mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 13:07:07 +00:00
290 lines
8.4 KiB
290 lines
8.4 KiB
from pathlib import Path
import hashlib
import json
import re
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
import uuid
import time
def get_last_user_message(messages: List[dict]) -> str:
for message in reversed(messages):
if message["role"] == "user":
if isinstance(message["content"], list):
for item in message["content"]:
if item["type"] == "text":
return item["text"]
return message["content"]
return None
def get_last_assistant_message(messages: List[dict]) -> str:
for message in reversed(messages):
if message["role"] == "assistant":
if isinstance(message["content"], list):
for item in message["content"]:
if item["type"] == "text":
return item["text"]
return message["content"]
return None
def get_system_message(messages: List[dict]) -> dict:
for message in messages:
if message["role"] == "system":
return message
return None
def remove_system_message(messages: List[dict]) -> List[dict]:
return [message for message in messages if message["role"] != "system"]
def pop_system_message(messages: List[dict]) -> Tuple[dict, List[dict]]:
return get_system_message(messages), remove_system_message(messages)
def add_or_update_system_message(content: str, messages: List[dict]):
Adds a new system message at the beginning of the messages list
or updates the existing system message at the beginning.
:param msg: The message to be added or appended.
:param messages: The list of message dictionaries.
:return: The updated list of message dictionaries.
if messages and messages[0].get("role") == "system":
messages[0]["content"] += f"{content}\n{messages[0]['content']}"
# Insert at the beginning
messages.insert(0, {"role": "system", "content": content})
return messages
def stream_message_template(model: str, message: str):
return {
"id": f"{model}-{str(uuid.uuid4())}",
"object": "chat.completion.chunk",
"created": int(time.time()),
"model": model,
"choices": [
"index": 0,
"delta": {"content": message},
"logprobs": None,
"finish_reason": None,
def get_gravatar_url(email):
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace from
# an email address and force all characters
# to lower case
address = str(email).strip().lower()
# Create a SHA256 hash of the final string
hash_object = hashlib.sha256(address.encode())
hash_hex = hash_object.hexdigest()
# Grab the actual image URL
return f"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{hash_hex}?d=mp"
def calculate_sha256(file):
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
# Read the file in chunks to efficiently handle large files
for chunk in iter(lambda: file.read(8192), b""):
return sha256.hexdigest()
def calculate_sha256_string(string):
# Create a new SHA-256 hash object
sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256()
# Update the hash object with the bytes of the input string
# Get the hexadecimal representation of the hash
hashed_string = sha256_hash.hexdigest()
return hashed_string
def validate_email_format(email: str) -> bool:
if email.endswith("@localhost"):
return True
return bool(re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email))
def sanitize_filename(file_name):
# Convert to lowercase
lower_case_file_name = file_name.lower()
# Remove special characters using regular expression
sanitized_file_name = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", "", lower_case_file_name)
# Replace spaces with dashes
final_file_name = re.sub(r"\s+", "-", sanitized_file_name)
return final_file_name
def extract_folders_after_data_docs(path):
# Convert the path to a Path object if it's not already
path = Path(path)
# Extract parts of the path
parts = path.parts
# Find the index of '/data/docs' in the path
index_data_docs = parts.index("data") + 1
index_docs = parts.index("docs", index_data_docs) + 1
except ValueError:
return []
# Exclude the filename and accumulate folder names
tags = []
folders = parts[index_docs:-1]
for idx, part in enumerate(folders):
tags.append("/".join(folders[: idx + 1]))
return tags
def parse_duration(duration: str) -> Optional[timedelta]:
if duration == "-1" or duration == "0":
return None
# Regular expression to find number and unit pairs
pattern = r"(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)(ms|s|m|h|d|w)"
matches = re.findall(pattern, duration)
if not matches:
raise ValueError("Invalid duration string")
total_duration = timedelta()
for number, _, unit in matches:
number = float(number)
if unit == "ms":
total_duration += timedelta(milliseconds=number)
elif unit == "s":
total_duration += timedelta(seconds=number)
elif unit == "m":
total_duration += timedelta(minutes=number)
elif unit == "h":
total_duration += timedelta(hours=number)
elif unit == "d":
total_duration += timedelta(days=number)
elif unit == "w":
total_duration += timedelta(weeks=number)
return total_duration
def parse_ollama_modelfile(model_text):
parameters_meta = {
"mirostat": int,
"mirostat_eta": float,
"mirostat_tau": float,
"num_ctx": int,
"repeat_last_n": int,
"repeat_penalty": float,
"temperature": float,
"seed": int,
"tfs_z": float,
"num_predict": int,
"top_k": int,
"top_p": float,
"num_keep": int,
"typical_p": float,
"presence_penalty": float,
"frequency_penalty": float,
"penalize_newline": bool,
"numa": bool,
"num_batch": int,
"num_gpu": int,
"main_gpu": int,
"low_vram": bool,
"f16_kv": bool,
"vocab_only": bool,
"use_mmap": bool,
"use_mlock": bool,
"num_thread": int,
data = {"base_model_id": None, "params": {}}
# Parse base model
base_model_match = re.search(
r"^FROM\s+(\w+)", model_text, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
if base_model_match:
data["base_model_id"] = base_model_match.group(1)
# Parse template
template_match = re.search(
r'TEMPLATE\s+"""(.+?)"""', model_text, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE
if template_match:
data["params"] = {"template": template_match.group(1).strip()}
# Parse stops
stops = re.findall(r'PARAMETER stop "(.*?)"', model_text, re.IGNORECASE)
if stops:
data["params"]["stop"] = stops
# Parse other parameters from the provided list
for param, param_type in parameters_meta.items():
param_match = re.search(rf"PARAMETER {param} (.+)", model_text, re.IGNORECASE)
if param_match:
value = param_match.group(1)
if param_type == int:
value = int(value)
elif param_type == float:
value = float(value)
elif param_type == bool:
value = value.lower() == "true"
except Exception as e:
data["params"][param] = value
# Parse adapter
adapter_match = re.search(r"ADAPTER (.+)", model_text, re.IGNORECASE)
if adapter_match:
data["params"]["adapter"] = adapter_match.group(1)
# Parse system description
system_desc_match = re.search(
r'SYSTEM\s+"""(.+?)"""', model_text, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE
system_desc_match_single = re.search(
r"SYSTEM\s+([^\n]+)", model_text, re.IGNORECASE
if system_desc_match:
data["params"]["system"] = system_desc_match.group(1).strip()
elif system_desc_match_single:
data["params"]["system"] = system_desc_match_single.group(1).strip()
# Parse messages
messages = []
message_matches = re.findall(r"MESSAGE (\w+) (.+)", model_text, re.IGNORECASE)
for role, content in message_matches:
messages.append({"role": role, "content": content})
if messages:
data["params"]["messages"] = messages
return data