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title: Reports
With ClearML’ s Reports you can write up notes, experiment findings, or really anything you want. You can create reports
in any of your ClearML projects.
In addition to its main document, a report also contains a description field, which will appear in the report's card in
the [Reports Page ](#reports-page ).
Reports are editable Markdown documents, supporting:
* Multi-level headings
* Text formatting: Italics, bold, and strikethrough
* Bulleted and numbered lists
* Tables
* Code blocks
* Text and image hyperlinks
* Embedded ClearML task content
![Report ](../img/webapp_report.png )
Publishing a report locks it for future editing, so you can preserve its contents. You can also share your reports,
download a PDF copy, or simply copy the MarkDown content and reuse in your editor of choice.
Access ClearML reports through the [Reports Page ](#reports-page ).
## Embedding ClearML Visualizations
You can embed plots and images from your experiments into your reports: scalar graphs and other plots, and debug samples
from an individual experiment or from an experiment comparison page. These visualizations are updated live as the
experiment(s) updates.
To add a graphic resource:
1. Go to the resource you want to embed in your report (a plot or debug sample from an individual experiment or
experiment comparison)
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2. Hover over the resource and click < img src = "/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg" alt = "Generate embed code" className = "icon size-md space-sm" /> .
![Reports step 2 ](../img/reports_step_2.png )
Click `Embed in ClearML report` . This generates the embed code for accessing the resource, and copies
it to your clipboard.
![Reports step 2a ](../img/reports_step_2a.png )
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3. Return to your report page and paste the code snippet
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![Reports step 3 ](../img/reports_step_3.png )
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## Reports Page
Use the Reports Page to navigate between and manage reports. The page shows summaries
for all reports.
Click on a report card to access it.
![Report page ](../img/webapp_report_page.png )
### Report Cards
The report cards display summarized report information:
< div class = "max-w-50" >
![report card ](../img/webapp_report_card.png )
< / div >
* Report name
* Report's project
* Creating user
* Last update time
* Status
* Description
* Tags
#### Report Actions
Click < img src = "/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg" alt = "Menu" className = "icon size-md space-sm" / > on the top right
of a report card to open its context menu and access report actions:
< div class = "max-w-50" >
![Report card context menu ](../img/webapp_report_card_context_menu.png )
< / div >
* **Rename** - Change the report’ s name
* **Share** - Copy URL to share report
* **Add Tag** - Add label to the report to help easily classify groups of reports.
* **Move to** - Move the report into another project. If the target project does not exist, it is created on-the-fly.
* **Archive** - Move report from active reports page to archive
* **Delete** - Delete the report. To delete a report, it must first be archived.
### Create New Reports
To create a new project, click the ** + NEW REPORT** button in the top right of the page,
which will open a **New Report** modal.
![New project modal ](../img/webapp_report_new_report.png )