# WireGuard Portal (v2 - testing) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/h44z/wg-portal.svg?token=q4pSqaqT58Jzpxdx62xk&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/h44z/wg-portal) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/h44z/wg-portal) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/h44z/wg-portal)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/h44z/wg-portal) ![GitHub go.mod Go version](https://img.shields.io/github/go-mod/go-version/h44z/wg-portal) ![GitHub code size in bytes](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/h44z/wg-portal) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/h44z/wg-portal.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/wgportal/wg-portal/) > :warning: **IMPORTANT** Version 2 is currently under development and may contain bugs. It is currently not advised to use this version in production. Use version [v1](https://github.com/h44z/wg-portal/tree/stable) instead. Since the project was accepted by the Docker-Sponsored Open Source Program, the Docker image location has moved to: https://hub.docker.com/r/wgportal/wg-portal. Please update the Docker image from **h44z/wg-portal** to **wgportal/wg-portal**. A simple, web based configuration portal for [WireGuard](https://wireguard.com). The portal uses the WireGuard [wgctrl](https://github.com/WireGuard/wgctrl-go) library to manage existing VPN interfaces. This allows for seamless activation or deactivation of new users, without disturbing existing VPN connections. The configuration portal supports using a database (SQLite, MySQL, MsSQL or Postgres), OAuth or LDAP (Active Directory or OpenLDAP) as a user source for authentication and profile data. ## Features * Self-hosted - the whole application is a single binary * Responsive web UI written in Vue.JS * Automatically select IP from the network pool assigned to client * QR-Code for convenient mobile client configuration * Sent email to client with QR-code and client config * Enable / Disable clients seamlessly * Generation of wg-quick configuration file (`wgX.conf`) if required * User authentication (database, OAuth or LDAP) * IPv6 ready * Docker ready * Can be used with existing WireGuard setups * Support for multiple WireGuard interfaces * Peer Expiry Feature * Handle route and DNS settings like wg-quick does * ~~REST API for management and client deployment~~ (coming soon) ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ## Configuration You can configure WireGuard Portal using a yaml configuration file. The filepath of the yaml configuration file defaults to **config/config.yml** in the working directory of the executable. It is possible to override the configuration filepath using the environment variable **WG_PORTAL_CONFIG**. For example: `WG_PORTAL_CONFIG=/home/test/config.yml ./wg-portal-amd64`. By default, WireGuard Portal uses a SQLite database. The database is stored in **data/sqlite.db** in the working directory of the executable. ### Configuration Options The following configuration options are available: | configuration key | parent key | default_value | description | |---------------------------|------------|--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | admin_user | core | admin@wgportal.local | The administrator user. This user will be created as default admin if it does not yet exist. | | admin_password | core | wgportal | The administrator password. If unchanged, a random password will be set on first startup. | | editable_keys | core | true | Allow to edit key-pairs in the UI. | | create_default_peer | core | false | If an LDAP user logs in for the first time, a new WireGuard peer will be created on the WG_DEFAULT_DEVICE if this option is enabled. | | self_provisioning_allowed | core | false | Allow registered users to automatically create peers via their profile page. | | import_existing | core | true | Import existing WireGuard interfaces and peers into WireGuard Portal. | | restore_state | core | true | Restore the WireGuard interface state after WireGuard Portal has started. | | log_level | advanced | warn | The loglevel, can be one of: trace, debug, info, warn, error. | | log_pretty | advanced | false | Uses pretty, colorized log messages. | | log_json | advanced | false | Logs in JSON format. | | ldap_sync_interval | advanced | 15m | The time interval after which users will be synchronized from LDAP. | | start_listen_port | advanced | 51820 | The first port number that will be used as listening port for new interfaces. | | start_cidr_v4 | advanced | | The first IPv4 subnet that will be used for new interfaces. | | start_cidr_v6 | advanced | fdfd:d3ad:c0de:1234::0/64 | The first IPv6 subnet that will be used for new interfaces. | | use_ip_v6 | advanced | true | Enable IPv6 support. | | config_storage_path | advanced | | If a wg-quick style configuration should be stored to the filesystem, specify a storage directory. | | expiry_check_interval | advanced | 15m | The interval after which existing peers will be checked if they expired. | | rule_prio_offset | advanced | 20000 | The default offset for ip route rule priorities. | | route_table_offset | advanced | 20000 | The default offset for ip route table id's. | | use_ping_checks | statistics | true | If enabled, peers will be pinged periodically to check if they are still connected. | | ping_check_workers | statistics | 10 | Number of parallel ping checks that will be executed. | | ping_unprivileged | statistics | false | If set to false, the ping checks will run without root permissions (BETA). | | ping_check_interval | statistics | 1m | The interval time between two ping check runs. | | data_collection_interval | statistics | 10m | The interval between the data collection cycles. | | collect_interface_data | statistics | true | A flag to enable interface data collection like bytes sent and received. | | collect_peer_data | statistics | true | A flag to enable peer data collection like bytes sent and received, last handshake and remote endpoint address. | | collect_audit_data | statistics | true | If enabled, some events, like portal logins, will be logged to the database. | | host | mail | | The mail-server address. | | port | mail | 25 | The mail-server SMTP port. | | encryption | mail | none | SMTP encryption type, allowed values: none, tls, starttls. | | cert_validation | mail | false | Validate the mail server certificate (if encryption tls is used). | | username | mail | | The SMTP user name. | | password | mail | | The SMTP password. | | auth_type | mail | plain | SMTP authentication type, allowed values: plain, login, crammd5. | | from | mail | Wireguard Portal | The address that is used to send mails. | | link_only | mail | false | Only send links to WireGuard Portal instead of the full configuration. | | callback_url_prefix | auth | /api/v0 | OAuth callback URL prefix. The full callback URL will look like: https://wg.portal.local/callback_url_prefix/provider_name/callback | | oidc | auth | Empty Array - no providers configured | A list of OpenID Connect providers. See auth/oidc properties to setup a new provider. | | oauth | auth | Empty Array - no providers configured | A list of plain OAuth providers. See auth/oauth properties to setup a new provider. | | ldap | auth | Empty Array - no providers configured | A list of LDAP providers. See auth/ldap properties to setup a new provider. | | provider_name | auth/oidc | | A unique provider name. This name must be unique throughout all authentication providers (even other types). | | display_name | auth/oidc | | The display name is shown at the login page (the login button). | | base_url | auth/oidc | | The base_url is the URL identifier for the service. For example: "https://accounts.google.com". | | client_id | auth/oidc | | The OAuth client id. | | client_secret | auth/oidc | | The OAuth client secret. | | extra_scopes | auth/oidc | | Extra scopes that should be used in the OpenID Connect authentication flow. | | field_map | auth/oidc | | Mapping of user fields. Internal fields: user_identifier, email, firstname, lastname, phone, department and is_admin. | | registration_enabled | auth/oidc | | If registration is enabled, new user accounts will created in WireGuard Portal. | | provider_name | auth/oauth | | A unique provider name. This name must be unique throughout all authentication providers (even other types). | | display_name | auth/oauth | | The display name is shown at the login page (the login button). | | base_url | auth/oauth | | The base_url is the URL identifier for the service. For example: "https://accounts.google.com". | | client_id | auth/oauth | | The OAuth client id. | | client_secret | auth/oauth | | The OAuth client secret. | | auth_url | auth/oauth | | The URL for the authentication endpoint. | | token_url | auth/oauth | | The URL for the token endpoint. | | redirect_url | auth/oauth | | The redirect URL. | | user_info_url | auth/oauth | | The URL for the user information endpoint. | | scopes | auth/oauth | | OAuth scopes. | | field_map | auth/oauth | | Mapping of user fields. Internal fields: user_identifier, email, firstname, lastname, phone, department and is_admin. | | registration_enabled | auth/oauth | | If registration is enabled, new user accounts will created in WireGuard Portal. | | url | auth/ldap | | The LDAP server url. For example: ldap://srv-ad01.company.local:389 | | start_tls | auth/ldap | | Use STARTTLS to encrypt LDAP requests. | | cert_validation | auth/ldap | | Validate the LDAP server certificate. | | tls_certificate_path | auth/ldap | | A path to the TLS certificate. | | tls_key_path | auth/ldap | | A path to the TLS key. | | base_dn | auth/ldap | | The base DN for searching users. For example: DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL | | bind_user | auth/ldap | | The bind user. For example: company\\ldap_wireguard | | bind_pass | auth/ldap | | The bind password. | | field_map | auth/ldap | | Mapping of user fields. Internal fields: user_identifier, email, firstname, lastname, phone, department and memberof. | | login_filter | auth/ldap | | LDAP filters for users that should be allowed to log in. {{login_identifier}} will be replaced with the login username. | | admin_group | auth/ldap | | Users in this group are marked as administrators. | | synchronize | auth/ldap | | Periodically synchronize users (name, department, phone, status, ...) to the WireGuard Portal database. | | disable_missing | auth/ldap | | If synchronization is enabled, missing LDAP users will be disabled in WireGuard Portal. | | sync_filter | auth/ldap | | LDAP filters for users that should be synchronized to WireGuard Portal. | | registration_enabled | auth/ldap | | If registration is enabled, new user accounts will created in WireGuard Portal. | | debug | database | false | Debug database statements (log each statement). | | slow_query_threshold | database | | A threshold for slow database queries. If the threshold is exceeded, a warning message will be logged. | | type | database | sqlite | The database type. Allowed values: sqlite, mssql, mysql or postgres. | | dsn | database | data/sqlite.db | The database DSN. For example: user:pass@tcp( | | request_logging | web | false | Log all HTTP requests. | | external_url | web | http://localhost:8888 | The URL where a client can access WireGuard Portal. | | listening_address | web | :8888 | The listening port of the web server. | | session_identifier | web | wgPortalSession | The session identifier for the web frontend. | | session_secret | web | very_secret | The session secret for the web frontend. | | csrf_secret | web | extremely_secret | The CSRF secret. | | site_title | web | WireGuard Portal | The title that is shown in the web frontend. | | site_company_name | web | WireGuard Portal | The company name that is shown at the bottom of the web frontend. | ## Upgrading from V1 > :warning: Before upgrading from V1, make sure that you have a backup of your currently working configuration files and database! To start the upgrade process, start the wg-portal binary with the **-migrateFrom** parameter. The configuration (config.yml) for WireGuard Portal must be updated and valid before starting the upgrade. To upgrade from a previous SQLite database, start wg-portal like: ```shell ./wg-portal-amd64 -migrateFrom=old_wg_portal.db ``` You can also specify the database type using the parameter **-migrateFromType**, supported types: mysql, mssql, postgres or sqlite. For example: ```shell ./wg-portal-amd64 -migrateFromType=mysql -migrateFrom=user:pass@tcp( ``` The upgrade will transform the old, existing database and store the values in the new database specified in config.yml. Ensure that the new database does not contain any data! ## V2 TODOs * Public REST API * Translations * Documentation * Audit UI ## Building To build a standalone application, use the Makefile provided in the repository. Go version 1.20 or higher has to be installed to build WireGuard Portal. If you want to re-compile the frontend, NodeJS 18 and NPM >= 9 is required. ```shell # build the frontend (optional) make frontend # build the binary make build ``` ## What is out of scope * Automatic generation or application of any `iptables` or `nftables` rules. * Support for operating systems other than linux. * Automatic import of private keys of an existing WireGuard setup. ## Application stack * [wgctrl-go](https://github.com/WireGuard/wgctrl-go) and [netlink](https://github.com/vishvananda/netlink) for interface handling * [Gin](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin), HTTP web framework written in Go * [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/), for the HTML templates * [Vue.JS](https://vuejs.org/), for the frontend ## License * MIT License. [MIT](LICENSE.txt) or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT