|**CLEARML_DOCKER_IMAGE** | Sets the default docker image to use when running an agent in [Docker mode](../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_execution_env.md#docker-mode) |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_DOCKER_ARGS_HIDE_ENV** | Hide Docker environment variables containing secrets when printing out the Docker command. When printed, the variable values will be replaced by `********`. See [`agent.hide_docker_command_env_vars`](../configs/clearml_conf.md#hide_docker) |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_DISABLE_SSH_MOUNT** | Disables the auto `.ssh` mount into the docker |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_CODE_DIR**| Allows overriding the remote execution code directory to bypass repository cloning and use a repo already available where the remote agent is running. |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_UV**| If set to `1`, force the agent to use UV as the package manager. Overrides the default manager set in the [clearml.conf](../configs/clearml_conf.md) under `agent.package_manager.type` |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_EXEC_SCRIPT**| Allows overriding the remote execution script to bypass repository cloning and execute code already available where the remote agent is running. Use `module:file.py` format to specify a module and a script to execute (e.g. `.:main.py` to run `main.py` from the working dir)|
|**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_TASK_INIT**| If set to `1`, ClearML Agent adds `Task.init()` to scripts that do not have the call, creating a Task to capture code execution information and output, which is then sent to the ClearML Server. If set to `0` and the script does not include `Task.init()`, the agent will capture only the output streams and console output, without tracking code execution details, metrics, or models. |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_SYSTEM_SITE_PACKAGES** | If set to `1`, overrides default [`agent.package_manager.system_site_packages: true`](../configs/clearml_conf.md#system_site_packages) behavior when running tasks in containers (docker mode and k8s-glue)|
|**CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_CLONE_VERBOSE**| If set to `1`, `git clone` calls will report progress verbosely |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_EXTRA_DOCKER_LABELS** | List of labels to add to docker container. See [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/config/labels-custom-metadata/). |
|**CLEARML_EXTRA_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS**| List of additional flags to use when the agent installs packages. For example: `CLEARML_EXTRA_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS=--use-deprecated=legacy-resolver` for a single flag or `CLEARML_EXTRA_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS="--use-deprecated=legacy-resolver --no-warn-conflicts"` for multiple flags|
|**CLEARML_AGENT_EXTRA_PYTHON_PATH** | Sets extra python path |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_INITIAL_CONNECT_RETRY_OVERRIDE** | Overrides initial server connection behavior (true by default), allows explicit number to specify number of connect retries) |
|**CLEARML_K8S_GLUE_START_AGENT_SCRIPT_PATH** | Provide an alternate path to place the agent startup script generated inside a k8s task pod (instead of the default `~/~/__start_agent__.sh`) |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_PACKAGE_PYTORCH_RESOLVE**|Sets the PyTorch resolving mode. The options are: <ul><li>`none` - No resolving. Install PyTorch like any other package</li><li>`pip` (default) - Sets extra index based on cuda and lets pip resolve</li><li>`direct` - Resolve a direct link to the PyTorch wheel by parsing the pytorch.org pip repository, and matching the automatically detected cuda version with the required PyTorch wheel. If the exact cuda version is not found for the required PyTorch wheel, it will try a lower cuda version until a match is found</li></ul> |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL** | Instead of creating a new virtual environment inheriting from the system packages, use an existing virtual environment and install missing packages directly to it. Specify the python binary of the existing virtual environment. For example: `CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL=/home/venv/bin/python` |
|**CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PYTHON_ENV_INSTALL** | If set to `1`, the agent will not install any required python packages and will just use the preexisting python environment to run the task. |
|**CLEARML_MULTI_NODE_SINGLE_TASK**| Control how multi-node resource monitoring is reported. The options are: <ul><li>`-1` - Only master node's (rank zero) console/resources are reported</li><li>`1` - Graph per node i.e. machine/GPU graph for every node (console output prefixed with RANK)</li><li>`2` - Series per node under a unified machine resource graph, graph per type of resource e.g. CPU/GPU utilization (console output prefixed with RANK)</li></ul>|