Make sure that your host system has at least one WireGuard interface (for example wg0) available.
If you did not start up a WireGuard interface yet, take a look at [wg-quick]( in order to get started.
For a standalone application, use the Makefile provided in the repository to build the application. Go version 1.16 or higher has to be installed to build WireGuard Portal.
| LISTENING_ADDRESS | listeningAddress | core | :8123 | The address on which the web server is listening. Optional IP address and port, e.g.: |
| EXTERNAL_URL | externalUrl | core | http://localhost:8123 | The external URL where the web server is reachable. This link is used in emails that are created by the WireGuard Portal. |
| WEBSITE_TITLE | title | core | WireGuard VPN | The website title. |
| COMPANY_NAME | company | core | WireGuard Portal | The company name (for branding). |
| MAIL_FROM | mailFrom | core | WireGuard VPN <> | The email address from which emails are sent. |
| LOGO_URL | logoUrl | core | /img/header-logo.png | The logo displayed in the page's header. |
| ADMIN_USER | adminUser | core | admin@wgportal.local | The administrator user. Must be a valid email address. |
| ADMIN_PASS | adminPass | core | wgportal | The administrator password. If unchanged, a random password will be set on first startup. |
| EDITABLE_KEYS | editableKeys | core | true | Allow to edit key-pairs in the UI. |
| CREATE_DEFAULT_PEER | createDefaultPeer | core | false | If an LDAP user logs in for the first time, a new WireGuard peer will be created on the WG_DEFAULT_DEVICE if this option is enabled. |
| SELF_PROVISIONING | selfProvisioning | core | false | Allow registered users to automatically create peers via the RESTful API. |
| LDAP_ENABLED | ldapEnabled | core | false | Enable or disable the LDAP backend. |
| SESSION_SECRET | sessionSecret | core | secret | Use a custom secret to encrypt session data. |
| DATABASE_TYPE | typ | database | sqlite | Either mysql or sqlite. |
| DATABASE_HOST | host | database | | The mysql server address. |
| DATABASE_PORT | port | database | | The mysql server port. |
| DATABASE_NAME | database | database | data/wg_portal.db | For sqlite database: the database file-path, otherwise the database name. |
| DATABASE_USERNAME | user | database | | The mysql user. |
| DATABASE_PASSWORD | password | database | | The mysql password. |
| EMAIL_HOST | host | email | | The email server address. |
| EMAIL_PORT | port | email | 25 | The email server port. |
| EMAIL_TLS | tls | email | false | Use STARTTLS. DEPRECATED: use EMAIL_ENCRYPTION instead. |
| EMAIL_ENCRYPTION | encryption | email | none | Either none, tls or starttls. |
| EMAIL_CERT_VALIDATION | certcheck | email | false | Validate the email server certificate. |
| EMAIL_USERNAME | user | email | | An optional username for SMTP authentication. |
| EMAIL_PASSWORD | pass | email | | An optional password for SMTP authentication. |
| EMAIL_AUTHTYPE | auth | email | plain | Either plain, login or crammd5. If username and password are empty, this value is ignored. |
| WG_DEVICES | devices | wg | wg0 | A comma separated list of WireGuard devices. |
| WG_DEFAULT_DEVICE | defaultDevice | wg | wg0 | This device is used for auto-created peers (if CREATE_DEFAULT_PEER is enabled). |
| WG_CONFIG_PATH | configDirectory | wg | /etc/wireguard | If set, interface configuration updates will be written to this path, filename: <devicename>.conf. |
| MANAGE_IPS | manageIPAddresses | wg | true | Handle IP address setup of interface, only available on linux. |
| LDAP_URL | url | ldap | ldap:// | The LDAP server url. |
| LDAP_LOGIN_FILTER | loginFilter | ldap | (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(mail={{login_identifier}})(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)) | {{login_identifier}} will be replaced with the login email address. |
| LDAP_SYNC_FILTER | syncFilter | ldap | (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(mail=*)) | The filter string for the LDAP synchronization service. |
| LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP | adminGroup | ldap | CN=WireGuardAdmins,OU=_O_IT,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL | Users in this group are marked as administrators. |
| LDAP_ATTR_EMAIL | attrEmail | ldap | mail | User email attribute. |