* [I noticed I keep getting the message "warning: uncommitted code". What does it mean?](#uncommitted-code-warning)
* [I do not use argparse for hyperparameters. Do you have a solution?](#dont-want-argparser)
* [I noticed that all of my experiments appear as "Training". Are there other options?](#other-experiment-types)
* [Sometimes I see experiments as running when in fact they are not. What's going on?](#experiment-running-but-stopped)
* [My code throws an exception, but my experiment status is not "Failed". What happened?](#exception-not-failed)
* [CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED - When I run my experiment, I get an SSL Connection error . Do you have a solution?](#ssl-connection-error)
* [How do I modify experiment names once they have been created?](#modify_exp_names)
* [Using Conda and the "typing" package, I get the error "AttributeError: type object 'Callable' has no attribute '_abc_registry'". How do I fix this?](#typing)
* [My ClearML Server disk space usage is too high. What can I do about this?](#delete_exp)
* [Can I change the random seed my experiment uses?](#random_see)
* [In the Web UI, I can't access files that my experiment stored. Why not?](#access_files)
* [I get the message "ClearML Monitor: Could not detect iteration reporting, falling back to iterations as seconds-from-start". What does it mean?](#resource_monitoring)
* [Can I control what ClearML automatically logs?](#controlling_logging)
* [Debug images and / or artifacts are not loading in the UI after I migrated ClearML Server to a new domain. How do I fix this?](#migrate_server_debug)
* [I am using your ClearML PyCharm Plugin for remote debugging. I get the message "clearml.Task - INFO - Repository and package analysis timed out (10.0 sec), giving up". What should I do?](#package_thread)
* [I am using Jupyter Notebook. Is this supported?](#jupyter-notebook)
* [Can I use ClearML with scikit-learn?](#use-scikit-learn)
**ClearML Configuration**
* [How do I explicitly specify the ClearML configuration file to be used?](#change-config-path)
* [How can I override ClearML credentials from the OS environment?](#credentials-os-env)
* [How can I track OS environment variables with experiments?](#track-env-vars)
**ClearML Hosted Service**
* [I run my script, but my experiment is not in the ClearML Hosted Service Web UI. How do I fix this?](#hosted-service-no-config)
**Models are not accessible from the UI after I moved them (different bucket / server). How do I fix this?** <aid="relocate_models"></a>
This can happen if your models were uploaded to the ClearML files server, since the value registered was their full URL
at the time of registration (e.g. `https://files.<OLD_DOMAIN>/path/to/model`).
To fix this, the registered URL of each model needs to be replaced with its current URL:
1. Open bash in the mongo DB Docker container:
sudo docker exec -it clearml-mongo /bin/bash
1. Inside the Docker shell, create the following script. Make sure to replace `<old-bucket-name>` and `<new-bucket-name>`, as well as the URL protocol prefixes if you aren't using S3.
ClearML monitors your Python process. When the process exits properly, ClearML closes the experiment. When the process crashes and terminates abnormally, it sometimes misses the stop signal. In this case, you can safely right click the experiment in the Web-App and abort it.
**When I run my experiment, I get an SSL Connection error CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED. Do you have a solution?**
Your firewall may be preventing the connection. Try one of the following solutions:
* Direct python "requests" to use the enterprise certificate file by setting the OS environment variables CURL_CA_BUNDLE or REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE. For a detailed discussion of this topic, see [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48391750/disable-python-requests-ssl-validation-for-an-imported-module](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48391750/disable-python-requests-ssl-validation-for-an-imported-module).
* Disable certificate verification
For security reasons, it is not recommended to disable certificate verification
1. Create a new `clearml.conf` configuration file (see a [sample configuration file](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/docs/clearml.conf)), containing:
api { verify_certificate = False }
1. Copy the new `clearml.conf` file to:
* Linux - `~/clearml.conf`
* Mac - `$HOME/clearml.conf`
* Windows - `\User\<username>\clearml.conf``~/clearml.conf`
**How do I modify experiment names once they have been created?**
An experiment's name is a user-controlled property, which can be accessed via the `Task.name` variable. This allows you to use meaningful naming schemes for easily filtering and comparing of experiments.
For example, to distinguish between different experiments, you can append the task ID to the task name:
Use this experiment naming when creating automation pipelines with a naming convention.
**Using Conda and the "typing" package, I get the error "AttributeError: type object 'Callable' has no attribute '_abc_registry'". How do I fix this?**
Conda and the [typing](https://pypi.org/project/typing/) package may have some compatibility issues.
However, [since Python 3.5](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/typing.html), the `typing` package is part of the standard library.
To resolve the error, uninstall `typing` and rerun you script. If this does not fix the issue, create a [new ClearML issue](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/new), including the full error, and your environment details.
**My ClearML Server disk space usage is too high. What can I do about this?**
We designed the ClearML open source suite, including ClearML Server, to ensure experiment traceability. For this reason, the ClearML Web UI does not include a feature to delete experiments. The ClearML Web UI does allow you to archive experiments so that they appear only in the Archive area.
In rare instances, however, such as high disk usage for a privately-hosted ClearML Server because Elasticsearch is indexing unwanted experiments, you may choose to delete an experiment.
Yes! By default, ClearML initializes Tasks with a default seed. You change that seed by calling the [make_deterministic](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/2f5b519cd8c4df9d3db397604f5b8097c23ccc40/trains/utilities/seed.py) method.
that ran the Task stored the file. This applies to debug samples and artifacts. If, for example, the machine running the browser does not have access, you may see "Unable to load image", instead of the image.
**I get the message "CLEARML Monitor: Could not detect iteration reporting, falling back to iterations as seconds-from-start". What does it mean?**
Assuming the hyperparameter is `number_layers` with current value `10`, and the `accuracy` for the trained model is `0.95`. Then, the experiment comparison graph shows:
**I want to add more graphs, not just with TensorBoard. Is this supported?** <aid="more-graph-types"></a>
Yes! The [Logger](fundamentals/logger.md) module includes methods for explicit reporting. For examples of explicit reporting, see the [Explicit Reporting](guides/reporting/explicit_reporting.md)
tutorial, which includes a list of methods for explicit reporting.
**How can I report more than one scatter 2D series on the same plot?** <aid="multiple-scatter2D"></a>
The [`Logger.report_scatter2d()`](references/sdk/logger.md#report_scatter2dtitle-series-scatter-iteration-xaxisnone-yaxisnone-labelsnone-modelines-commentnone-extra_layoutnone)
method reports all series with the same `title` and `iteration` parameter values on the same plot.
For example, the following two scatter2D series are reported on the same plot, because both have a `title` of `example_scatter` and an `iteration` of `1`:
**Debug images and/or artifacts are not loading in the UI after I migrated ClearML Server to a new domain. How do I fix this?** <aid="migrate_server_debug"></a>
This can happen if your debug images and / or artifacts were uploaded to the ClearML file server, since the value
registered was their full URL at the time of registration (e.g. `https://files.<OLD_DOMAIN>/path/to/artifact`).
To fix this, the registered URL of each debug image and / or artifact needs to be replaced with its current URL.
* For **debug images**, use the following command. Make sure to insert the old domain and the new domain that will replace it
See the scikit-learn examples with [Matplotlib](guides/frameworks/scikit-learn/sklearn_matplotlib_example.md) and [Joblib](guides/frameworks/scikit-learn/sklearn_joblib_example.md).
## ClearML Configuration
**How do I explicitly specify the ClearML configuration file to be used?** <aid="change-config-path"></a>
To override the default configuration file location, set the `CLEARML_CONFIG_FILE` OS environment variable.
If you joined the ClearML Hosted Service and run a script, but your experiment does not appear in Web UI, you may not have configured ClearML for the hosted service. Run the ClearML setup wizard. It will request your hosted service ClearML credentials and create the ClearML configuration you need.
**How do I deploy ClearML Server on stand-alone Linux Ubuntu or macOS systems?** <aid="Ubuntu"></a>
For detailed instructions, see [Deploying ClearML Server: Linux or macOS](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_linux_mac.md)
in the "Deploying ClearML" section.
**How do I deploy ClearML Server on Windows 10?** <aid="docker_compose_win10"></a>
For detailed instructions, see [Deploying ClearML Server: Windows 10](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_win.md) in the
"Deploying ClearML" section.
**How do I deploy ClearML Server on AWS EC2 AMIs?** <aid="aws_ec2_amis"></a>
For detailed instructions, see [Deploying ClearML Server: AWS EC2 AMIs](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_aws_ec2_ami.md)
in the "Deploying ClearML" section.
**How do I deploy ClearML Server on the Google Cloud Platform?** <aid="google_cloud_platform"></a>
For detailed instructions, see [Deploying ClearML Server: Google Cloud Platform](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_gcp.md)
in the "Deploying ClearML" section.
**How do I restart ClearML Server?** <aid="restart"></a>
For detailed instructions, see the "Restarting" section of the documentation page for your deployment format. For example,
if you deployed to Linux, see [Restarting](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_linux_mac.md#restarting) on the "Deploying ClearML Server: Linux or macOS" page.
**Can I create a Helm Chart for ClearML Server Kubernetes deployment?** <aid="helm"></a>
By default, anyone can log in to the ClearML Server Web-App. You can configure the ClearML Server to allow only a specific set of users to access the system.
For detailed instructions, see [Web Login Authentication](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_config.md#web-login-authentication)
on the "Configuring Your Own ClearML Server" page in the "Deploying ClearML" section.
**Can I modify a non-responsive task settings?** <aid="watchdog"></a>
The non-responsive experiment watchdog monitors experiments that were not updated for a specified time interval, and
marks them as `aborted`. The watchdog is always active.
You can modify the following settings for the watchdog:
* The time threshold (in seconds) of task inactivity (default value is 7200 seconds which is 2 hours).
* The time interval (in seconds) between watchdog cycles.
For detailed instructions, see [Modifying non-responsive Task watchdog settings](deploying_clearml/clearml_server_config.md#non-responsive-task-watchdog) on the "Configuring Your Own ClearML Server" page.
## ClearML Server Troubleshooting
**I did a reinstall. Why can't I create credentials in the Web-App (UI)?** <aid="clearml-server-reinstall-cookies"></a>
A port conflict between the ClearML Server MongoDB and / or Elastic instances, and other instances running on your system may prevent web login authentication from working correctly.
If a port conflict occurs, change the MongoDB and / or Elastic ports in the `docker-compose.yml`, and then run the Docker compose commands to restart the ClearML Server instance.
To fix this, you may allow bypassing of your proxy server to `localhost` using a system environment variable, and configure ClearML for ClearML Server using it.
1. Run the ClearML wizard `clearml-init` to configure ClearML for ClearML Server, which will prompt you to open the ClearML Web UI at, [](, and create new ClearML credentials.
If your ClearML Web-App (UI) does not show anything, it may be an error authenticating with the server. Try clearing the application cookies for the site in your browser's developer tools.
For example, to get the metrics for an experiment and to print metrics as a histogram:
1. Start an authenticated session.
1. Send a request for all projects named `examples` using the `projects` service `GetAllRequest` method.
1. From the response, get the Ids of all those projects named `examples`.
1. Send a request for all experiments (tasks) with those project IDs using the `tasks` service `GetAllRequest` method.
1. From the response, get the data for the experiment (task) ID `11` and print the experiment name.
1. Send a request for a metrics histogram for experiment (task) ID `11` using the `events` service `ScalarMetricsIterHistogramRequest` method and print the histogram.