<palign=center>Hi! I'm planning the next major update for this project, please let me know if you have any suggestions or feature requests ;) You can create an issue with the "Feature request" template. Cheers!</p>
<palign=center>- If anyone know a better way to distubute releases of python application other than GitHub, please let me know in <ahref="https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/103">#103</a>!</p>
<palign=center>- Please provide your OS name and version if you can run the dashboard on it perfectly in <ahref="https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/31">#31</a>, since I only tested on Ubuntu. Thank you!</p>
<palign="center">Monitoring WireGuard is not convinient, need to login into server and type <code>wg show</code>. That's why this platform is being created, to view all configurations and manage them in a easier way.</p>
- [Peer DNS Validation Fails #67](issues/67): Added DNS format check. [❤️ @realfian]
- [configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'Interface' #66](issues/66): Changed permission requirement for `etc/wireguard` from `744` to `755`. [❤️ @ramalmaty]
- [Feature request: Interface not loading when information missing #73](issues/73): Fixed when Configuration Address and Listen Port is missing will crash the dashboard. [❤️ @js32]
- [Remote Peer, MTU and PersistentKeepalives added #70](pull/70): Added MTU, remote peer and Persistent Keepalive. [❤️ @realfian]
- [Fixes DNS check to support search domain #65](pull/65): Added allow input domain into DNS. [❤️@davejlong]
> **If you have tested on other OS and it works perfectly please provide it to me in [#31](https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/31). Thank you!**
4. Give read and execute permission to root of the WireGuard configuration folder, you can change the path if your configuration files are not stored in `/etc/wireguard`
> For [`pivpn`](https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn) user, please use `sudo ./wgd.sh start` to run if your current account does not have the permission to run `wg show` and `wg-quick`.
Access your server with port `10086` (e.g. http://your_server_ip:10086), using username `admin` and password `admin`. See below how to change port and ip that the dashboard is running with.
In the `src` folder, it contained a file called `wg-dashboard.service`, we can use this file to let our system to autostart the dashboard after reboot. The following guide has tested on **Ubuntu**, most **Debian** based OS might be the same, but some might not. Please don't hesitate to provide your system if you have tested the autostart on another system.
For this example, the output is `/root/wireguard-dashboard/src`, your path might be different since it depends on where you downloaded the dashboard in the first place. **Copy the the output to somewhere, we will need this in the next step.**
Now, we need to replace both `<your dashboard directory full path here>` to the one you just copied from step 2. After doing this, the file will become something like this, your file might be different:
To make sure you copy the file successfully, you can use this command `cat /etc/systemd/system/wg-dashboard.service` to see if it will output the file you just edited.
8.**And now you can reboot your system, and use the command at step 6 to see if it will auto start after the reboot, or just simply access the dashboard through your browser. If you have any questions or problem, please report it in the issue page.**
Since version 2.0, WGDashboard will be using a configuration file called `wg-dashboard.ini`, (It will generate automatically after first time running the dashboard). More options will include in future versions, and for now it included the following config:
| `password` | Password, will be hash with SHA256 | `admin` hashed in SHA256 | Yes |
| **`[Server]`** | | | |
| `wg_conf_path` | The path of all the Wireguard configurations | `/etc/wireguard` | Yes |
| `app_ip` | IP address the dashboard will run with | `` | Yes |
| `app_port` | Port the the dashboard will run with | `10086` | Yes |
| `auth_req` | Does the dashboard need authentication to access | `true` | No |
| | If `auth_req = false` , user will not be access the **Setting** tab due to security consideration. **User can only edit the file directly in system**. | | |
Starting version 2.2, dashboard can now generate QR code and configuration file for each peer. Here is a template of what each QR code encoded with and the same content will be inside the file:
| `AllowedIPs` | IP ranges for which a peer will route traffic | `` - Indicated a default route to send all internet and VPN traffic through that peer. | Yes |
| `Endpoint` | Your wireguard server ip and port, the dashboard will search for your server's default interface's ip. | `<your server default interface ip>:<listen port>` | Yes |
- **Add new peers**: Now you can add peers directly on dashboard, it will generate a pair of private key and public key. You can also set its DNS, endpoint allowed IPs. Both can set a default value in the setting page. [❤️ in [#44](https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/44)]
- **QR Code:** You can add the private key in peer setting of your existed peer to create a QR code. Or just create a new one, dashboard will now be able to auto generate a private key and public key ;) Don't worry, all keys will be generated on your machine, and **will delete all key files after they got generated**. [❤️ in [#29](https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/29)]
- **Peer configuration file download:** Same as QR code, you now can download the peer configuration file, so you don't need to manually input all the details on the peer machine! [❤️ in [#40](https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/40)]
- **Search peers**: You can now search peers by their name.
- **Autostart on boot:** Added a tutorial on how to start the dashboard to on boot! Please read the [tutorial below](#autostart-wireguard-dashboard-on-boot). [❤️ in [#29](https://github.com/donaldzou/wireguard-dashboard/issues/29)]
- **Click to copy**: You can now click and copy all peer's public key and configuration's public key.
- ....
- 🪚 **Bug Fixed**
- When there are comments in the wireguard config file, will cause the dashboard to crash.
- Used regex to search for config files.
- **🧐 Other Changes**
- Moved all external CSS and JavaScript file to local hosting (Except Bootstrap Icon, due to large amount of SVG files).
- Updated Python dependencies
- Flask: `v1.1.2 => v2.0.1`
- Jinja: `v2.10.1 => v3.0.1`
- icmplib: `v2.1.1 => v3.0.1`
- Updated CSS/JS dependencies
- Bootstrap: `v4.5.3 => v4.6.0`
- UI adjustment
- Adjusted how peers will display in larger screens, used to be 1 row per peer, now is 3 peers in 1 row.