2. Hover over the resource and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg"alt="Generate embed code"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>.
![Reports step 2](../img/reports_step_2.png)
Click `Embed in ClearML report`. This generates the embed code for accessing the resource, and copies
Add the table column names in the first row; each name is preceded and followed by a pipe (`|`).
In the second row, add sets of at least three hyphens (`---`) for each column, and add a pipe before and after each set
of hyphens. In the second row, you can specify each table column's contents alignment. To align the contents to the
left, place a colon (`:`) to the left of the hyphens. To align right, place a colon to the right of the hyphens. To
center align, place colons on both sides of the hyphens.
### Code
To render inline code, surround the code with single backticks (<code>\`</code>). For example \`code\` will be rendered `code`.
To create block code, use one of the following options:
* Indent the code
from clearml import Task
t = Task.init(project_name='My project', task_name='Base')
* Surround code with "fences"--three backticks (<code>```</code>):
from clearml import Task
t = Task.init(project_name='My project', task_name='Base')
Both of these options will be rendered as:
from clearml import Task
t = Task.init(project_name='My project', task_name='Base')
#### Syntax Highlighting
To display syntax highlighting, specify the coding language after the first fence (e.g. <code>\```python</code>, <code>\```json</code>, <code>\```js</code>, etc.):
from clearml import Task
t = Task.init(project_name='My project', task_name='Base')
The rendered output should look like this:
from clearml import Task
t = Task.init(project_name='My project', task_name='Base')
### Links
To create a link, enclose link text inside brackets, followed by the URL link enclosed in parentheses:
[link text](https://clear.ml)
The rendered output should look like this:
[link text](https://clear.ml)
To add a title to the link, which you can see in a tooltip when hovering over the link, add the title after the URL
link in the parentheses:
[link with title](https://clear.ml "ClearML Documentation")
The rendered output should look like this: [link with title](https://clear.ml "ClearML Documentation"). Hover over the
link to see the link's title.
### Collapsible Sections
The MarkDown code for a collapsible panel looks like this: