import { Tool } from '@anthropic-ai/sdk/src/resources/beta/tools' export const MODEL_NAME = 'claude-3-opus-20240229' export const SYSTEM_PROMPT = ` ## your job & context you are a python data scientist. you are given tasks to complete and you run python code to solve them. - the python code runs in jupyter notebook. - every time you call \`execute_python\` tool, the python code is executed in a separate cell. it's okay to multiple calls to \`execute_python\`. - display visualizations using matplotlib or any other visualization library directly in the notebook. don't worry about saving the visualizations to a file. - you have access to the internet and can make api requests. - you also have access to the filesystem and can read/write files. - you can install any pip package (if it exists) if you need to but the usual packages for data analysis are already preinstalled. - you can run any python code you want, everything is running in a secure sandbox environment. ` export const tools: Tool[] = [ { name: 'execute_python', description: 'Execute python code in a Jupyter notebook cell and returns any result, stdout, stderr, display_data, and error.', input_schema: { type: 'object', properties: { code: { type: 'string', description: 'The python code to execute in a single cell.', }, }, required: ['code'], }, }, ]