#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e TOR_CONFIG="/etc/tor/torrc" ENV_FILE="/app/.env" to_camel_case() { echo "${1}" | awk -F_ '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) tolower(substr($i,2));}1' OFS="" } generate_tor_config() { # IP address of the container local inet_address="$(hostname -i | awk '{print $1}')" sed -i "s/{{INET_ADDRESS}}/$inet_address/g" "${TOR_CONFIG}" # any other environment variables that start with TOR_ are added to the torrc # file env | grep ^TOR_ | sed -e 's/TOR_//' -e 's/=/ /' | while read -r line; do key=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') value=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}') key=$(to_camel_case "$key") echo "$key $value" >>"${TOR_CONFIG}" done # Removing duplicated tor options awk -F= '!a[tolower($1)]++' "${TOR_CONFIG}" >"/tmp/$(basename "${TOR_CONFIG}")" && mv "/tmp/$(basename "${TOR_CONFIG}")" "${TOR_CONFIG}" # Checking if there is /etc/torrc.d folder and if there is # any file in it, adding them to the torrc file local TORRC_DIR_FILES=$(find /etc/torrc.d -type f -name "*.conf") if [ -n "$TORRC_DIR_FILES" ]; then for file in $TORRC_DIR_FILES; do cat "$file" >>"${TOR_CONFIG}" done fi # Remove comment line with single Hash sed -i '/^#\([^#]\)/d' "${TOR_CONFIG}" # Remove options with no value. (KEY[:space:]{...VALUE}) sed -i '/^[^ ]* $/d' "${TOR_CONFIG}" # Remove double empty lines sed -i '/^$/N;/^\n$/D' "${TOR_CONFIG}" } echo " " echo " _ ___ ___ __ _ " echo "| | / (_)_______ / | ____/ /___ ___ (_)___ " echo "| | /| / / / ___/ _ \/ /| |/ __ / __ \`__ \/ / __ \\" echo "| |/ |/ / / / / __/ ___ / /_/ / / / / / / / / / /" echo "|__/|__/_/_/ \___/_/ |_\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/_/ /_/ " echo " " mkdir -p /var/vlogs touch "${ENV_FILE}" chmod 400 "${ENV_FILE}" if ! grep -q "AUTH_SECRET" "${ENV_FILE}"; then tee -a "${ENV_FILE}" &>/dev/null </dev/null <"/tmp/$(basename "${ENV_FILE}")" && mv "/tmp/$(basename "${ENV_FILE}")" "${ENV_FILE}" generate_tor_config # Start Tor on the background screen -L -Logfile /var/vlogs/tor -dmS tor \ bash -c "tor -f ${TOR_CONFIG}" # Starting Redis server in detached mode screen -L -Logfile /var/vlogs/redis -dmS redis \ bash -c "redis-server --port 6479 --daemonize no --dir /data --appendonly yes" sleep 1 echo -e "\n======================== Versions ========================" echo -e "Alpine Version: \c" && cat /etc/alpine-release echo -e "WireGuard Version: \c" && wg -v | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1,$2}' echo -e "Tor Version: \c" && tor --version | head -n 1 echo -e "Obfs4proxy Version: \c" && obfs4proxy -version echo -e "\n========================= Torrc =========================" cat "${TOR_CONFIG}" echo -e "========================================================\n" sleep 1 screen -L -Logfile /var/vlogs/warmup -dmS warmup \ bash -c "sleep 10; echo -n '[+] Warming Up...'; curl -s; echo -e 'Done!'" exec "$@"