{{ extends "../_layouts/default" }} {{ import "../_modules/form" }} {{ block script() }} {{ end }} {{ block body() }} NETWORK Networks are user-defined networks that containers can be attached to. Create network Name Driver {{ yield radio(name="driver", value="overlay", label="Overlay", checked="overlay") }} {{ yield radio(name="driver", value="bridge", label="Bridge") }} {{ yield radio(name="driver", value="other", label="Other") }} {{ yield switch(name="internal", label="Restrict external access to the network") }} {{ yield switch(name="attachable", label="Allow network attaching by regular containers") }} IPV4 Subnet Gateway IP range IPV6 {{ yield switch(id="ipv6_enabled", name="ipv6.enabled", label="Enable IPv6") }} Subnet Gateway Options {{ yield options(name="option") }} Labels {{ yield options(name="label") }} Submit Cancel {{ end }}