<script lang="ts">
	import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
	import { openDB, deleteDB } from 'idb';
	import { onMount, tick } from 'svelte';
	import { goto } from '$app/navigation';

	import {
	} from '$lib/stores';

	import SettingsModal from '$lib/components/chat/SettingsModal.svelte';
	import Sidebar from '$lib/components/layout/Sidebar.svelte';
	import toast from 'svelte-french-toast';
	import { OLLAMA_API_BASE_URL, WEBUI_API_BASE_URL } from '$lib/constants';

	let requiredOllamaVersion = '0.1.16';
	let loaded = false;

	const getModels = async () => {
		let models = [];
		const res = await fetch(`${$settings?.API_BASE_URL ?? OLLAMA_API_BASE_URL}/tags`, {
			method: 'GET',
			headers: {
				Accept: 'application/json',
				'Content-Type': 'application/json',
				...($settings.authHeader && { Authorization: $settings.authHeader }),
				...($user && { Authorization: `Bearer ${localStorage.token}` })
			.then(async (res) => {
				if (!res.ok) throw await res.json();
				return res.json();
			.catch((error) => {
				if ('detail' in error) {
				} else {
					toast.error('Server connection failed');
				return null;
		models.push(...(res?.models ?? []));

		// If OpenAI API Key exists
		if ($settings.OPENAI_API_KEY) {
			// Validate OPENAI_API_KEY
			const openaiModelRes = await fetch(`https://api.openai.com/v1/models`, {
				method: 'GET',
				headers: {
					'Content-Type': 'application/json',
					Authorization: `Bearer ${$settings.OPENAI_API_KEY}`
				.then(async (res) => {
					if (!res.ok) throw await res.json();
					return res.json();
				.catch((error) => {
					toast.error(`OpenAI: ${error?.error?.message ?? 'Network Problem'}`);
					return null;

			const openAIModels = openaiModelRes?.data ?? null;

					? [
							{ name: 'hr' },
								.map((model) => ({ name: model.id, label: 'OpenAI' }))
								.filter((model) => model.name.includes('gpt'))
					: [])

		return models;

	const getDB = async () => {
		const DB = await openDB('Chats', 1, {
			upgrade(db) {
				const store = db.createObjectStore('chats', {
					keyPath: 'id',
					autoIncrement: true
				store.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp');

		return {
			db: DB,
			getChatById: async function (id) {
				return await this.db.get('chats', id);
			getChats: async function () {
				let chats = await this.db.getAllFromIndex('chats', 'timestamp');
				chats = chats.map((item, idx) => ({
					title: chats[chats.length - 1 - idx].title,
					id: chats[chats.length - 1 - idx].id
				return chats;
			exportChats: async function () {
				let chats = await this.db.getAllFromIndex('chats', 'timestamp');
				chats = chats.map((item, idx) => chats[chats.length - 1 - idx]);
				return chats;
			addChats: async function (_chats) {
				for (const chat of _chats) {
					await this.addChat(chat);
				await chats.set(await this.getChats());
			addChat: async function (chat) {
				await this.db.put('chats', {
			createNewChat: async function (chat) {
				await this.addChat({ ...chat, timestamp: Date.now() });
				await chats.set(await this.getChats());
			updateChatById: async function (id, updated) {
				const chat = await this.getChatById(id);

				await this.db.put('chats', {
					timestamp: Date.now()

				await chats.set(await this.getChats());
			deleteChatById: async function (id) {
				if ($chatId === id) {
					await chatId.set(uuidv4());
				await this.db.delete('chats', id);
				await chats.set(await this.getChats());
			deleteAllChat: async function () {
				const tx = this.db.transaction('chats', 'readwrite');
				await Promise.all([tx.store.clear(), tx.done]);

				await chats.set(await this.getChats());

	const getOllamaVersion = async () => {
		const res = await fetch(`${$settings?.API_BASE_URL ?? OLLAMA_API_BASE_URL}/version`, {
			method: 'GET',
			headers: {
				Accept: 'application/json',
				'Content-Type': 'application/json',
				...($settings.authHeader && { Authorization: $settings.authHeader }),
				...($user && { Authorization: `Bearer ${localStorage.token}` })
			.then(async (res) => {
				if (!res.ok) throw await res.json();
				return res.json();
			.catch((error) => {
				if ('detail' in error) {
				} else {
					toast.error('Server connection failed');
				return null;


		return res?.version ?? '0';

	const setOllamaVersion = async (ollamaVersion) => {
		await info.set({ ...$info, ollama: { version: ollamaVersion } });

		if (
			ollamaVersion.localeCompare(requiredOllamaVersion, undefined, {
				numeric: true,
				sensitivity: 'case',
				caseFirst: 'upper'
			}) < 0
		) {
			toast.error(`Ollama Version: ${ollamaVersion}`);

	onMount(async () => {
		if ($config && $config.auth && $user === undefined) {
			await goto('/auth');

		await settings.set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settings') ?? '{}'));

		await models.set(await getModels());
		await modelfiles.set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('modelfiles') ?? '[]'));

		modelfiles.subscribe(async () => {
			await models.set(await getModels());

		let _db = await getDB();
		await db.set(_db);

		await setOllamaVersion(await getOllamaVersion());

		await tick();
		loaded = true;

{#if loaded}
	<div class="app relative">
		{#if ($info?.ollama?.version ?? '0').localeCompare( requiredOllamaVersion, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'case', caseFirst: 'upper' } ) < 0}
			<div class="absolute w-full h-full flex z-50">
					class="absolute rounded-xl w-full h-full backdrop-blur bg-gray-900/60 flex justify-center"
					<div class="m-auto pb-44 flex flex-col justify-center">
						<div class="max-w-md">
							<div class="text-center dark:text-white text-2xl font-medium z-50">
								Connection Issue or Update Needed

							<div class=" mt-4 text-center text-sm dark:text-gray-200 w-full">
								Oops! It seems like your Ollama needs a little attention. <br
									class=" hidden sm:flex"
								/>We've detected either a connection hiccup or observed that you're using an older
								version. Ensure you're on the latest Ollama version
								<br class=" hidden sm:flex" />(version
								<span class=" dark:text-white font-medium">{requiredOllamaVersion} or higher</span>)
								or check your connection.

							<div class=" mt-6 mx-auto relative group w-fit">
									class="relative z-20 flex px-5 py-2 rounded-full bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 transition font-medium text-sm"
									on:click={async () => {
										await setOllamaVersion(await getOllamaVersion());
									Check Again

									class="text-xs text-center w-full mt-2 text-gray-400 underline"
									on:click={async () => {
										await setOllamaVersion(requiredOllamaVersion);

			class=" text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-100 bg-white dark:bg-gray-800 min-h-screen overflow-auto flex flex-row"
			<Sidebar />

			<SettingsModal bind:show={$showSettings} />

			<slot />

	.loading {
		display: inline-block;
		clip-path: inset(0 1ch 0 0);
		animation: l 1s steps(3) infinite;
		letter-spacing: -0.5px;

	@keyframes l {
		to {
			clip-path: inset(0 -1ch 0 0);

	pre[class*='language-'] {
		position: relative;
		overflow: auto;

		/* make space  */
		margin: 5px 0;
		padding: 1.75rem 0 1.75rem 1rem;
		border-radius: 10px;

	pre[class*='language-'] button {
		position: absolute;
		top: 5px;
		right: 5px;

		font-size: 0.9rem;
		padding: 0.15rem;
		background-color: #828282;

		border: ridge 1px #7b7b7c;
		border-radius: 5px;
		text-shadow: #c4c4c4 0 0 2px;

	pre[class*='language-'] button:hover {
		cursor: pointer;
		background-color: #bcbabb;