1. Creating a template Task named `Keras HP optimization base`. To create it, run the [base_template_keras_simple.py](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/examples/optimization/hyper-parameter-optimization/base_template_keras_simple.py)
1. Adding the random search hyperparameters and parameters defining the search (e.g., the task name, and number of
times to run the task).
1. Creating a Task object referencing the template task, `Keras HP optimization base`. See [`Task.get_task`](../../references/sdk/task.md#taskget_task).
1. Cloning the Task object. See [`Task.clone`](../../references/sdk/task.md#taskclone).
1. Getting the newly cloned Task's parameters. See [`Task.get_parameters`](../../references/sdk/task.md#get_parameters).
1. Setting the newly cloned Task's parameters to the search values in the parameter dictionary (Step 1). See [`Task.set_parameters`](../../references/sdk/task.md#set_parameters).
1. Enqueuing the newly cloned Task to execute. See [`Task.enqueue`](../../references/sdk/task.md#taskenqueue).