The experiments table is a [customizable](#customizing-the-experiments-table) list of experiments associated with a project. From the experiments
table, view experiment details, and work with experiments (reset, clone, enqueue, create [tracking leaderboards](../guides/ui/
You can download the experiments table as a CSV file by clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg"alt="Download"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
and choosing one of these options:
* **Download onscreen items** - Download the values for experiments currently visible on screen
* **Download all items** - Download the values for all experiments in this project that match the current active filters
The downloaded data consists of the currently displayed table columns.
| **TYPE** | Type of experiment. ClearML supports multiple [task types](../fundamentals/ for experimentation, and a variety of workflows and use cases. | Default |
| **TAGS** | Descriptive, user-defined, color-coded tags assigned to experiments. Use tags to classify experiments, and filter the list. See [tagging experiments]( | Default |
| **STATUS** | Experiment state (status). See a list of the [task states and state transitions](../fundamentals/ If you programmatically set task progress values, you will also see a progress indicator for Running, Failed, and Aborted tasks. See [here](../clearml_sdk/ | Default |
| **DESCRIPTION** | A description of the experiment. For cloned experiments, the description indicates it was auto generated with a timestamp. | Default (hidden) |
| **RUN TIME** | The current / total running time of the experiment. | Default (hidden) |
| **_Metrics_** | Add metrics column (last, minimum, and/or maximum values). The metrics depend upon the experiments in the table. See [adding metrics](#to-add-metrics). | Customizable |
| **_Hyperparameters_** | Add hyperparameters. The hyperparameters depend upon the experiments in the table. See [adding hyperparameters](#to-add-hyperparameters). | Customizable |
main column list. Added columns are by default displayed in the table. You can remove the custom columns from the
main column list or the column addition windows.
* [Filter columns](#filtering-columns)
* Sort columns - According to metrics and hyperparameters, type of experiment, experiment name, start and last update elapsed time, and last iteration.
tooltip that appears. To view all precise values in a column, hover over a float and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-line-expand.svg"alt="Expand"className="icon size-md"/>.
Once a filter is applied to a column, its filter icon will appear with a highlighted dot on its top right (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-on.svg"alt="Filter on"className="icon size-md"/> ).
* In the experiments table, right-click an experiment or hover over an experiment and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dots-v-menu.svg"alt="Dot menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
| Details | Open the experiment's [info panel]( (keeps the experiments list in view). Can also be accessed by double-clicking an experiment in the experiments table. | Any state | None |
| View Full Screen | View experiment details in [full screen]( | Any state | None |
| Manage Queue | If an experiment is *Pending* in a queue, view the utilization of that queue, manage that queue (remove experiments and change the order of experiments), and view information about the worker(s) listening to the queue. See the [Workers and Queues]( page. | *Enqueued* | None |
| View Worker | If an experiment is *Running*, view resource utilization, worker details, and queues to which a worker is listening. | *Running* | None |
| Share | For **ClearML Hosted Service** users only, [share]( an experiment and its model with a **ClearML Hosted Service** user in another workspace. | Any state | None |
| Archive | Move experiment to the project's archive. If it is shared (ClearML Hosted Service only), the experiment becomes private. | Any state | *Pending* to *Draft* |
| Delete | Action available in the archive. Delete an experiment, which will also remove all their logs, results, artifacts and debug samples. | Any State | N/A |
| Enqueue | Add an experiment to a queue for a worker or workers (listening to the queue) to execute. | *Draft* | *Pending* |
| Dequeue | Remove an experiment from a queue. | *Pending* | *Draft* |
| Reset | Delete the log and output from a previous run of an experiment (for example, before rerunning it). | *Completed*, *Aborted*, or *Failed* | *Draft* |
| Abort All Children | Manually terminate all *Running* experiments which have this task as a parent | *Running* or *Aborted* | None for parent experiment, *Aborted* for child experiments |
| Publish | Publish an experiment to prevent changes to its tracking data, inputs, and outputs. Published experiments and their models are read-only. *Published* experiments cannot be enqueued, but they can be cloned, and their clones can be edited, tuned, and enqueued. | *Completed*, *Aborted*, or *Failed*. | *Published* |
| Add Tag | Tag experiments with color-coded labels to assist you in organizing your work. See [tagging experiments]( | Any state | None |
| Clone | Make an exact, editable copy of an experiment (for example, to reproduce an experiment, but keep the original). | *Draft* | Newly Cloned Experiment is *Draft* |
| Custom action | The ClearML Enterprise Server provides a mechanism to define your own custom actions, which will appear in the context menu. See [Custom UI Context Menu Actions](../deploying_clearml/ | Any State | None |