| `--args` | Arguments to pass to the remote task, list of `<argument>=<value>` strings. Currently only argparse arguments are supported | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--base-task-id` | Use a pre-existing task in the system, instead of a local repo / script. Essentially clones an existing task and overrides arguments / requirements | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--binary` | Binary executable used to launch the entry point. For example: `--binary python3`, `--binary /bin/bash`. By default, the binary will be auto-detected | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--branch` | Select repository branch / tag. By default, latest commit from the master branch | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--commit` | Select commit ID to use. By default, latest commit, or local commit ID when using local repository | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--cwd` | Working directory to launch the script from. Relative to repo root or local `--folder` | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--docker` | Select the container image to use in the remote task | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--docker_bash_setup_script` | Add a bash script to be executed inside the container before setting up the task's environment | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|`--docker_args` | Add Docker arguments. Pass a single string in the following format: `--docker_args "<argument_string>"`. For example: `--docker_args "-v some_dir_1:other_dir_1 -v some_dir_2:other_dir_2"` | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--folder` | Execute the code from a local folder. Notice, it assumes a git repository already exists. Current state of the repo (commit ID and uncommitted changes) is logged and replicated on the remote machine | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--import-offline-session`| Specify the path to the offline session you want to import.| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--name` | Set a target name for the new task | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"alt="Yes"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--output-uri` | Set the task `output_uri`, upload destination for task models and artifacts | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--packages` | Manually specify a list of required packages. Example: `--packages "tqdm>=2.1" "scikit-learn"` | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--project`| Set the project name for the task (required, unless using `--base-task-id`). If the named project does not exist, it is created on-the-fly | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"alt="Yes"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--queue` | Select a task's execution queue. If not provided, a task is created but not launched | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--requirements` | Specify `requirements.txt` file to install when setting the session. By default, the` requirements.txt` from the repository will be used | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--script` | Entry point script for the remote execution. When used with `--repo`, input the script's relative path inside the repository. For example: `--script source/train.py`. When used with `--folder`, it supports a direct path to a file inside the local repository itself, for example: `--script ~/project/source/train.py` | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"alt="Yes"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--skip-task-init` | If set, `Task.init()` call is not added to the entry point, and is assumed to be called within the script | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
| `--tags` | Add tags to the newly created task. For example: `--tags "base" "job"` | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"alt="No"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |