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Keras Tuner

:::tip If you are not already using ClearML, see ClearML Setup instructions. :::

Keras Tuner is a library that helps you pick the optimal set of hyperparameters for training your models. ClearML integrates seamlessly with kerastuner and automatically logs task scalars, the output model, and hyperparameter optimization summary.

Integrate ClearML into your Keras Tuner optimization script by doing the following:

  • Instantiate a ClearML Task:

    from clearml import Task
    task = Task.init(task_name="<task_name>", project_name="<project_name>")
  • Specify ClearMLTunerLogger as the Keras Tuner logger:

    from clearml.external.kerastuner import ClearmlTunerLogger
    import keras_tuner as kt
    # Create tuner object
    tuner = kt.Hyperband(  
       project_name='kt examples',
       logger=ClearMLTunerLogger(),    # specify ClearMLTunerLogger

And that's it! This creates a ClearML Task which captures:

  • Output Keras model
  • Optimization trial scalars - scalar plot showing metrics for all runs
  • Hyperparameter optimization summary plot - Tabular summary of hyperparameters tested and their metrics by trial ID
  • Source code and uncommitted changes
  • Installed packages
  • TensorFlow definitions
  • Console output
  • General details such as machine details, runtime, creation date etc.
  • And more

You can view all the task details in the WebApp.


ClearML logs the scalars from training each network. They appear in the task's SCALARS tab in the Web UI.

Optimization scalars Optimization scalars

ClearML automatically logs the parameters of each task run in the hyperparameter search. They appear in tabular form in the task's PLOTS.

Optimization plot Optimization plot

ClearML automatically stores the output model. It appears in the task's ARTIFACTS > Output Model.

output model output model


See Keras Tuner and ClearML in action in the example script.