2024-06-05 07:16:29 +00:00
echo "\nStarting the WireGuard Dashboard Docker container."
# Execute functions for the WireGuard Dashboard services, then set the environment variables
start_core() {
# Cleaning out previous data such as the .pid file and starting the WireGuard Dashboard. Making sure to use the python venv.
echo "Activating Python venv and executing the WireGuard Dashboard service..."
rm /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/gunicorn.pid
. ${WGDASH}/venv/bin/activate
bash ${WGDASH}/app/src/wgd.sh start
set_envvars() {
echo "Setting relevant variables for operation..."
# If the timezone is different, for example in North-America or Asia.
if [ "$tz" != "Europe/Amsterdam" ]; then
echo "Changing timezone..."
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$tz /etc/localtime
# Changing the DNS used for clients and the dashboard itself.
if [ "$global_dns" != "" ]; then
echo "Changing default dns..."
sed -i 's/^DNS = .*/DNS = ${global_dns}/' /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
sed -i "s/^peer_global_dns = .*/peer_global_dns = $global_dns/" /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/wg-dashboard.ini
# Setting the public IP of the WireGuard Dashboard container host. If not defined, it will trying fetching it using a curl to ifconfig.me.
if [ "$public_ip" != "" ]; then
echo "Setting the Public-IP using given variable: $public_ip"
sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = $public_ip/" /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/wg-dashboard.ini
default_ip=$(curl ifconfig.me)
echo "Trying to fetch the Public-IP using ifconfig.me: $default_ip"
sed -i "s/^remote_endpoint = .*/remote_endpoint = $default_ip/" /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/wg-dashboard.ini
ensure_blocking() {
echo "Ensuring container continuation..."
# This function checks if the latest error log is created and tails it for docker logs uses.
if find "/opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/log" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | read -r; then
latestlog=$(ls -t /opt/wireguardashboard/app/src/log/error_*.log | head -n 1)
sleep 3s
tail -f $latestlog
# Blocking command in case of erroring. So the container does not quit.
sleep infinity