Report the following using the `Logger.report_media` parameter method `local_path` parameter:
* [Interactive HTML](#interactive-html)
* [Bokeh GroupBy HTML](#bokeh-groupby-html)
* [Bokeh Graph HTML](#bokeh-graph-html)
* [Bokeh Image HTML](#bokeh-image-html)
### Interactive HTML
See the example script's [report_html_periodic_table]( function, which reports a file created from Bokeh sample data.
See the example script's [report_html_groupby]( function, which reports a Pandas GroupBy with nested HTML, created from Bokeh sample data.
### Bokeh Graph HTML
See the example script's [report_html_graph]( function, which reports a Bokeh plot created from Bokeh sample data.
See the example script's [report_html_image]( function, which reports an image created from Bokeh sample data.