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title: PyTorch Lightning
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If you are not already using ClearML, see [ClearML Setup instructions ](../clearml_sdk/clearml_sdk_setup ).
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[PyTorch Lightning ](https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning ) is a framework that simplifies the process of training and deploying PyTorch models. ClearML seamlessly
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integrates with PyTorch Lightning, automatically logging PyTorch models, parameters supplied by [LightningCLI ](https://lightning.ai/docs/pytorch/stable/cli/lightning_cli.html ),
and more.
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All you have to do is simply add two lines of code to your PyTorch Lightning script:
from clearml import Task
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task = Task.init(task_name="< task_name > ", project_name="< project_name > ")
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And that's it! This creates a [ClearML Task ](../fundamentals/task.md ) which captures:
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* Source code and uncommitted changes
* Installed packages
* PyTorch Models
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* Parameters supplied by [LightningCLI ](https://lightning.ai/docs/pytorch/stable/cli/lightning_cli.html ) (when class is instantiated in script)
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* [TensorBoard ](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard ) outputs
* Console output
* General details such as machine details, runtime, creation date etc.
* And more
You can view all the task details in the [WebApp ](../webapp/webapp_overview.md ).
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See an example of PyTorch Lightning and ClearML in action [here ](../guides/frameworks/pytorch_lightning/pytorch_lightning_example.md ).
## Automatic Logging Control
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By default, when ClearML is integrated into your script, it automatically captures information from supported frameworks,
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and parameters from supported argument parsers. But, you may want to have more control over what your task logs.
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### Frameworks
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To control a task's framework logging, use the `auto_connect_frameworks` parameter of [`Task.init()` ](../references/sdk/task.md#taskinit ).
Completely disable all automatic logging by setting the parameter to `False` . For finer grained control of logged
frameworks, input a dictionary, with framework-boolean pairs.
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For example, the following code will log PyTorch models, but will not log any information reported to TensorBoard:
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'pytorch': True, 'tensorboard': False, 'matplotlib': True, 'tensorflow': True,
'xgboost': True, 'scikit': True, 'fastai': True, 'lightgbm': True,
'hydra': True, 'detect_repository': True, 'tfdefines': True, 'joblib': True,
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'megengine': True, 'catboost': True
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You can also input wildcards as dictionary values, so ClearML will log a model created by a framework only if its local
path matches at least one wildcard.
For example, in the code below, ClearML will log PyTorch models only if their paths have the `.pt` extension. The
unspecified frameworks' values default to true so all their models are automatically logged.
auto_connect_frameworks={'pytorch' : '*.pt'}
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### Argument Parsers
To control a task's logging of parameters from argument parsers, use the `auto_connect_arg_parser` parameter of [`Task.init()` ](../references/sdk/task.md#taskinit ).
Completely disable all automatic logging by setting the parameter to `False` (this includes disabling logging of `LightningCLI` parameters).
For finer grained control of logged parameters, input a dictionary with parameter-boolean pairs. The `False` value
excludes the specified parameter. Unspecified parameters default to `True` .
For example, the following code will not log the `Example_1` parameter, but will log all other arguments.
auto_connect_arg_parser={"Example_1": False}
To exclude all unspecified parameters, set the `*` key to `False` . For example, the following code will log **only** the
`Example_2` parameter.
auto_connect_arg_parser={"Example_2": True, "*": False}
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## Manual Logging
To augment its automatic logging, ClearML also provides an explicit logging interface.
See more information about explicitly logging information to a ClearML Task:
* [Models ](../clearml_sdk/model_sdk.md#manually-logging-models )
* [Configuration ](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#configuration ) (e.g. parameters, configuration files)
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* [Artifacts ](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#artifacts ) (e.g. output files or Python objects created by a task)
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* [Scalars ](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#scalars )
* [Text/Plots/Debug Samples ](../fundamentals/logger.md#manual-reporting )
See [Explicit Reporting Tutorial ](../guides/reporting/explicit_reporting.md ).
## Remote Execution
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ClearML logs all the information required to reproduce a task run on a different machine (installed packages,
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uncommitted changes etc.). The [ClearML Agent ](../clearml_agent.md ) listens to designated queues and when a task is enqueued,
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the agent pulls it, recreates its execution environment, and runs it, reporting its scalars, plots, etc. to the
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task manager.
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Deploy a ClearML Agent onto any machine (e.g. a cloud VM, a local GPU machine, your own laptop) by simply running the
following command on it:
clearml-agent daemon --queue < queues_to_listen_to > [--docker]
Use the ClearML [Autoscalers ](../cloud_autoscaling/autoscaling_overview.md ), to help you manage cloud workloads in the
cloud of your choice (AWS, GCP, Azure) and automatically deploy ClearML agents: the autoscaler automatically spins up
and shuts down instances as needed, according to a resource budget that you set.
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### Reproducing Task Runs
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Use ClearML's web interface to edit task details, like configuration parameters or input models, then execute the task
with the new configuration on a remote machine:
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* Clone the task
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* Edit the hyperparameters and/or other details
* Enqueue the task
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The ClearML Agent executing the task will use the new values to [override any hard coded values ](../clearml_agent.md ).
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### Executing a Task Remotely
You can set a task to be executed remotely programmatically by adding [`Task.execute_remotely()` ](../references/sdk/task.md#execute_remotely )
to your script. This method stops the current local execution of the task, and then enqueues it to a specified queue to
re-run it on a remote machine.
# If executed locally, process will terminate, and a copy will be executed by an agent instead
task.execute_remotely(queue_name='default', exit_process=True)
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## Hyperparameter Optimization
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Use ClearML's [`HyperParameterOptimizer` ](../references/sdk/hpo_optimization_hyperparameteroptimizer.md ) class to find
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the hyperparameter values that yield the best performing models. See [Hyperparameter Optimization ](../getting_started/hpo.md )
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for more information.
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