from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response, HTTPException, Depends from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse, JSONResponse, FileResponse import requests import aiohttp import asyncio import json import logging from pydantic import BaseModel from apps.web.models.users import Users from constants import ERROR_MESSAGES from utils.utils import ( decode_token, get_current_user, get_verified_user, get_admin_user, ) from config import ( SRC_LOG_LEVELS, OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS, OPENAI_API_KEYS, CACHE_DIR, ENABLE_MODEL_FILTER, MODEL_FILTER_LIST, ) from typing import List, Optional import hashlib from pathlib import Path log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(SRC_LOG_LEVELS["OPENAI"]) app = FastAPI() app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.state.ENABLE_MODEL_FILTER = ENABLE_MODEL_FILTER app.state.MODEL_FILTER_LIST = MODEL_FILTER_LIST app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS = OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS = OPENAI_API_KEYS app.state.MODELS = {} @app.middleware("http") async def check_url(request: Request, call_next): if len(app.state.MODELS) == 0: await get_all_models() else: pass response = await call_next(request) return response class UrlsUpdateForm(BaseModel): urls: List[str] class KeysUpdateForm(BaseModel): keys: List[str] @app.get("/urls") async def get_openai_urls(user=Depends(get_admin_user)): return {"OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS": app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS}"/urls/update") async def update_openai_urls(form_data: UrlsUpdateForm, user=Depends(get_admin_user)): await get_all_models() app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS = form_data.urls return {"OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS": app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS} @app.get("/keys") async def get_openai_keys(user=Depends(get_admin_user)): return {"OPENAI_API_KEYS": app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS}"/keys/update") async def update_openai_key(form_data: KeysUpdateForm, user=Depends(get_admin_user)): app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS = form_data.keys return {"OPENAI_API_KEYS": app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS}"/audio/speech") async def speech(request: Request, user=Depends(get_verified_user)): idx = None try: idx = app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS.index("") body = await request.body() name = hashlib.sha256(body).hexdigest() SPEECH_CACHE_DIR = Path(CACHE_DIR).joinpath("./audio/speech/") SPEECH_CACHE_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_path = SPEECH_CACHE_DIR.joinpath(f"{name}.mp3") file_body_path = SPEECH_CACHE_DIR.joinpath(f"{name}.json") # Check if the file already exists in the cache if file_path.is_file(): return FileResponse(file_path) headers = {} headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS[idx]}" headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" r = None try: r = url=f"{app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS[idx]}/audio/speech", data=body, headers=headers, stream=True, ) r.raise_for_status() # Save the streaming content to a file with open(file_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) with open(file_body_path, "w") as f: json.dump(json.loads(body.decode("utf-8")), f) # Return the saved file return FileResponse(file_path) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) error_detail = "Open WebUI: Server Connection Error" if r is not None: try: res = r.json() if "error" in res: error_detail = f"External: {res['error']}" except: error_detail = f"External: {e}" raise HTTPException( status_code=r.status_code if r else 500, detail=error_detail ) except ValueError: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail=ERROR_MESSAGES.OPENAI_NOT_FOUND) async def fetch_url(url, key): try: headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {key}"} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as response: return await response.json() except Exception as e: # Handle connection error here log.error(f"Connection error: {e}") return None def merge_models_lists(model_lists): merged_list = [] for idx, models in enumerate(model_lists): if models is not None and "error" not in models: merged_list.extend( [ {**model, "urlIdx": idx} for model in models if "" not in app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS[idx] or "gpt" in model["id"] ] ) return merged_list async def get_all_models():"get_all_models()") if len(app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS) == 1 and app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS[0] == "": models = {"data": []} else: tasks = [ fetch_url(f"{url}/models", app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS[idx]) for idx, url in enumerate(app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS) ] responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) models = { "data": merge_models_lists( list( map( lambda response: ( response["data"] if response and "data" in response else None ), responses, ) ) ) }"models: {models}") app.state.MODELS = {model["id"]: model for model in models["data"]} return models @app.get("/models") @app.get("/models/{url_idx}") async def get_models(url_idx: Optional[int] = None, user=Depends(get_current_user)): if url_idx == None: models = await get_all_models() if app.state.ENABLE_MODEL_FILTER: if user.role == "user": models["data"] = list( filter( lambda model: model["id"] in app.state.MODEL_FILTER_LIST, models["data"], ) ) return models return models else: url = app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS[url_idx] r = None try: r = requests.request(method="GET", url=f"{url}/models") r.raise_for_status() response_data = r.json() if "" in url: response_data["data"] = list( filter(lambda model: "gpt" in model["id"], response_data["data"]) ) return response_data except Exception as e: log.exception(e) error_detail = "Open WebUI: Server Connection Error" if r is not None: try: res = r.json() if "error" in res: error_detail = f"External: {res['error']}" except: error_detail = f"External: {e}" raise HTTPException( status_code=r.status_code if r else 500, detail=error_detail, ) @app.api_route("/{path:path}", methods=["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]) async def proxy(path: str, request: Request, user=Depends(get_verified_user)): idx = 0 body = await request.body() # TODO: Remove below after gpt-4-vision fix from Open AI # Try to decode the body of the request from bytes to a UTF-8 string (Require add max_token to fix gpt-4-vision) try: body = body.decode("utf-8") body = json.loads(body) idx = app.state.MODELS[body.get("model")]["urlIdx"] # Check if the model is "gpt-4-vision-preview" and set "max_tokens" to 4000 # This is a workaround until OpenAI fixes the issue with this model if body.get("model") == "gpt-4-vision-preview": if "max_tokens" not in body: body["max_tokens"] = 4000 log.debug("Modified body_dict:", body) # Fix for ChatGPT calls failing because the num_ctx key is in body if "num_ctx" in body: # If 'num_ctx' is in the dictionary, delete it # Leaving it there generates an error with the # OpenAI API (Feb 2024) del body["num_ctx"] # Convert the modified body back to JSON body = json.dumps(body) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: log.error("Error loading request body into a dictionary:", e) url = app.state.OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS[idx] key = app.state.OPENAI_API_KEYS[idx] target_url = f"{url}/{path}" if key == "": raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail=ERROR_MESSAGES.API_KEY_NOT_FOUND) headers = {} headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {key}" headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" r = None try: r = requests.request( method=request.method, url=target_url, data=body, headers=headers, stream=True, ) r.raise_for_status() # Check if response is SSE if "text/event-stream" in r.headers.get("Content-Type", ""): return StreamingResponse( r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192), status_code=r.status_code, headers=dict(r.headers), ) else: response_data = r.json() return response_data except Exception as e: log.exception(e) error_detail = "Open WebUI: Server Connection Error" if r is not None: try: res = r.json() if "error" in res: error_detail = f"External: {res['error']['message'] if 'message' in res['error'] else res['error']}" except: error_detail = f"External: {e}" raise HTTPException( status_code=r.status_code if r else 500, detail=error_detail )