{{ extends "../_layouts/default" }} {{ import "../_modules/form" }} {{ block script() }} {{ end }} {{ block dialog(name, items) }} {{ end }} {{ block body() }}


Services are the definitions of tasks to run on a swarm.

Create service

Do not enter registry host!

{{range .Networks}} {{ yield checkbox(name="networks", value=.Name, label=.Name) }} {{end}}
Environments {{ yield options(name="env") }}
Service Labels {{ yield options(name="slabel") }}
Container Labels {{ yield options(name="clabel") }}

{{ yield radios(name="endpoint.mode", values=slice("vip", "dnsrr"), labels=slice("VIP", "DNS-RR")) }}
Host Container Protocol Mode
Type Source Target ReadOnly Propagation
Name File name UID GID Mode

Secrets will be mounted as /run/secrets/$FILE_NAME in containers by default, You can specify a custom location in Docker 17.06 and higher.

Name File name UID GID Mode

Configs will be mounted as /$FILE_NAME in containers by default, You can specify a custom location.

Name Operator Value
{{ yield radios(name="update_policy.failure_action", values=slice("pause", "continue", "rollback"), checked="pause") }}
{{ yield radios(name="update_policy.order", values=slice("start-first", "stop-first"), checked="stop-first") }}
{{ yield radios(name="rollback_policy.failure_action", values=slice("pause", "continue"), checked="pause") }}
{{ yield radios(name="rollback_policy.order", values=slice("start-first", "stop-first"), checked="stop-first") }}
{{ yield radios(name="restart_policy.condition", values=slice("any", "on-failure", "none"), checked="any") }}
{{ yield radios(name="log_driver.name", values=slice("json-file", "syslog", "journald", "gelf", "fluentd", "awslogs", "splunk", "etwlogs", "gcplogs", "none")) }}
{{ yield options(name="log_driver.option", alias="log_driver_option") }}

{{ yield dialog(name="secret", items=.Secrets) }} {{ yield dialog(name="config", items=.Configs) }} {{ end }}