
205 lines
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const { writeFileSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync } = require("fs");
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
const { exec, execSync } = require("child_process");
const { docker } = require('./system');
var DockerodeCompose = require('dockerode-compose');
module.exports.install = async function (data) {
console.log(`[Start of install function]`);
let { service_name, name, image, command_check, command, net_mode, restart_policy } = data;
let { port0, port1, port2, port3, port4, port5 } = data;
let { volume0, volume1, volume2, volume3, volume4, volume5 } = data;
let { env0, env1, env2, env3, env4, env5, env6, env7, env8, env9, env10, env11 } = data;
let { label0, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8, label9, label10, label11 } = data;
if ((service_name.includes('caddy')) || (name.includes('caddy'))) {
req.app.locals.caddy = 'enabled';
let docker_volumes = [];
if (image.startsWith('https://')){
mkdirSync(`./appdata/${name}`, { recursive: true });
execSync(`curl -o ./appdata/${name}/${name}_stack.yml -L ${image}`);
console.log(`Downloaded stackfile: ${image}`);
let stackfile = yaml.load(readFileSync(`./appdata/${name}/${name}_stack.yml`, 'utf8'));
let services = Object.keys(stackfile.services);
for ( let i = 0; i < services.length; i++ ) {
try {
} catch { console.log('no env') }
} else {
let compose_file = `version: '3'`;
compose_file += `\nservices:`
compose_file += `\n ${service_name}:`
compose_file += `\n container_name: ${name}`;
compose_file += `\n image: ${image}`;
// Command
if (command_check == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n command: ${command}`
// Network mode
if (net_mode == 'host') {
compose_file += `\n network_mode: 'host'`
else if (net_mode != 'host' && net_mode != 'docker') {
compose_file += `\n network_mode: '${net_mode}'`
// Restart policy
if (restart_policy != '') {
compose_file += `\n restart: ${restart_policy}`
// Ports
if ((port0 == 'on' || port1 == 'on' || port2 == 'on' || port3 == 'on' || port4 == 'on' || port5 == 'on') && (net_mode != 'host')) {
compose_file += `\n ports:`
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (data[`port${i}`] == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n - ${data[`port_${i}_external`]}:${data[`port_${i}_internal`]}/${data[`port_${i}_protocol`]}`
// Volumes
if (volume0 == 'on' || volume1 == 'on' || volume2 == 'on' || volume3 == 'on' || volume4 == 'on' || volume5 == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n volumes:`
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// if volume is on and neither bind or container is empty, it's a bind mount (ex /mnt/user/appdata/config:/config )
if ((data[`volume${i}`] == 'on') && (data[`volume_${i}_bind`] != '') && (data[`volume_${i}_container`] != '')) {
compose_file += `\n - ${data[`volume_${i}_bind`]}:${data[`volume_${i}_container`]}:${data[`volume_${i}_readwrite`]}`
// if bind is empty create a docker volume (ex container_name_config:/config) convert any '/' in container name to '_'
else if ((data[`volume${i}`] == 'on') && (data[`volume_${i}_bind`] == '') && (data[`volume_${i}_container`] != '')) {
let volume_name = data[`volume_${i}_container`].replace(/\//g, '_');
compose_file += `\n - ${name}_${volume_name}:${data[`volume_${i}_container`]}:${data[`volume_${i}_readwrite`]}`
// Environment variables
if (env0 == 'on' || env1 == 'on' || env2 == 'on' || env3 == 'on' || env4 == 'on' || env5 == 'on' || env6 == 'on' || env7 == 'on' || env8 == 'on' || env9 == 'on' || env10 == 'on' || env11 == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n environment:`
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (data[`env${i}`] == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n - ${data[`env_${i}_name`]}=${data[`env_${i}_default`]}`
// Add labels
if (label0 == 'on' || label1 == 'on' || label2 == 'on' || label3 == 'on' || label4 == 'on' || label5 == 'on' || label6 == 'on' || label7 == 'on' || label8 == 'on' || label9 == 'on' || label10 == 'on' || label11 == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n labels:`
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (data[`label${i}`] == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n - ${data[`label_${i}_name`]}=${data[`label_${i}_value`]}`
// Add privileged mode
if (data.privileged == 'on') {
compose_file += `\n privileged: true`
// Add hardware acceleration to the docker-compose file if one of the environment variables has the label DRINODE
if (env0 == 'on' || env1 == 'on' || env2 == 'on' || env3 == 'on' || env4 == 'on' || env5 == 'on' || env6 == 'on' || env7 == 'on' || env8 == 'on' || env9 == 'on' || env10 == 'on' || env11 == 'on') {
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (data[`env${i}`] == 'on') {
if (data[`env_${i}_name`] == 'DRINODE') {
compose_file += `\n deploy:`
compose_file += `\n resources:`
compose_file += `\n reservations:`
compose_file += `\n devices:`
compose_file += `\n - driver: nvidia`
compose_file += `\n count: 1`
compose_file += `\n capabilities: [gpu]`
// add any docker volumes to the docker-compose file
if ( docker_volumes.length > 0 ) {
compose_file += `\n`
compose_file += `\nvolumes:`
// check docker_volumes for duplicates and remove them completely
docker_volumes = docker_volumes.filter((item, index) => docker_volumes.indexOf(item) === index)
for (let i = 0; i < docker_volumes.length; i++) {
if ( docker_volumes[i] != '') {
compose_file += `\n ${docker_volumes[i]}:`
try {
mkdirSync(`./appdata/${name}`, { recursive: true });
writeFileSync(`./appdata/${name}/docker-compose.yml`, compose_file, function (err) { console.log(err) });
} catch { console.log('error creating directory or compose file') }
try {
var compose = new DockerodeCompose(docker, `./appdata/${name}/docker-compose.yml`, `${name}`);
(async () => {
await compose.pull();
await compose.up();
} catch { console.log('error running compose file')}
module.exports.uninstall = async function (data) {
if (data.confirm == 'Yes') {
var containerName = docker.getContainer(`${data.service_name}`);
try {
containerName.stop(function (err, data) {
if (data) {
containerName.remove(function (err, data) {
} catch {
containerName.remove(function (err, data) {