const getRandomLinksFromContent = async (options: { content: string; excludes: string[]; limit: number; }): Promise => { const regex = /(?<=\()https:\/\/(.*?)(?=\))/g; const links = options.content.match(regex); const filteredLinks = links ? links.filter( (link) => !options.excludes.some((exclude) => link.includes(exclude)) ) : []; const uniqueLinks = [ Set(filteredLinks)]; // Ensure all links are unique const randomLinks = []; while (randomLinks.length < options.limit && uniqueLinks.length > 0) { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * uniqueLinks.length); randomLinks.push(uniqueLinks.splice(randomIndex, 1)[0]); } return randomLinks; }; function fuzzyContains(options: { largeText: string; queryText: string; threshold?: number; }): boolean { // Normalize texts: lowercasing and removing non-alphanumeric characters const normalize = (text: string) => text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, " "); const normalizedLargeText = normalize(options.largeText); const normalizedQueryText = normalize(options.queryText); // Split the query into words const queryWords = normalizedQueryText.split(/\s+/); // Count how many query words are in the large text const matchCount = queryWords.reduce((count, word) => { return count + (normalizedLargeText.includes(word) ? 1 : 0); }, 0); // Calculate the percentage of words matched const matchPercentage = matchCount / queryWords.length; // Check if the match percentage meets or exceeds the threshold return matchPercentage >= (options.threshold || 0.8); }