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synced 2025-03-17 19:03:37 +00:00
316 lines
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316 lines
10 KiB
import logging
import math
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
import uuid
from open_webui.utils.misc import get_last_user_message, get_messages_content
from open_webui.env import SRC_LOG_LEVELS
from open_webui.config import DEFAULT_RAG_TEMPLATE
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_task_model_id(
default_model_id: str, task_model: str, task_model_external: str, models
) -> str:
# Set the task model
task_model_id = default_model_id
# Check if the user has a custom task model and use that model
if models[task_model_id]["owned_by"] == "ollama":
if task_model and task_model in models:
task_model_id = task_model
if task_model_external and task_model_external in models:
task_model_id = task_model_external
return task_model_id
def prompt_template(
template: str, user_name: Optional[str] = None, user_location: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
# Get the current date
current_date = datetime.now()
# Format the date to YYYY-MM-DD
formatted_date = current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
formatted_time = current_date.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")
formatted_weekday = current_date.strftime("%A")
template = template.replace("{{CURRENT_DATE}}", formatted_date)
template = template.replace("{{CURRENT_TIME}}", formatted_time)
template = template.replace(
"{{CURRENT_DATETIME}}", f"{formatted_date} {formatted_time}"
template = template.replace("{{CURRENT_WEEKDAY}}", formatted_weekday)
if user_name:
# Replace {{USER_NAME}} in the template with the user's name
template = template.replace("{{USER_NAME}}", user_name)
# Replace {{USER_NAME}} in the template with "Unknown"
template = template.replace("{{USER_NAME}}", "Unknown")
if user_location:
# Replace {{USER_LOCATION}} in the template with the current location
template = template.replace("{{USER_LOCATION}}", user_location)
# Replace {{USER_LOCATION}} in the template with "Unknown"
template = template.replace("{{USER_LOCATION}}", "Unknown")
return template
def replace_prompt_variable(template: str, prompt: str) -> str:
def replacement_function(match):
full_match = match.group(
).lower() # Normalize to lowercase for consistent handling
start_length = match.group(1)
end_length = match.group(2)
middle_length = match.group(3)
if full_match == "{{prompt}}":
return prompt
elif start_length is not None:
return prompt[: int(start_length)]
elif end_length is not None:
return prompt[-int(end_length) :]
elif middle_length is not None:
middle_length = int(middle_length)
if len(prompt) <= middle_length:
return prompt
start = prompt[: math.ceil(middle_length / 2)]
end = prompt[-math.floor(middle_length / 2) :]
return f"{start}...{end}"
return ""
# Updated regex pattern to make it case-insensitive with the `(?i)` flag
pattern = r"(?i){{prompt}}|{{prompt:start:(\d+)}}|{{prompt:end:(\d+)}}|{{prompt:middletruncate:(\d+)}}"
template = re.sub(pattern, replacement_function, template)
return template
def replace_messages_variable(
template: str, messages: Optional[list[str]] = None
) -> str:
def replacement_function(match):
full_match = match.group(0)
start_length = match.group(1)
end_length = match.group(2)
middle_length = match.group(3)
# If messages is None, handle it as an empty list
if messages is None:
return ""
# Process messages based on the number of messages required
if full_match == "{{MESSAGES}}":
return get_messages_content(messages)
elif start_length is not None:
return get_messages_content(messages[: int(start_length)])
elif end_length is not None:
return get_messages_content(messages[-int(end_length) :])
elif middle_length is not None:
mid = int(middle_length)
if len(messages) <= mid:
return get_messages_content(messages)
# Handle middle truncation: split to get start and end portions of the messages list
half = mid // 2
start_msgs = messages[:half]
end_msgs = messages[-half:] if mid % 2 == 0 else messages[-(half + 1) :]
formatted_start = get_messages_content(start_msgs)
formatted_end = get_messages_content(end_msgs)
return f"{formatted_start}\n{formatted_end}"
return ""
template = re.sub(
return template
# {{prompt:middletruncate:8000}}
def rag_template(template: str, context: str, query: str):
if template.strip() == "":
if "[context]" not in template and "{{CONTEXT}}" not in template:
"WARNING: The RAG template does not contain the '[context]' or '{{CONTEXT}}' placeholder."
if "<context>" in context and "</context>" in context:
"WARNING: Potential prompt injection attack: the RAG "
"context contains '<context>' and '</context>'. This might be "
"nothing, or the user might be trying to hack something."
query_placeholders = []
if "[query]" in context:
query_placeholder = "{{QUERY" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + "}}"
template = template.replace("[query]", query_placeholder)
if "{{QUERY}}" in context:
query_placeholder = "{{QUERY" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + "}}"
template = template.replace("{{QUERY}}", query_placeholder)
template = template.replace("[context]", context)
template = template.replace("{{CONTEXT}}", context)
template = template.replace("[query]", query)
template = template.replace("{{QUERY}}", query)
for query_placeholder in query_placeholders:
template = template.replace(query_placeholder, query)
return template
def title_generation_template(
template: str, messages: list[dict], user: Optional[dict] = None
) -> str:
prompt = get_last_user_message(messages)
template = replace_prompt_variable(template, prompt)
template = replace_messages_variable(template, messages)
template = prompt_template(
{"user_name": user.get("name"), "user_location": user.get("location")}
if user
else {}
return template
def tags_generation_template(
template: str, messages: list[dict], user: Optional[dict] = None
) -> str:
prompt = get_last_user_message(messages)
template = replace_prompt_variable(template, prompt)
template = replace_messages_variable(template, messages)
template = prompt_template(
{"user_name": user.get("name"), "user_location": user.get("location")}
if user
else {}
return template
def emoji_generation_template(
template: str, prompt: str, user: Optional[dict] = None
) -> str:
template = replace_prompt_variable(template, prompt)
template = prompt_template(
{"user_name": user.get("name"), "user_location": user.get("location")}
if user
else {}
return template
def autocomplete_generation_template(
template: str,
prompt: str,
messages: Optional[list[dict]] = None,
type: Optional[str] = None,
user: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> str:
template = template.replace("{{TYPE}}", type if type else "")
template = replace_prompt_variable(template, prompt)
template = replace_messages_variable(template, messages)
template = prompt_template(
{"user_name": user.get("name"), "user_location": user.get("location")}
if user
else {}
return template
def query_generation_template(
template: str, messages: list[dict], user: Optional[dict] = None
) -> str:
prompt = get_last_user_message(messages)
template = replace_prompt_variable(template, prompt)
template = replace_messages_variable(template, messages)
template = prompt_template(
{"user_name": user.get("name"), "user_location": user.get("location")}
if user
else {}
return template
def moa_response_generation_template(
template: str, prompt: str, responses: list[str]
) -> str:
def replacement_function(match):
full_match = match.group(0)
start_length = match.group(1)
end_length = match.group(2)
middle_length = match.group(3)
if full_match == "{{prompt}}":
return prompt
elif start_length is not None:
return prompt[: int(start_length)]
elif end_length is not None:
return prompt[-int(end_length) :]
elif middle_length is not None:
middle_length = int(middle_length)
if len(prompt) <= middle_length:
return prompt
start = prompt[: math.ceil(middle_length / 2)]
end = prompt[-math.floor(middle_length / 2) :]
return f"{start}...{end}"
return ""
template = re.sub(
responses = [f'"""{response}"""' for response in responses]
responses = "\n\n".join(responses)
template = template.replace("{{responses}}", responses)
return template
def tools_function_calling_generation_template(template: str, tools_specs: str) -> str:
template = template.replace("{{TOOLS}}", tools_specs)
return template