import time
from typing import Optional

from open_webui.internal.db import Base, get_db
from open_webui.models.users import Users, UserResponse

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Column, String, Text, JSON

from open_webui.utils.access_control import has_access

# Prompts DB Schema

class Prompt(Base):
    __tablename__ = "prompt"

    command = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    user_id = Column(String)
    title = Column(Text)
    content = Column(Text)
    timestamp = Column(BigInteger)

    access_control = Column(JSON, nullable=True)  # Controls data access levels.
    # Defines access control rules for this entry.
    # - `None`: Public access, available to all users with the "user" role.
    # - `{}`: Private access, restricted exclusively to the owner.
    # - Custom permissions: Specific access control for reading and writing;
    #   Can specify group or user-level restrictions:
    #   {
    #      "read": {
    #          "group_ids": ["group_id1", "group_id2"],
    #          "user_ids":  ["user_id1", "user_id2"]
    #      },
    #      "write": {
    #          "group_ids": ["group_id1", "group_id2"],
    #          "user_ids":  ["user_id1", "user_id2"]
    #      }
    #   }

class PromptModel(BaseModel):
    command: str
    user_id: str
    title: str
    content: str
    timestamp: int  # timestamp in epoch

    access_control: Optional[dict] = None
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes=True)

# Forms

class PromptUserResponse(PromptModel):
    user: Optional[UserResponse] = None

class PromptForm(BaseModel):
    command: str
    title: str
    content: str
    access_control: Optional[dict] = None

class PromptsTable:
    def insert_new_prompt(
        self, user_id: str, form_data: PromptForm
    ) -> Optional[PromptModel]:
        prompt = PromptModel(
                "user_id": user_id,
                "timestamp": int(time.time()),

            with get_db() as db:
                result = Prompt(**prompt.model_dump())
                if result:
                    return PromptModel.model_validate(result)
                    return None
        except Exception:
            return None

    def get_prompt_by_command(self, command: str) -> Optional[PromptModel]:
            with get_db() as db:
                prompt = db.query(Prompt).filter_by(command=command).first()
                return PromptModel.model_validate(prompt)
        except Exception:
            return None

    def get_prompts(self) -> list[PromptUserResponse]:
        with get_db() as db:
            prompts = []

            for prompt in db.query(Prompt).order_by(Prompt.timestamp.desc()).all():
                user = Users.get_user_by_id(prompt.user_id)
                            "user": user.model_dump() if user else None,

            return prompts

    def get_prompts_by_user_id(
        self, user_id: str, permission: str = "write"
    ) -> list[PromptUserResponse]:
        prompts = self.get_prompts()

        return [
            for prompt in prompts
            if prompt.user_id == user_id
            or has_access(user_id, permission, prompt.access_control)

    def update_prompt_by_command(
        self, command: str, form_data: PromptForm
    ) -> Optional[PromptModel]:
            with get_db() as db:
                prompt = db.query(Prompt).filter_by(command=command).first()
                prompt.title = form_data.title
                prompt.content = form_data.content
                prompt.access_control = form_data.access_control
                prompt.timestamp = int(time.time())
                return PromptModel.model_validate(prompt)
        except Exception:
            return None

    def delete_prompt_by_command(self, command: str) -> bool:
            with get_db() as db:

                return True
        except Exception:
            return False

Prompts = PromptsTable()