The compiled binary and all necessary assets will be located in the dist folder.
### Service setup
- Copy the contents from the dist folder (or from the downloaded zip file) to `/opt/wg-portal`. You can choose a different path as well, but make sure to update the systemd service file accordingly.
- Update the provided systemd `wg-portal.service` file:
- Make sure that the binary matches the system architecture.
- There are three pre-build binaries available: wg-portal-**amd64**, wg-portal-**arm64** and wg-portal-**arm**.
- For a raspberry pi use the arm binary if you are using armv7l architecture. If armv8 is used, the arm64 version should work.
- Make sure that the paths to the binary and the working directory are set correctly (defaults to /opt/wg-portal/wg-portal-amd64):
- ConditionPathExists
- WorkingDirectory
- ExecStart
- EnvironmentFile
- Update environment variables in the `wg-portal.env` file to fit your needs
- Link the system service file to the correct folder: