message which includes the most recent output to the console (retrieved by calling [`Task.get_reported_console_output()`](../../references/sdk/task.md#get_reported_console_output)),
and the URL of the Task's output log in the ClearML Web UI (retrieved by calling [`Task.get_output_log_web_page()`](../../references/sdk/task.md#get_output_log_web_page)).
You can run the example remotely by calling [`Task.execute_remotely()`](../../references/sdk/task.md#execute_remotely).
To interface to Slack, the example uses `slack_sdk.WebClient` and `slack_sdk.errors.SlackApiError`.