# 🔥 Firecrawl Crawl and convert any website into LLM-ready markdown. Built by [Mendable.ai](https://mendable.ai?ref=gfirecrawl) and the firecrawl community. _This repository is in its early development stages. We are still merging custom modules in the mono repo. It's not completely yet ready for full self-host deployment, but you can already run it locally._ ## What is Firecrawl? [Firecrawl](https://firecrawl.dev?ref=github) is an API service that takes a URL, crawls it, and converts it into clean markdown. We crawl all accessible subpages and give you clean markdown for each. No sitemap required. _Pst. hey, you, join our stargazers :)_ ## How to use it? We provide an easy to use API with our hosted version. You can find the playground and documentation [here](https://firecrawl.dev/playground). You can also self host the backend if you'd like. - [x] [API](https://firecrawl.dev/playground) - [x] [Python SDK](https://github.com/mendableai/firecrawl/tree/main/apps/python-sdk) - [x] [Node SDK](https://github.com/mendableai/firecrawl/tree/main/apps/js-sdk) - [x] [Langchain Integration 🦜🔗](https://python.langchain.com/docs/integrations/document_loaders/firecrawl/) - [x] [Llama Index Integration 🦙](https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/latest/examples/data_connectors/WebPageDemo/#using-firecrawl-reader) - [X] [Langchain JS Integration 🦜🔗](https://js.langchain.com/docs/integrations/document_loaders/web_loaders/firecrawl) - [ ] Want an SDK or Integration? Let us know by opening an issue. To run locally, refer to guide [here](https://github.com/mendableai/firecrawl/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). ### API Key To use the API, you need to sign up on [Firecrawl](https://firecrawl.dev) and get an API key. ### Crawling Used to crawl a URL and all accessible subpages. This submits a crawl job and returns a job ID to check the status of the crawl. ```bash curl -X POST https://api.firecrawl.dev/v0/crawl \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ -d '{ "url": "https://mendable.ai" }' ``` Returns a jobId ```json { "jobId": "1234-5678-9101" } ``` ### Check Crawl Job Used to check the status of a crawl job and get its result. ```bash curl -X GET https://api.firecrawl.dev/v0/crawl/status/1234-5678-9101 \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ``` ```json { "status": "completed", "current": 22, "total": 22, "data": [ { "content": "Raw Content ", "markdown": "# Markdown Content", "provider": "web-scraper", "metadata": { "title": "Mendable | AI for CX and Sales", "description": "AI for CX and Sales", "language": null, "sourceURL": "https://www.mendable.ai/" } } ] } ``` ### Scraping Used to scrape a URL and get its content. ```bash curl -X POST https://api.firecrawl.dev/v0/scrape \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ -d '{ "url": "https://mendable.ai" }' ``` Response: ```json { "success": true, "data": { "content": "Raw Content ", "markdown": "# Markdown Content", "provider": "web-scraper", "metadata": { "title": "Mendable | AI for CX and Sales", "description": "AI for CX and Sales", "language": null, "sourceURL": "https://www.mendable.ai/" } } } ``` ### Search (Beta) Used to search the web, get the most relevant results, scrap each page and return the markdown. ```bash curl -X POST https://api.firecrawl.dev/v0/search \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ -d '{ "query": "firecrawl", "pageOptions": { "fetchPageContent": true // false for a fast serp api } }' ``` ```json { "success": true, "data": [ { "url": "https://mendable.ai", "markdown": "# Markdown Content", "provider": "web-scraper", "metadata": { "title": "Mendable | AI for CX and Sales", "description": "AI for CX and Sales", "language": null, "sourceURL": "https://www.mendable.ai/" } } ] } ``` ### Intelligent Extraction (Beta) Used to extract structured data from scraped pages. ```bash curl -X POST https://api.firecrawl.dev/v0/scrape \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ -d '{ "url": "https://www.mendable.ai/", "extractorOptions": { "mode": "llm-extraction", "extractionPrompt": "Based on the information on the page, extract the information from the schema. ", "extractionSchema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "company_mission": { "type": "string" }, "supports_sso": { "type": "boolean" }, "is_open_source": { "type": "boolean" }, "is_in_yc": { "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "company_mission", "supports_sso", "is_open_source", "is_in_yc" ] } } }' ``` ```json { "success": true, "data": { "content": "Raw Content", "metadata": { "title": "Mendable", "description": "Mendable allows you to easily build AI chat applications. Ingest, customize, then deploy with one line of code anywhere you want. Brought to you by SideGuide", "robots": "follow, index", "ogTitle": "Mendable", "ogDescription": "Mendable allows you to easily build AI chat applications. Ingest, customize, then deploy with one line of code anywhere you want. Brought to you by SideGuide", "ogUrl": "https://mendable.ai/", "ogImage": "https://mendable.ai/mendable_new_og1.png", "ogLocaleAlternate": [], "ogSiteName": "Mendable", "sourceURL": "https://mendable.ai/" }, "llm_extraction": { "company_mission": "Train a secure AI on your technical resources that answers customer and employee questions so your team doesn't have to", "supports_sso": true, "is_open_source": false, "is_in_yc": true } } } ``` Coming soon to the Langchain and LLama Index integrations. ## Using Python SDK ### Installing Python SDK ```bash pip install firecrawl-py ``` ### Crawl a website ```python from firecrawl import FirecrawlApp app = FirecrawlApp(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY") crawl_result = app.crawl_url('mendable.ai', {'crawlerOptions': {'excludes': ['blog/*']}}) # Get the markdown for result in crawl_result: print(result['markdown']) ``` ### Scraping a URL To scrape a single URL, use the `scrape_url` method. It takes the URL as a parameter and returns the scraped data as a dictionary. ```python url = 'https://example.com' scraped_data = app.scrape_url(url) ``` ### Search for a query Performs a web search, retrieve the top results, extract data from each page, and returns their markdown. ```python query = 'What is Mendable?' search_result = app.search(query) ``` ## Contributing We love contributions! Please read our [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) before submitting a pull request. *It is the sole responsibility of the end users to respect websites' policies when scraping, searching and crawling with Firecrawl. Users are advised to adhere to the applicable privacy policies and terms of use of the websites prior to initiating any scraping activities. By default, Firecrawl respects the directives specified in the websites' robots.txt files when crawling. By utilizing Firecrawl, you expressly agree to comply with these conditions.*