Go to file
2021-04-29 10:59:00 +02:00
.github/workflows Create codeql-analysis.yml 2021-02-26 23:19:42 +01:00
assets version 1.0.6, show version in footer 2021-04-07 20:07:40 +02:00
cmd/wg-portal fix version display 2021-04-08 18:10:53 +02:00
hooks WIP: smaller docker image 2021-04-08 09:23:48 +02:00
internal Set server name in TLS config (#13) 2021-04-29 10:59:00 +02:00
scripts WIP: smaller docker image 2021-04-08 09:23:48 +02:00
.gitignore WIP: RESTful API for WireGuard Portal, user endpoint (#11) 2021-04-26 20:02:40 +02:00
.travis.yml include tag version in travis builds 2021-04-08 21:30:16 +02:00
docker-compose.yml WIP: smaller docker image 2021-04-08 09:23:48 +02:00
Dockerfile WIP: smaller docker image 2021-04-08 09:23:48 +02:00
efs.go WIP: new user management and authentication system, use go 1.16 embed 2021-02-24 21:24:45 +01:00
go.mod WIP: RESTful API for WireGuard Portal, user endpoint (#11) 2021-04-26 20:02:40 +02:00
LICENSE.txt add README and LICENSE 2020-11-16 23:13:15 +01:00
Makefile WIP: RESTful API for WireGuard Portal, user endpoint (#11) 2021-04-26 20:02:40 +02:00
README-RASPBERRYPI.md update readme, fix default env file 2021-03-22 23:05:20 +01:00
README.md RESTful API for WireGuard Portal (#11) 2021-04-26 22:00:50 +02:00
screenshot.png add README and LICENSE 2020-11-16 23:13:15 +01:00

WireGuard Portal

Build Status License: MIT GitHub last commit Go Report Card GitHub go.mod Go version GitHub code size in bytes Docker Pulls

A simple, web based configuration portal for WireGuard. The portal uses the WireGuard wgctrl library to manage the VPN interface. This allows for seamless activation or deactivation of new users, without disturbing existing VPN connections.

The configuration portal currently supports using SQLite, MySQL as a user source for authentication and profile data. It also supports LDAP (Active Directory or OpenLDAP) as authentication provider.


  • Self-hosted and web based
  • Automatically select IP from the network pool assigned to client
  • QR-Code for convenient mobile client configuration
  • Sent email to client with QR-code and client config
  • Enable / Disable clients seamlessly
  • Generation of wgX.conf after any modification
  • IPv6 ready
  • User authentication (SQLite/MySQL and LDAP)
  • Dockerized
  • Responsive template
  • One single binary
  • Can be used with existing WireGuard setups
  • Support for multiple WireGuard interfaces




The easiest way to run WireGuard Portal is to use the Docker image provided.

Docker Compose snippet with some sample configuration values:

version: '3.6'
    image: h44z/wg-portal:latest
    container_name: wg-portal
    restart: unless-stopped
      - NET_ADMIN
    network_mode: "host"
      - /etc/wireguard:/etc/wireguard
      - ./data:/app/data
      - '8123:8123'
      # WireGuard Settings
      - WG_DEVICES=wg0
      - WG_CONFIG_PATH=/etc/wireguard
      # Core Settings
      - EXTERNAL_URL=https://vpn.company.com
      - WEBSITE_TITLE=WireGuard VPN
      - COMPANY_NAME=Your Company Name
      - ADMIN_USER=admin@domain.com
      - ADMIN_PASS=supersecret
      # Mail Settings
      - MAIL_FROM=WireGuard VPN <noreply+wireguard@company.com>
      - EMAIL_HOST=
      - EMAIL_PORT=25
      # LDAP Settings
      - LDAP_ENABLED=true
      - LDAP_URL=ldap://srv-ad01.company.local:389
      - LDAP_USER=ldap_wireguard@company.local
      - LDAP_PASSWORD=supersecretldappassword

Please note that mapping /etc/wireguard to /etc/wireguard inside the docker, will erase your host's current configuration. If needed, please make sure to backup your files from /etc/wireguard. For a full list of configuration options take a look at the source file internal/server/configuration.go.


For a standalone application, use the Makefile provided in the repository to build the application.


# To build for arm architecture as well use:
make build-cross-plat

The compiled binary will be located in the dist folder. A detailed description for using this software with a raspberry pi can be found in the README-RASPBERRYPI.md.


You can configure WireGuard Portal using either environment variables or a yaml configuration file. The filepath of the yaml configuration file defaults to config.yml in the working directory of the executable. It is possible to override the configuration filepath using the environment variable CONFIG_FILE. For example: CONFIG_FILE=/home/test/config.yml ./wg-portal-amd64.

Configuration Options

The following configuration options are available:

environment yaml yaml_parent default_value description
LISTENING_ADDRESS listeningAddress core :8123 The address on which the web server is listening. Optional IP address and port, e.g.:
EXTERNAL_URL externalUrl core http://localhost:8123 The external URL where the web server is reachable. This link is used in emails that are created by the WireGuard Portal.
WEBSITE_TITLE title core WireGuard VPN The website title.
COMPANY_NAME company core WireGuard Portal The company name (for branding).
MAIL_FROM mailFrom core WireGuard VPN noreply@company.com The email address from which emails are sent.
ADMIN_USER adminUser core admin@wgportal.local The administrator user. Must be a valid email address.
ADMIN_PASS adminPass core wgportal The administrator password. If unchanged, a random password will be set on first startup.
EDITABLE_KEYS editableKeys core true Allow to edit key-pairs in the UI.
CREATE_DEFAULT_PEER createDefaultPeer core false If an LDAP user logs in for the first time, a new WireGuard peer will be created on the WG_DEFAULT_DEVICE if this option is enabled.
SELF_PROVISIONING selfProvisioning core false Allow registered users to automatically create peers via the RESTful API.
LDAP_ENABLED ldapEnabled core false Enable or disable the LDAP backend.
SESSION_SECRET sessionSecret core secret Use a custom secret to encrypt session data.
DATABASE_TYPE typ database sqlite Either mysql or sqlite.
DATABASE_HOST host database The mysql server address.
DATABASE_PORT port database The mysql server port.
DATABASE_NAME database database data/wg_portal.db For sqlite database: the database file-path, otherwise the database name.
DATABASE_USERNAME user database The mysql user.
DATABASE_PASSWORD password database The mysql password.
EMAIL_HOST host email The email server address.
EMAIL_PORT port email 25 The email server port.
EMAIL_ENCRYPTION encryption email none Either none, tls or starttls.
EMAIL_CERT_VALIDATION certcheck email false Validate the email server certificate.
EMAIL_USERNAME user email An optional username for SMTP authentication.
EMAIL_PASSWORD pass email An optional password for SMTP authentication.
WG_DEVICES devices wg wg0 A comma separated list of WireGuard devices.
WG_DEFAULT_DEVICE defaultDevice wg wg0 This device is used for auto-created peers (if CREATE_DEFAULT_PEER is enabled).
WG_CONFIG_PATH configDirectory wg /etc/wireguard If set, interface configuration updates will be written to this path, filename: .conf.
MANAGE_IPS manageIPAddresses wg true Handle IP address setup of interface, only available on linux.
LDAP_URL url ldap ldap://srv-ad01.company.local:389 The LDAP server url.
LDAP_CERT_VALIDATION certcheck ldap false Validate the LDAP server certificate.
LDAP_BASEDN dn ldap DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL The base DN for searching users.
LDAP_USER user ldap company\\ldap_wireguard The bind user.
LDAP_PASSWORD pass ldap SuperSecret The bind password.
LDAP_TYPE typ ldap AD Either AD or OpenLDAP.
LDAP_USER_CLASS userClass ldap organizationalPerson The user class that specifies the LDAP object category of users.
LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP adminGroup ldap CN=WireGuardAdmins,OU=_O_IT,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL Users in this group are marked as administrators.
LDAP_ATTR_EMAIL attrEmail ldap mail User email attribute.
LDAP_ATTR_FIRSTNAME attrFirstname ldap givenName User firstname attribute.
LDAP_ATTR_LASTNAME attrLastname ldap sn User lastname attribute.
LDAP_ATTR_PHONE attrPhone ldap telephoneNumber User phone number attribute.
LDAP_ATTR_GROUPS attrGroups ldap memberOf User groups attribute.
LDAP_ATTR_DISABLED attrDisabled ldap userAccountControl User status attribute. This attribute is used to detect deactivated users.
LOG_LEVEL debug Specify log level, one of: trace, debug, info, off.
LOG_JSON false Format log output as JSON.
LOG_COLOR true Colorize log output.
CONFIG_FILE config.yml The config file path.

Sample yaml configuration


  listeningAddress: :8123
  externalUrl: https://wg-test.test.com
  adminUser: test@test.com
  adminPass: test
  editableKeys: true
  createDefaultPeer: false
  ldapEnabled: true
  mailFrom: WireGuard VPN <noreply@test.com>
  url: ldap://
  dn: DC=test,DC=test
  startTLS: false
  user: wireguard@test.test
  pass: test
  adminGroup: CN=WireGuardAdmins,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=test
  typ: AD
  typ: sqlite
  database: data/wg_portal.db
  host: smtp.gmail.com
  port: 587
  tls: true
  user: test@gmail.com
  pass: topsecret
    - wg0
    - wg1
  defaultDevice: wg0
  configDirectory: /etc/wireguard
  manageIPAddresses: true


WireGuard Portal offers a RESTful API to interact with. The API is documented using OpenAPI 2.0, the Swagger UI can be found under the URL http://<your wg-portal ip/domain>/swagger/index.html.

What is out of scope

  • Generation or application of any iptables or nftables rules
  • Setting up or changing IP-addresses of the WireGuard interface on operating systems other than linux
  • Importing private keys of an existing WireGuard setup

Application stack


This project was inspired by wg-gen-web.