## v0.05 ( Nov 17th 2023 ) * Environment Variables and Labels are now unchecked by default. * Support for Docker volumes. * Fixed app uninstall. * Fixed Proxy Manager. * Updated functions to ignore the three DweebUI containers: DweebUI, DweebCache(redis), and DweebProxy(caddy). * Visual updates: Tabs for networks, images, and volumes. Added 'update' option in container drop-down. * Updated main.js to prevent javascript errors. * Fix for templates using 'set' instead of 'default' in environment variables. * Fixes for templates with no volumes or no labels. * New README.md. * New screenshots. * Automatically persists data in docker volumes if there is no bind mount. ## v0.04 (Nov 11th 2023) * Docker Image and Compose file available. * The containers DweebUI and DweebCache are hidden from the dashboard. * Default icon for containers. * Fixed missing information in container details/edit modals (Ports, Env, Volumes, Labels). ## v0.03 (Nov 5th 2023) * Container graphs now load instantly on refresh * Working net data for server dashboard * Redis is now installed as a docker container. ## v0.02 (Nov 1st 2023) * Significant code clean-up and improvements * CPU and RAM graphs for each container * Updated Templates.json * Fixed text color of VPN and VNC buttons ## v0.01 (Oct 15th 2023) * First release. Not much working.