# Scrape and Analyze Airbnb Data with Firecrawl and E2B This example demonstrates how to scrape Airbnb data and analyze it using [Firecrawl](https://www.firecrawl.dev/) and the [Code Interpreter SDK](https://github.com/e2b-dev/code-interpreter) from E2B. ## Prerequisites - Node.js installed on your machine - An E2B API key - A Firecrawl API key - A Anthropic API key ## Setup & run ### 1. Install dependencies ``` npm install ``` ### 2. Set up `.env` 1. Copy `.env.template` to `.env` 2. Get [E2B API key](https://e2b.dev/docs/getting-started/api-key) 3. Get [Firecrawl API key](https://firecrawl.dev) 4. Get [Anthropic API key](https://anthropic.com) ### 3. Run the example ``` npm run start ```