2025-03-05 16:38:02 +02:00

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The script demonstrates multiple subprocesses interacting and reporting to a main Task. The following happens in the script:

  • This script initializes a main Task and spawns subprocesses, each for an instances of that Task.
  • Each Task in a subprocess references the main Task by calling Task.current_task(), which always returns the main Task.
  • The Task in each subprocess reports the following to the main Task:
    • Hyperparameters - Additional, different hyperparameters.
    • Console - Text logged to the console as the Task in each subprocess executes.
  • When the script runs, it creates a task named Popen example in the examples project.


ClearML automatically logs the command line options defined with argparse. A parameter dictionary is logged by connecting it to the Task using Task.connect().

additional_parameters = {
  'stuff_' + str(randint(0, 100)): 'some stuff ' + str(randint(0, 100))

Command line options appear in CONFIGURATION > HYPERPARAMETERS > Args.

Hyperparameter Args Hyperparameter Args

Parameter dictionaries appear in General.

Hyperparameter General Hyperparameter General


Output to the console, including the text messages from the Task in each subprocess, appear in CONSOLE.

Console Console