Timothy J. Baek 5a6ece9513 refac: enhanced response content sanitisation
'<' and '>' can be correctly displayed now
2024-08-15 00:08:15 +02:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
import type { Token } from 'marked';
import { revertSanitizedResponseContent, unescapeHtml } from '$lib/utils';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import Image from '$lib/components/common/Image.svelte';
import KatexRenderer from './KatexRenderer.svelte';
export let id: string;
export let tokens: Token[];
{#each tokens as token}
{#if token.type === 'escape'}
{:else if token.type === 'html'}
{@const html = DOMPurify.sanitize(token.text)}
{#if html}
{@html html}
{:else if token.type === 'link'}
<a href={token.href} target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title={token.title}>{token.text}</a>
{:else if token.type === 'image'}
<Image src={token.href} alt={token.text} />
{:else if token.type === 'strong'}
<svelte:self id={`${id}-strong`} tokens={token.tokens} />
{:else if token.type === 'em'}
<svelte:self id={`${id}-em`} tokens={token.tokens} />
{:else if token.type === 'codespan'}
<code class="codespan">{revertSanitizedResponseContent(token.raw)}</code>
{:else if token.type === 'br'}
<br />
{:else if token.type === 'del'}
<svelte:self id={`${id}-del`} tokens={token.tokens} />
{:else if token.type === 'inlineKatex'}
{#if token.text}
<KatexRenderer content={revertSanitizedResponseContent(token.text)} displayMode={false} />
{:else if token.type === 'text'}