diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 78f7eda..8c7af38 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

| | | |
+| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
## Features
@@ -14,23 +14,16 @@
- List, create, delete, or modify any server or user
- Scan QR codes or easily download the client configurations.
-## Requirements
-* A host with a kernel that supports WireGuard.
-* A host with Docker installed.
## Installation
-### 1. Install Docker
+### 1. Prerequisites
-To install Docker, go to the official documentation and install a version that meets your environment's requirements.
-- [Install Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
+- [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
### 2. Persistent Data
-WireAdmin uses `redis` to store the WireGuard configurations and their data at `/data`. It's important to mount a volume
-at this location to ensure that your data is not lost during container restarts or updates.
+WireAdmin store configurations at `/data`. It's important to mount a volume at this location to ensure that
+your data is not lost during container restarts or updates.
#### Create a docker volume
@@ -38,9 +31,30 @@ at this location to ensure that your data is not lost during container restarts
docker volume create wireadmin-data --driver local
-### 3. Run WireAdmin
+### 3. Download Image
-Install WireAdmin using the command line:
+#### Build from source
+git clone https://github.com/shahradelahi/wireadmin
+docker buildx build --tag litehex/wireadmin .
+#### Pull from Docker Hub (recommended)
+docker pull litehex/wireadmin
+### 4. Run
+When creating each server, ensure that you add the port exposure through Docker. In the below command, the port `51820`
+is added for the WireGuard server.
+**NOTE:** The port `3000` is for the WebUI, and can be changed with `PORT` environment variable, but for security
+reasons, it's recommended to NOT expose **_any kind of WebUI_** to the public. It's up to you to remove it after
+the Servers/Peers.
docker run --rm \
@@ -53,35 +67,27 @@ docker run --rm \
--cap-add=SYS_MODULE \
--sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" \
--sysctl="net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" \
- litehex/wireadmin:latest
+ litehex/wireadmin
-Please note that the port `3000` is for the WebUI, and it's up to you to remove it after configuring the Servers/Peers.
-> IMPORTANT: When creating each server, ensure that you add the port exposure through Docker. (The port `51820` is added
-> as an example.)
## Environment Options
These options can be configured by setting environment variables using `-e KEY="VALUE"` in the `docker run` command.
-| Option | Description | Optional |
-| `WG_HOST` | The public IP address of the WireGuard server. | |
-| `UI_PASSWORD` | The password for the admin UI. | |
-| `TOR_USE_BRIDGES` | Set this to `1` and then mount the bridges file at `/etc/torrc.d/bridges.conf`. | ✔️ |
-| `TOR_*` | The `Torrc` proxy configuration. (e.g. `SocksPort` as `TOR_SOCKSPORT="9050"`) | ✔️ |
+| Option | Description | Optional |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
+| `WG_HOST` | The public IP address of the WireGuard server. | |
+| `UI_PASSWORD` | The password for the admin UI. | |
+| `HOST` | The hostname for the WebUI. (default: ``) | ✔️ |
+| `PORT` | The port for the WebUI. (default: `3000`) | ✔️ |
+| `TOR_USE_BRIDGES` | Set this to `1` and then mount the bridges file at `/etc/torrc.d/bridges.conf`. | ✔️ |
+| `TOR_*` | The `Torrc` proxy configuration. (e.g. `SocksPort` as `TOR_SOCKSPORT="9050"`) | ✔️ |
## Reporting
-If you have any questions, bug reports, and feature requests, please create an issue
+For bug reports, and feature requests, please create an issue
on [GitHub](https://github.com/shahradelahi/wireadmin/issues).
-## Support the Project
-Seriously, this project is free and open-source, and all I ask for as support is for you to give a star to [the
## License
-This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details
+[GPL-3.0](LICENSE) © [Shahrad Elahi](https://github.com/shahradelahi)